All Microsoft MCSD 70-483 certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the 70-483 MCSD Programming in C# practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!
The Microsoft 70-483 exam tests the skills of developers for programming in C#. The MCSA and MCP certifications can be earned after passing this test.
The Microsoft 70-483 exam contains about 40-60 questions. However, Microsoft does not publish the number of questions contained in the test, and this is just an estimate. The duration of the exam is 120 minutes, or 2 hours. It is meant for those candidates who have at least one-year experience as developers in business logic essential programming for different types of applications, software and hardware platforms through C#.
The 70-483 test is divided into different sections that represent various topics that the candidates will be tested on. Each section carries a particular percentage of the total score. This Microsoft certification exam covers the following areas:
Implementing Data Access (25-30%): This section tests the candidates on manipulating and querying objects and data by using LINQ, performing I/O operations, and retrieving data from collections and storing data in. Besides, one must be able to serialize and deserialize, and consume data.
Debugging Applications and Implementing Security (25-30%): The questions of this topic will check the students’ knowledge of performing asymmetric and symmetric encryption, managing assemblies, debugging applications, and validating application input.
Using and Creating Types (25-30%): This one is dedicated to the following items: creating and consuming types, enforcing encapsulation, managing the object life cycle, manipulating strings, etc. Thus, it is necessary to be competent in creating value types, implementing IDisposable, as well as using the StringWriter, StringBuilder, and StringReader classes to manipulate strings.
Managing Program Flow (25-30%): This section contains questions regarding creating events and callbacks, as well as implementing asynchronous processing, multithreading, program flow, and exception handling. In particular, a person should know how to use the Parallel.For method and ThreadPool, create events using built-in delegate types, handling exception types, and etc.
The interested students can find a lot of tips on how to clear this exam with flying colors at their first attempt. There are also reference documents and helpful links that can help one acquire more knowledge about the topics that are included in this Microsoft certification test.
Microsoft MCSD 70-483 practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE Files format by real users. Study and Pass 70-483 MCSD Programming in C# certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are to help students.
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