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350-901 Exam - Verified By Experts
350-901 Premium Bundle

350-901 Premium Bundle

  • Premium File 383 Questions & Answers. Last update: Mar 25, 2025
  • Training Course 106 Video Lectures
  • Study Guide 1255 Pages
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350-901 Premium File
350-901 Premium File 383 Questions & Answers

Includes question types found on the actual exam such as drag and drop, simulation, type-in and fill-in-the-blank.

350-901 Video Training Course
350-901 Training Course 106 Lectures Duration: 14h 02m

Based on real-life scenarios similar to those encountered in the exam, allowing you to learn by working with real equipment.

350-901 PDF Study Guide
350-901 Study Guide 1255 Pages

Developed by IT experts who have passed the exam in the past. Covers in-depth knowledge required for exam preparation.

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Download Free Cisco 350-901 Exam Dumps, Practice Test
Cisco 350-901 Practice Test Questions, Cisco 350-901 Exam dumps

All Cisco DEVCOR 350-901 certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the 350-901 Developing Applications using Cisco Core Platforms and APIs (DEVCOR) practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!

The Cisco 350-901 DEVCOR exam is taken by those candidates who want to obtain the Cisco Certified DevNet Specialist – Core certification. It focuses on testing the candidates’ ability to manage software development tasks and deliver design results with the help of Cisco platforms, APIs, and apps.

Audience for 350-901 DEVCOR Certification Exam

To be exact, the Cisco 350-901 DEVCOR test is suitable for those candidates who want to get not only the Certified DevNet Specialist – Core designation, but also for those who want to start the certification path for the Cisco Certified DevNet Professional qualification. In particular, this certification exam is suitable for those candidates who want to develop their skills for taking a role as a developer and already have several years of experience maintaining and developing different applications with the help of the Cisco platform and products. Therefore, the target audience is formed of network engineers who want to expand their skills with the help of automation and software applications. It is also suitable for developers who want to enhance their skills in DevOps and automation areas. Another category of specialists who might be interested in this test consists of solution architects who are planning to move to the Cisco platform and infrastructure. Finally, it is suitable for infrastructure developers who plan to learn how to design different production environments.

Cisco 350-901 DEVCOR Exam Details

The candidates who want to take 350-901 test should know that its duration is 2 hours. Plus, the registration can be done using the Pearson VUE platform. Even though Cisco doesn’t have any prerequisites for this exam, the vendor recommends that the examinees should know how to work with Cisco APIs and Core Platforms. As already mentioned above, such a test is the first one to obtain the DevNet Professional certification. Apart from this exam, the designation can be obtained after passing one of the following concentration exams:

  • ENAUTO 300-435;
  • CLAUTO 300-835;
  • DCAUTO 300-635;
  • SPAUTO 300-535;
  • SAUTO 300-735;
  • DEVOPS 300-910;
  • DEVIOT 300-915;
  • DEVWBX 300-920.

Skills Tested in Cisco DEVCOR 350-901

The candidates who take such an exam should be ready to demonstrate that they have the following skills:

  • Evaluating diverse application design features by considering different parameters such as scalability, modularity, rate limiting, high-availability, or resiliency.
  • Implementing and constructing different apps as well as identifying effective methods such as HTTP cache controls to optimize APIs.
  • Constructing API requests with the help of Webex Teams API or by using Firepower device management.
  • Diagnosing a failure in CI/CD pipeline as well as identifying the right storage approach which is relevant to a specific scenario.
  • Utilizing RESTCONF for network device configuration and demonstrating knowledge in configuring network parameters.

Training Materials for Passing DEVCOR 350-901 Test

The candidates can increase their chances to pass the official exam if they use verified training materials, such as:

  • Developing Applications using Cisco Core Platforms and APIs (DEVCOR) v1.0

    This is the official course offered by Cisco for helping candidates to prepare for DEVCOR 350-901 exam. It is suitable for those specialists who want to develop network automation engineering roles at a professional level. During this training, candidates will learn how to understand software development and network practices at their maximum capacity. Therefore, they will be able to meet the business needs by implementing different Cisco apps. Another advantage that the attendees will get is gaining expertise in working with Cisco platforms, as well as automation and applications. Also, this course will award the attendees 64 CE credits which can be used in the future for recertification. By attending this class, the candidates meet the eligibility criteria for DEVCOR 350-901 exam and help them consolidate their skills to pass the test from the first attempt. Overall, the course is available in three different formats. The candidates can choose the instructor-led type of training, where they will attend a classroom course for 5 days. In this time, they will have a lot of hands-on experience. This period is followed by self-study, which is organized for 3 days. What is more, this type of training is also available in a virtual format. Its structure is identical to the classical instructor-led classes, with the only difference that it is delivered in an online-based mode. Finally, the candidates can choose the e-learning format, through which the examinees will receive access to different materials. The effort that they will need to invest during those e-learning lessons is equivalent to 8 days of the full class.

  • 350-901 Developing Applications Using Cisco Core Platforms and APIs v1.0 (DEVCOR 350-901) Exam Latest and Updated Q&A

    This book is available on Amazon in Kindle format. The candidates can buy it for a price of slightly more than $7. The candidates for DEVCOR 350-901 exam will find the answers to the majority of their questions. In general, this guide includes different questions that will help the exam-takers get used to the test objectives and difficulty. Also, as they will have access to the correct answers, the candidates can check their preparedness level. Therefore, they will accurately know when they are really ready to take the official exam. In addition, the author, Cert Pass, mentions that the manual is permanently updated whenever Cisco adds new information to the exam blueprint. Therefore, the candidates will find the latest details that they need to learn to successfully pass the actual test from the first attempt.


Passing the Cisco DEVCOR 350-901 exam is an important achievement for any individual who wants to pursue a career in software design and development. As you will add its related designation to your resume, your chances to get accepted in international organizations and receive a generous payment offer are much higher. You can obtain these great results by using verified training materials and invest your time in self-study with the help of manuals found on the Amazon website.

Cisco DEVCOR 350-901 practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE Files format by real users. Study and Pass 350-901 Developing Applications using Cisco Core Platforms and APIs (DEVCOR) certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are to help students.

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Purchase 350-901 Exam Training Products Individually
 350-901 Premium File
Premium File 383 Q&A
 350-901 Video Training Course
Training Course 106 Lectures
$27.49 $24.99
 350-901 PDF Study Guide
Study Guide 1255 Pages
$27.49 $24.99
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What do our customers say?

The resources provided for the Cisco certification exam were exceptional. The exam dumps and video courses offered clear and concise explanations of each topic. I felt thoroughly prepared for the 350-901 test and passed with ease.

Studying for the Cisco certification exam was a breeze with the comprehensive materials from this site. The detailed study guides and accurate exam dumps helped me understand every concept. I aced the 350-901 exam on my first try!

I was impressed with the quality of the 350-901 preparation materials for the Cisco certification exam. The video courses were engaging, and the study guides covered all the essential topics. These resources made a significant difference in my study routine and overall performance. I went into the exam feeling confident and well-prepared.

The 350-901 materials for the Cisco certification exam were invaluable. They provided detailed, concise explanations for each topic, helping me grasp the entire syllabus. After studying with these resources, I was able to tackle the final test questions confidently and successfully.

Thanks to the comprehensive study guides and video courses, I aced the 350-901 exam. The exam dumps were spot on and helped me understand the types of questions to expect. The certification exam was much less intimidating thanks to their excellent prep materials. So, I highly recommend their services for anyone preparing for this certification exam.

Achieving my Cisco certification was a seamless experience. The detailed study guide and practice questions ensured I was fully prepared for 350-901. The customer support was responsive and helpful throughout my journey. Highly recommend their services for anyone preparing for their certification test.

I couldn't be happier with my certification results! The study materials were comprehensive and easy to understand, making my preparation for the 350-901 stress-free. Using these resources, I was able to pass my exam on the first attempt. They are a must-have for anyone serious about advancing their career.

The practice exams were incredibly helpful in familiarizing me with the actual test format. I felt confident and well-prepared going into my 350-901 certification exam. The support and guidance provided were top-notch. I couldn't have obtained my Cisco certification without these amazing tools!

The materials provided for the 350-901 were comprehensive and very well-structured. The practice tests were particularly useful in building my confidence and understanding the exam format. After using these materials, I felt well-prepared and was able to solve all the questions on the final test with ease. Passing the certification exam was a huge relief! I feel much more competent in my role. Thank you!

The certification prep was excellent. The content was up-to-date and aligned perfectly with the exam requirements. I appreciated the clear explanations and real-world examples that made complex topics easier to grasp. I passed 350-901 successfully. It was a game-changer for my career in IT!