All LPI 201-450 certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the 201-450 LPIC-2 Exam 201 practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!
The 201-450 exam, otherwise known as LPIC-2 Exam 201, is the first professional certification test in the multi-level program conducted by open-source support and global certification organization, Linux Professional Institute (LPI). The objective of this exam is to test the skills and knowledge of candidates to perform advanced system administration of small to medium-sized mixed networks. The array of topics tested is wide, varying, and usually random so, a lot of time will be needed to prepare for the 201-450 exam. But before you set the goal to get the LPIC-2 certification, that you can earn by passing 201-450 and 202-450 exams, you need to possess the LPIC-1 certificate.
201-450 Exam Details
The database of the 201 exam involves a total of 60 fill-in-the-gap and multiple-choice questions which are to be completed within 90 minutes. The 201-450 exam can be written in German, English, Portuguese (Brazilian), and Japanese at Pearson VUE test centers, at the same time, in the online format, candidates can only take this test in the English language via the Pearson VUE onVUE testing platform. The exam price depends on region you are going to pass it in. For example, taking it in the USA will cost you $200. The rest pricing you can easily find on the LPI official website. To pass this test test-takers are expected to be proficient and experienced enough to get minimum 500 points out of the total score of 800. The obtained certification is valid for 5 years.
Target Audience and Prerequisites
Individuals who desire to deepen their knowledge of Linux System Administration, are ready to know everything about Networking and Advanced Linux Administration are ideal candidates for 201 exam. To add more these are ambitious people that are eager to earn more, work hard and grow professionally. Experience requirements of a minimum of 2 years with Unix are indicated, but this shouldn't be a limitation if you are willing to bridge the gap with intensive practice and training.
Skills Tested in the Exam
According to LPI, this exam reviews your ability to perform advanced system administration alongside management of block storage and file systems, as well as you should carry out advanced networking and authentication and system security; install and configure fundamental network services in conjunction with management advice on automation and purchases. By and large, there are 7 major topics, ranging from topics such as Capacity Building, Linux Kernel, System Startup, File system and Devices, Advanced Storage Device Administration, Network Configuration and System Maintenance. It is important to bear in mind that each of them contains different objectives and their individual weights, key knowledge areas, terms, and utilities.
Within the syllabus, all of the numerous topics and objectives with individual details ensure certified candidates are well-rounded and skilled in all the areas they should have a thorough understanding. As mentioned above, each objective has a weight ranged from 1-4 to signify relative importance. Thereby, objectives with higher weights typically are included in questions more frequently.
Preparation for the LPI 201-450 exam
Getting prepared for the LPI 201-450 exam requires being able to not just work hard but work smart. Access to the best training resources is of utmost importance, and listed below are a few:
- NobleProg Linux LPI LPIC-2 Exam 201 Preparation Training Course offers candidates the option to take the training online and offline. The fee for online classes is $1,275 per participant while the $2,600 is the stated fee for the offline classroom. This training course has the benefit of being very flexible and lasts a total of 14 hours, including breaks. However, it involves a series of lectures and practice exercises with full coverage of the LPI 201-450 exam objectives.
- Linux Professional Institute LPIC-2 (201-400) Video Training Course with Shawn Powers is an intensive course that details all the terms, processes, and requisite skills suitable to the LPIC-2 syllabus. Moreover, this program offers candidates a chance to practically operate and configure Linux machines and enjoy other hands-on exercises that would largely boost their understanding of the LPI topics and hence their performance in the 201-450 exam.
Books and Study Guides
You can't be too dedicated to succeeding and so, it is important to not only engage with training programs but also to take time to study privately with books and study guides that represent one of the best sources of information relating to the exam.
- The LPIC-2 Exam Prep, 6th edition by Sue B. V. contains exam tips and helpful information about the exam and steps on how to pass it excellently that would be of great help to any candidate. The set of documents are carefully written, collated, edited, and updated by individuals who are part of or have passed through the exam process and have first-hand knowledge and experience which they share here. So, with this material, candidates can be sure they are getting prepared with accurate, properly researched, and comprehensive information they can trust.
- LPIC-2 Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide by Christine Bresnaham and Richard Blum is valuable source that any candidate needs for LPIC-2 certification preparation. The book provides not only detailed and updated information that covers all the objectives of the 201-450 exam as well as 202-450, but it also has several helpful resources like electronic flashcards, bonus interactive practice exams, and a comprehensive keyword glossary. You can easily purchase this study guide on the Amazon website in the Kindle or paper version.
The adoption of Linux products continues to grow worldwide, from the individual user, government agencies, and IT sector, and finally to the motor-vehicle and space industries using open-source technology, which requires employees to have more knowledge and skills with Linux. This is why the Linux certificate serves as an excellent introduction to the more complete and advanced Linux Professional certification path.
As you may have gathered, getting certified as intensive as the LPIC-2 201-450 exam isn't simple or easy. It often takes lots of work and deserves from you the best results on the final test. With enough dedication, practice, and most importantly, access to the right preparation training and materials, you are guaranteed to successfully ace this exam with high flying colors. So, just enroll for the exam, start preparing diligently, and get one step closer to your desired position.
LPI 201-450 practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE Files format by real users. Study and Pass 201-450 LPIC-2 Exam 201 certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are to help students.