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45. Scenario 1. Establish iBGP Peer between Spine and Leaf Switches
And then the entire configuration that I have in spine numberone I have assigned to a spine number two as well, then from here I can check PGP configuration seven. peers, so everything seems good. Now let's quickly move to Leaf. Number one, and in the leaf, number one also. I need to first of all enable the feature BGP; once I enable that, I have to do the rest of the configuration, so let's quickly do the rest of the configuration. This time I need to first of all enable the BGP. So the router is BGP 6500. Let me assign the router ID 1st, 192-1680eight, then add a family IP for unicost. Now for the neighbor. That is 192-1680 six. That is one of my spines, which has remote areas of the same 6,500. So let's quickly verify this configuration. First, before moving further, I am enabling the router BGP, then adding the router ID from the IPB for unicast. Correct. Then my neighbour is this, and the remote is this. So what can I add here? I can add update source loopback as a zero here as well, okay, so let me add that update source zero and the same configuration I have to do with seven as well, so what can I do with shore and busy, okay? So for the neighbor, that will be seven. I need to do the same and address some will be IPV for unicast end communities. I have made a little change in configuration here just to verify this.
So what I have done here is that for dotsix, I have used this much of the only command. But here I have added "send community," say both. That was my command, okay? And then I have added additional IP before unicost. Now, what I want to do is just quickly verify and show the IP BGP summary that my neighbour is up or not. So here's what I'm seeing. That, with respect to 7, is spine number 2. It is up, correct? But it is not up with respect to six, so that means again I'll go inside the router BGP 6500 and then I can mention my neighbor, so let me mention the neighbour that will be six, this one, and then add some IPV 4 Unicorn send community to both. Now if I check the IPGP summary just to check my BGP neighbour relationship, both are up. So, finally, this configuration I need to add to all the devices is correct? The only thing that will happen is that the router ID will change. So what I'll do is copy and paste from here to all the leaf switches. So let me quickly go to leaf number one, enable the feature called BGP router BGP 6500, then the router ID 19216, and finally the configuration. So from here, once we've done all these configurations, what we wanted will go to spine number one, and from spine number one, we will verify the BGP neighbour relationship. And here you can see the order as well.
46. scenario-2-configuring-multicast-to-support-bum-in-vxlan-fabric-
In this section, we are going to configure multicast to support BUM, that is, broadcast unicast and multicast in the Vxline fabric. Now, it's very important to understand that while we are doing the configuration at that time, we need to consider a few points. What are those points? Those points are the underlying multicast infrastructure that will be used for bump traffic. That is the unknown broadcast, unicast, and multicast traffic. That is one point. The other point is that the RP configuration is not supported on Leaf switches. So these RP configurations will do over a spine. Okay? And the other important point here is to understand that it is recommended to configure RP only on the spine node and use the any-cost RP, that is, the random-point model, for the load balancing and the redundancy. So these are very important points that we need to consider. And while I do the configuration, I will show you the entire configuration step by step.
Now, if you see the configuration or whatever things we need to consider here, So first of all, we need to enable the feature, enable the PIN. Okay? So first of all, I have to go on to the next switches and type "feature pin." So that will enable that feature of PIM. Then configure the spine and leaf interfaces for PIM. So these are actually very important points. Point number one is to enable the feature. Point number two is to configure the spine and leave the interface for PIM. You'll see that? And here I'm going to use the IP pin in sparse mode. Okay? Enable Router OSPF on the loopback interface, which I will also show you while I do the configuration. Then enable any cast RP between the spine switches. So these are the considerations. These are the configurational points that I have to do here on the spine and Leaf here inside say spine number one. This is what I'm doing. So we'll do that step by step. And here you can see in the notes that you should enter the following commands on spines one and two to configure the PIM and the OSPF on a new loopback interface. Since this is at no cost, the configuration commands are the same on both servers because they are RP rendering points. So these are the configurations, the same type of configuration I'm going to enter on a spine one and two, and these are my Any Cost configuration. This configuration is the same, and we'll see how they are used in the low-cost configurations. So I'll create one new loopback, say loopback one, with this IP inside IPM in sparse mode. And then I'll enable the IP router OSPF on that. And then I'll go to spine 1, and I'll do this configuration here. In this configuration, you can see that the rendering point is mapped to spine 1.
Then it is mapped with a spine two like that. And then for the rest of the interfaces, I'm enabling PIM rights. Likewise, I'll do the same configuration for spine 2 as well. same configuration I have here as well. Then I will go and configure leaves one through four. Leaf one to four. These leaves are all they know. Okay, this is the way I can reach the RP; what is the RP address? So go and configure the RP address for all the leads from one to four. And then I need to enable the IP pin in sparse mode on all the interfaces participating in this VXLAN. Okay, once we do that, then we'll check the IP PIM neighbor. These are the steps that I'm going to take for COVID in this particular section. Let me log in to my devices, and I'll show you all these steps one by one. All this configuration, one by one. Here I am inside my spine one, and let's do the configuration. So first of all, what we need to do here, let me take it here so you can see the configuration I need to enable the feature PIM. Then I'll go and create a loopback with the IP address. This is an IP pin in sparse mode, and then the iProuter OSPF area is zero, the same configuration that I have shown you over the slides we are doing here. So once we do this much configuration, then I have to do configuration related to multi cast.This is also related to multicast, but the configuration that is used for random point and any cast we need to do that. Let me do that configuration, saying IP pin and the RP address will be because this is the RP address. This particular spine is the RP as well.
Then IP PIM will say any cast RP zero 100, and then I will map it with 192 one six, which is its loopback zero address, and then I'll map with seven as well. Then I have interfaces, say interface e. One last 124, where I want to enable IPAM in sparse mode, and then finally, I have an interface that looks back at zero there. Also, I want to enable IP payment with a password. Okay, so these configurations, the same ones I have to put inside the others, are fine as well. So let me quickly check the pin configuration. Here it is. So first of all, I need to enable the feature called "Pin" and then the RP address. These things, as you can see, are already there. But let me go and do the same thing inside the spine too as well. Let me open that first of all, a feature called PIM. Let me fix my screen so you can see it. Okay, then the same is just what I'm going to do here. Then I'll go to loopback one and have my IP address say 00:32 IPM in sparse mode. Then the IP router OSP has the RP address I need to assign; this is my IP address.
Then IP pin anycast RP? So this should map to six and seven. Then I'll go to interface e, one less than one, two, four, and there I need to enable IP PIN in this password. Finally, I have interface loopback set to zero because we have already enabled that so we can check Shan PIM. Okay, so now we have the configuration related to Pimi. I'll go to the leaps. So let me go to the leaps. And first of all, I need to enable the feature called PIM. If you want to save your time, you can go here. I can enable that feature, and you can send that to all the leads. Okay, so here I need to go inside the global configuration, and then I have to send that. No problem, we'll go to configuration and then feature Pimp. Now we'll send that. Okay, so here on all the leads we have the same type of configuration. Let me fix this screen first and then do the configurations once it comes up. So what configuration do I have? I need to give an IP address; the RP address is 192.168.0. Then came the interfaces. So interfaces are one less than one up to four. And these are Ippman sparse modes. And then I have an interface loopback zero.
Okay, that's it. So this configuration I need to put on all the devices. Let us go to the tools. I can copy and paste that configuration. This is the first. Then say interface e, last one up to four, IPpin sparse mode, and interface loopback, zero IP pin. That's it. Let me send this to all the devices. Let us quickly verify that in these devices, there is actually only one uplink going towards the spine. So from here, I have eleven and twelve. And then I have a one-three that is connected to the server. So that's why we have this error. But anyway, it's okay. Now if I check this inside any of the pinning, we are checking in any of the leaves. And here, our configuration is very small. Simply Iprprdes. That's it. And then I can go inside the spine for the verification. For verification, we can check the showIP pin and then the neighbor. So if everything is okay, you can see here that we have four neighbors, and that's the configuration that we have done from our leaps. Because I have two spines (1234), we have four-pin enabled interfaces. So that's why we have four neighbors. Here the same thing applies. I will go and check. Today is fine. number two as well. And here also I can check show IP pin neighbors. Here it is. Okay, so we are very much done with this particular section.
47. Scenario-3-configuring-vxlan-fabric-part-01
This is a very important segment where I have to map my L-2 VLAN with the VNI. So here you can see those VLAN-to-VNI mappings. And in this table, you can see that I have mapped with the VN ID 51 for zero, one for one, mapping with VNIthis and mapping with this multi-card group as well. Then finally, I have L three VNIs where I'm mapping with this VNI. So this portion of configuration is actually very important for this VXLAN overlay. And for that, obviously, we need some sort of feature to be enabled. These are the features that will be enabled, say, for NV overlay. Then we have this VLAN-to-VNI mapping. So feature VN segments and VLAN-based Then we have NVoverlay VPN to enable the EVPN feature inside the switches. Finally, I'll go to all my leaves, which are leaf 1 through 4, and then the VLAN to VNI mapping. VLAN to VNI mapping—that's okay; that's one portion, one part.
Finally, I have to create the VRS as well. Once I create the VRS, then I will go inside the interface VLAN. And then I will map this to a certain VRF. Before we fabric, there is no cast gateway because we have no cast configuration over these fines. So this configuration says for interface VLAN 140, then the configuration for 141, then the configuration for VLAN and triple line. And finally, I have to create the NVE interface. That is our term for a network virtualized interface. This is actually the glue between my underlay and the overlay fabric here. So this portion, I think, comes twice. So we need to configure once here in this configuration, and you can see that inside the NVE interface I am mapping my loopback, I am mapping my VNI with the multicast group. And then finally, I have two very important commands. One is the host reachability protocol BGP. Because of our EVPN, we are going to use BGP. And inside that BGP, I need to enable the address family called EVPN. And then finally, I need to associate the VR. And this is my L-3 VNI that I'm using here. So these are the commands.
Once I do complete all these commands, then I can go and check the envy, where I'll find that. Yeah, these are my L and 2NV. These are my Ls. Two VL and two VNI mapping And this is my Level 3 map, and everything is up and running. Okay, so let's just go back and do the configuration for all these leaves and the spine switch step by step. So let me log in to my device first. And first of all, I will enable the feature. So what I can do here is simply run a script to enable the feature. So let me go inside the tools and let me send this script for the feature. So, the feature is envy overlay. Then I have to say "feature." So I can type something like this: feature VN segment Vlan-based, and then finally, I can give NV over lay EBP. Okay, so let's just send this script, and we can quickly verify. It seems that the script has run through all the devices.
So once we do that, then what is the next thing that I have to do? The next thing that I have to do is create a VLAN and map it to the VNI. So rest of the configurations are related to leave one to four. What I will do again is go to the script, and then here, let me select none. Let me quickly check with Leaf 1 and then send the same configuration to all the other devices. So my spanning tree save me land 114-014-1999. That is the last one. The priority is 4096. You send this script. That's correct. Then finally, I have to do the configuration. Okay, so what I can do here is type all these things in a notepad and paste them just to save our time. But from the script, too, you can learn this. So now I will do and execute the commands overall for the leap switches from leaf one to leaf four. Okay, so let's open the script now.
Next, what I want to do is create VLAN 40. I want to name it Say. This is L-2 VNI, and the VN segment is 50140, correct? Likewise, I have Say, and the name is Ltwovni 1, and the VM segment is 50141. Finally, we have VLAN 9-9-9, and it is mapped to the VL segment 5099. That's it. Let's send this as a script. So while creating this VLAN, we'll get such errors. We'll ignore these errors. And now if I show a VLAN, so I have VLAN nine, they are active. Let me quickly verify the other leads as well. Great. So now that we have done one part of the configuration, we can move on to the second portion. What I want to do is go to the script one more time, and from here, let me exit. We want to do the configuration for the VR. Okay, so let me create the VRF.
I want to create the VRF called tenant one and the VNI 5099 RD, then say address family correctIPV for unicost, and then the route target both auto. So I'll do a small script configuration because if we have some problem, even in the spelling, then we need to do everything again. Okay, so I'm doing small bits of configuration one by one. Here I can give auto, but with EVPN, let's send this configuration first. Okay, so this way we can create the VR, and inside that VR, we have some other commands as well. So let's complete that. We have some small commands like "fabric forwarding anycast gateway Mac," but this command is actually a big one that you can refer to from the slide.
Now, once we do this configuration related to my VR, what is the next question? Next, ask to go inside the interface VLAN and then map this VR inside that. Okay, so for that, I need to go to the interface VLAN. But because this is a specific configuration related to a leaf, that's why I have to go one by one to the interfaces. Even most of the commands will be the same: I can create a template in the notepad and use it. But anyway, I'll copy-paste from the party itself. Okay, so let me go inside the interface VLAN. First of all, say that I will do the no shut.
Then we are a member, say tenant one, and the noIP redirects IP address is 7722-114-0124, and the fabric forwarding mode is any cast gateway. Okay, likewise, I can go to the other room and the member will be the same. No IP redirect will be the same. The IP address I need to change, and here I can give it, and then the fabric forwarding mode and the cast gateway. Finally, I have interfaced the VRone and then the IP forward. Okay, so this configuration I need to do on all the leaves, and here you can see the configuration is even. I can write a script, and I can do it. Okay, so 999, let me go and copy and paste in the notepad. Let me make that configuration correct. Then here as well, we'll do the configuration and then the final.
48. Scenario 3. Configuring VXLAN Fabric part 02_m1
This section. So this is my final configuration of all the leave switches. Okay, let me quickly paste this. Even if you don't want to go hop by hop, you can go and paste this to the script, and from the script, it will automatically take this configuration. Okay, let's just stop here. We'll continue from here in the next section. Let us complete the configuration.
So now I need to create the NV interface. So for that, I can go to global configuration mode interface NVE, say one, and then I can do the rest of the configuration. My source interface is the loopback-one host reachability protocol. I am using BGP, the multicast. So let me quickly check what options I have here; you can see that options include advertise config, source MCAST routing the source interfaces, and suppress all these options I have. So let me do the member first, and the member is a VNI. I know what my VNI ID is; that is 50141, and the MCAST group is 239-00-1410. kay. Finally, the other important command is the VNIine Nine Nine and its associate, the VR. Let me show you the configuration for this NBE one. So we do like this show-run interface NVE one, and this is the configuration.
Okay, so my NV interface protocol is BGP, and these are the VNIs I'm mapping inside this NV interface. This configuration I will paste onto the rest of the leaves. So let me do that. I'm pasting the configuration. So once I place all these configurations, then what I'll do is go and quickly verify the configurations and the options related to them. So let's do the verification. What I can do here is check and show NVEVNI, and this is actually a very important output here. In this particular output You can see that I have L2VNI here, and then I have L3V and I. These L, V, and I are mapped with the multi-gas group, as you can see here, and then finally, I have L, V, and I. Everything is up and running. So the same thing I will check with all of them leaves. So let me go to my other leaves, say leaves two, three, and four, and we'll check on Nvevni. This is also good; let us go and check to leave three and leave four as well. So inside leaf one, if you see what other options you have with NB, you can see here that you have options related to BFT that are bi-directional forwarding (VNI) and internal interfaces. Some other options also exist if I quickly check VRS. So here you can see the gateway Mac address and the VNA ID.
So let me quickly show you the configuration that we have done so far with this particular leaf switch. So we have done the configuration with respect to NVE. That was our last configuration. Apart from that, we have configured the VLAN interfaces, say 140-14-1999 if I check my VR, and then we have enabled some of the features, so if I simply check the features and include enable, we can see what types of features are enabled here. So we have NVE that is an enabled segment, okay, so this way we can verify our configuration, and finally, we have done some configuration related to PM as well, so you can check your PM configurations as well.
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