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All Cisco ENWLSD 300-425 certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the 300-425 Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (300-425 ENWLSD) practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!

Wireless Enterprise Network Design Fundamentals

17. CH01-V16 Gathering Customer Information

New Lesson In this lesson, we will talk about gathering customer information. What will be the customer type? What are the different services that the customer will offer to their employees or clients? We will all talk about them. So first of all, when we go and meet our customer, we need to understand the business type. Because the type of business will provide us with numerous hints that will be extremely useful during the design and site survey processes. Even before going to the customer meeting, we need to go to the Internet, browse their website, understand their business, and understand their possible concerns and challenges that we already talked about. And then we will understand the type of client type. As we go through the business, we will now understand the employee. Which applications do employees use? What is the client type? Is it a technology company? So will they need high bandwidth? Are there paying customers on the premises? Or will it be a step-only kind of network? We need to understand that.

Then we also need to ask questions about the services they provide on premises and the products they offer to their customers. Now, this is our own customer, but we need to understand to whom they are providing services. So even our customers will have a customer. So we need to understand what kind of service they will need to provide and what will be the cultural service, the limits, and the burning requirements. Is there a product that they require for location tracking? You can even bring RFID tags to the customer meeting. You can even bring previous examples of similar customer designs. Of course, you will not show them the exact design, device, devices, or licensing. Some things that need to be kept confidential should be kept out of that customer meeting. But you should give examples. You should talk about some customer success stories.

So you need to be well prepared. Before your meeting with the customer, you should also think about the facility's schedule. What will be the buildings, what will be the location for that customer, is it going to be a single operational centre or will it require branches? So maybe you need to talk about some Flex Connect deployments. Maybe different architectures should be considered. And also, you need to understand the project information. Of course, you need to gather some valuable information beforehand. But in the meeting, you should understand whether this is going to be a greenfield or brownfield. It's a new deployment. Is it an upgrade? What will be the scale of the project? Will it cover the entire campus? Will it cover just some specific departments? What will be the timeline for the project? Are there any budget constraints?

Or is the customer willing to go beyond the specified budget to bring on some new technologies that they might need to use in the next three years? Maybe? Again, you need to ask the customer about the users. Are they providing any services that you weren't aware of and that you didn't discuss in that specific meeting? What is the truth about their applications' roaming requirements? Are they using applications that are very well known, such as Skype, Jabber, and Webex? Or are they employing any particular premises and applications? Maybe they wrote their own applications and have some specific requirements for those applications. You should ask and take notes about all those things. If it's an upgrade, you should also get some notes about what the problem was and what problems they had with the previous vendor, because you don't want to make the same mistakes over and over, which will negate the change they require.

So they shouldn't experience the same problems with you. And you should also understand the project team we talked about previously. But to sum it up, you need to understand who initiated the project, who are the sponsors, who is the technical team, and are those people very aware of wireless products and wireless technologies? And when you put all of these together, maybe you should also consider talking about some constraints.

These can be budget constraints, and this can be constraints and some throughput constraints. So you should also understand the coverage requirement, especially so you can discuss all of those details with the customer and gather as much information as possible. We will plan a site survey as the next step. You will start your design and maybe get some floor plans from the customers beforehand. So you might want to work on the predictive site survey and just understand what is going on and what might happen before you start your own site survey. So those are the two pieces of information you require from your client.

18. CH01-V17 Design Documentation

Hello and welcome to our new lesson. You've met with the customer, gathered some information about them, and requested some design documentation from them now that you're in the design phase. What is the design documentation? First of all, you need to gather theories; they can be physical or logical. So physical topology is actually what you need to determine the physical location of existing network devices such as switches? POV switches, wide-area connections, and physical interface connections, not logical interface connections And you need to know how many network interfaces you have available for the access point connections. Poe. Poe.

Also, please tell us the type and number of ports on your switches. You need to get your IP address, and you need to get all the logical topology so you'll be able to understand the traffic paths and VLANs available for services. Do you have AAA? What about the triple-A server? Will your access points get authorization from the triple for the client connection? And will your existing WiFi document have any missing points? So you will ask the customer to update them because the documents, even in most enterprises, are not updated frequently, but you have to check the validity of the document against the real network.

This is not something that is discussed in many designs, but you have to do it when you understand that you have to do it when you do many designs on the field. So you have to understand the existing infrastructure very well. And if it is going to be an upgrade, if you are going to replace a previous vendor, you have to understand the previous architecture. So you will be able to make your design appropriate for that. And also, we need to talk about the building layout, different building plans, and which campuses will be in our wireless design. Of course, campuses have buildings, and buildings have floors, so we need to have all those plans from the customer. We also need to understand the material information on each floor so that when we are doing the predictive site survey, we will be able to match each building material to the one that we are using and the one that we use in the actual site survey software.

So the building materials, walls, floors, floor layouts, building types, the existing infrastructure, topologies—these are all the elements that will affect your design and your deployment type. We need to get them as documents, and we need to ask for specific types of documents because the customer doesn't have to know each of those details. As a designer and an architect, you need to ask for each of those documents specifically, and you need to specify that the customer will provide information about materials and each site information. Thank you for watching.

19. CH01-V18 Customer Questionnaire

Hello and welcome to our new lesson. In this lesson, we will talk about customer questionnaires. Remember, we talked about asking the customer for some documents, and in those documents, the customer's requirements will not be specifically written, and an important technical aspect will not be clarified there. So to clarify those important technical details, we must use a customer questionnaire. This will contain a couple of questions for each specific element so that we can get the additional information that we need to come up with a successful design. So what are those? First of all, we need to understand the applications. How many applications do we need to support? What are the names of those applications? Are those applications frequently used? Or which of those applications are not frequently used? We need to understand that.

We need to know that. We need to get the troop requirements for those applications. It is important to consider the application minimum requirements and maximum requirements. We cannot design the whole network to meet the maximum requirements, but we should be able to meet those requirements if we need to. We need to understand the packet size. What is the size of the packet that is generated by those applications? Are there any different packet sizes for different application requirements? Then we need to understand the client count—how many clients are there? And are the clients changing while we are serving them? Because in certain situations in retail and in some environments, the overall client capacity and the bandwidth needs change frequently, So in the morning there will be a different client count; there will be different types of clients; and in the evening there will be a different client count.

And we need to design our network to satisfy the maximum requirements. And we must be able to consider some power requirements so that we do not have to power all access points and can instead put them to sleep. And we also need to understand different device types. Are the clients allowed to bring their own devices?

Or can they just use certain scanners or devices that are company-specified? Or is this maybe a university where we need to be able to support all kinds of devices, from Android to Windows, and even some devices that will be specifically needed for certain areas? So for a good design, we need to go over all those questions, and we need to ask those questions specifically to our customers. Then, after the customer fills out this questionnaire, we can also let them fill it out together so that they will understand what they need to fill out and why you would need to fill out such a customer questionnaire. So this will be an important step in gathering initial business and technical information.

20. CH01-V19 Statement of Work Document

Hello and welcome to our new lesson. In this lesson, we will talk about the Statement of Work document, or SOW.

In short, this is the document that clearly defines the scope of the work. So, before you provide site survey services, tell the customer which locations you will cover, how long the survey will take, whether it will be active or passive, and whether it will be limited to specific locations or will you do it for all locations. And you will also give the customer the schedule, the timing, and the pricing of your services. This is used to avoid later misunderstandings and some conflicts that can happen between you and the customer. This is actually the best document to clearly state the scope, so everyone will be on the same page and understand each other. And with this document, you can state everything clearly. And if there is a need or if there needs to be a change by the customer before starting the work, you can do it with a scope change document.

Scope change document sed, and then you will simply begin your site survey and adhere to the clearly defined scope in the event that the customer requires you to deliver the Promise Network and survey within specified scheduling and pricing, and your expectations will be identical. You want the project to be done in a certain time frame, and you are expected to get a certain amount of payment. This will be like a contract between you and the customer.

This document is also good if there happen to be any unexpected constraints, and this will clearly tell you which will be your part of the work and which will be considered a new part of the work so that it will be covered by the customer with extra cost or not. If a customer wants something extra, and possibly in some cases, the customer will not even understand the exact scope of the work, and this will be at work that will help you in those situations where misunderstanding occurs. So the customer may want certain things done within the scope of your work, but this is accepted before beginning your work, and even before starting the side business, right?

You can just show them what is included and what is not included, and there won't be any misunderstanding. But if you don't do that, believe me, there will be many demands from the customer, even if they are not doing it in Badville; they will not be professionals or wireless experts in this field, and they will understand that certain locations need to be included. Certain requirements need to be included in the scope, so if they want something extra, that will be an extra for the project and will not be in the scope of the work. So this is an important document that you must complete, not only for your wild designs, but also for your professional network life. You need to do it for all of your projects. So this is what? same amount of work? The document is thankful.

21. CH01-V20 Starting The Site Survey

And welcome to our new lesson. In this lesson, we will talk about starting the site survey. So we got all the documents from the customer; we got the floor plans. Now we know where we will apply the site survey. And before even doing the actual site survey, we need to go to the customer site and do an initial walkthrough. In this initial walkthrough, you will assess the building type. We will look for some zones that will be difficult for us to reach or do a proper site survey. And we will look for the floor plans, whether they are correct or not.

Actually, this is a step that you will take for a better view of the documents, as you are the one with the professional and export knowledge. Now you will ask the customer to let him inside the facilities and answer any questions that were not asked before. In this walkthrough, we will look for any details that are missed in the documents or the questionnaire. We will go and try to understand whether the map is correct and whether the scale is the right one. So we will also check whether there are any new walls that are not in the floor plan or even whether there are any walls that are removed from the floor plan.

And we will check some details that are not mentioned on the main coverage map. We will go and try to find some unexpected roaming pets. So we'll basically know if the stairs are covered, if there are any metallic floors, if there are any cubicles in the conference room, or if it's something that is already visible on the floor plan. And we will go and check for the materials. Some materials are put on the floor plan simply as "wool." But what kind of wool? Is it a glass wall? Is it similar to a brick wall? Are the materials the same as those defined in the floor plan? We will go and do some quick measurements for the scale and measurements because whether the ceilings are at the correct height, and we will also check some clients to see if the users are moving around the office or if they are statically sitting in certain places. And we will also have a professional and educated eye. Go and check the density of the clients. So we talked with the customer, and the customer told us there is a specific density for the clients.

Is it correct? Is it different from the time that we spoke with the customer? and we will try to identify some RF sources. Could there be any RF sources that will create some interference? We will check that, and we will also go and check the existing infrastructure. This is done to just check whether there are any new wireless phones, whether there are any cameras or headsets, and especially, are there enough switches or is the POE availability okay? Are there any ports that will be suitable for our access point deployment? We will assess the wider infrastructure for throughput.

We will go and check whether we can reach the server locations from the place that we were allowed, from the subnet that we were allowed, so that we will be able to do the deployment properly. We will be able to conduct the site survey properly because we will need to connect to some side server types, such as Apionistic. You might need to connect; you don't have to, but we might need to connect to the existing infrastructure. We will also go over our coverage areas. So, regardless of whether the main building is linked to the other buildings via cable or fiber, we want to COVID outdoor environments such as parking spots. Do we have to COVID certain areas that connect buildings together, or do we need to create some spaces that will be WiFi-free? That is something we should all look into. We should also consider aesthetic concerns, especially if we are doing this walk-through with the customer, who will have the most influence over the decision-making. Then we will be able to understand how they want the access points positioned. They might be asking you to position the doors, for example, like this one, but you might want to do that. and inside the ceiling tiles. But is it allowed? Will the customer approve that design? And if you are doing it like this one, you might need to use some external antennas, and whether the customer approves of that or not is going to be another concern.

As a result, we should also discuss those asset concerns with the customer. There are even certain situations where you need to check the humidity and heat because it will change the absorption level. You should also consider materials between floors because signals will bleed into down and up floors in certain light materials. So you need to check that material for the access point positioning and whether the customer might even not have the whole building to themselves. They might have floors. Assume this is our structure, a simple structure.

Maybe we have the second and third floors for our customers, but the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors are for another customer. And you might need to just cover these two floors. And if these floor materials are, for instance, lightwood, you might bleed WiFi signals down to the first floor.

So you need to check that and check it with the customers because you don't want the first floor to use the second floor WiFi, and for environmental and health concerns, they might not even want the WiFi signal to bleed into them. So you should also check that with the customer. So in this video, we talked about how to start the site survey. Of course, we will go through different types of site surveys and how we can do them properly. But this is the initial step. And this is even before completing the site survey. This is all about completing the initial walkthrough.

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