All Microsoft MTA 98-367 certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the 98-367 Security Fundamentals practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!
The Microsoft 98-367 exam is a worldwide recognized test associated with the MTA: Security Fundamentals certification.
The Microsoft 98-367 exam is a certification test dedicated to security fundamentals. It is intended for newbies in this sphere who want to gain and check their core technical knowledge. Thus, passing it and earning this MTA certification can open the doors of opportunities for an IT professional. The 98-367: Security Fundamentals exam comprises a wide range of basic technical concepts, it assesses and validates the core technical knowledge and enhances its credibility. This Microsoft test is aimed at checking the candidate’s broad competence in terms of various technologies and options designed by this popular vendor when securing workstations, networks, and servers.
There are no official prerequisites for taking the Microsoft 98-367 exam. However, the candidates must have a clear understanding and knowledge of the core security technologies and functionalities that are needed to ensure network security. They can achieve it with the help of training courses. Otherwise, s/he will not be able to pass this test. Besides, it is important to have hands-on experience with Active Directory, Windows Server, anti-malware products, Windows-based networking, network ports, network topologies and devices, and firewalls. It is worth noting that relevant job experience is actually not a prerequisite.
The Microsoft 98-367 exam measures the following skills:
- Knowledge of security layers: 25-30% of the questions come from this section. The candidates are required to validate whether they have a deep understanding of core security principles, as well as of physical, Internet, and wireless security.
- Understanding OS security: This section covers from 30 to 35% of the total number of questions. The candidate will be tested on a wide range of topics: how proficient they are in user authentication, permissions, password and audit policies, encryption, as well as malware. This is an area that you will need to spend a lot of time on, as it covers one-third of the exam sheet and requires maximum concentration.
- Understanding network security: The section contributes 20 to 25% to the test. You must explain from every angle how to use firewalls and network isolation, how to implement protocol security.
- Knowledge of security software: Questions asked in this section account for 15-20% of the exam. So, to excel in the Microsoft 98-367 exam, you are required to know everything about client protection, email and server protection as well.
Exam 98-367 will cost you $127. Those individuals who wish to take this test and earn the MTA certification can register for this exam online at the Pearson VUE website.
As you understand, this certification exam is kind of a challenge for candidates. You are required to prepare thoroughly and demonstrate all your knowledge and skills. It is important to note that you can determine any exam date that is convenient for you. And still, you should gauge your strength and set aside enough time for your preparation, seeing as the result will depend on it.
However, the candidate has to keep in mind that the MTA certification holder looks up-and-coming specialist in the eyes of employers that’s because this kind of certification implies a wide spectrum of technical knowledge and hands-on skills including performance in the use of Windows server, firewall, anti-malware, network ports and much more.
The selling points of the MTA: Security Fundamentals certification is obvious, although it is worth noting the importance of in-depth preparation and using only up-to-date training materials. Thus, the first thing each candidate is strongly advised to do is to review the Microsoft 98-367 exam skills outline developed and updated by Microsoft as Windows Security technologies evolve.
Microsoft 98-367: Preparation Resources
Now, when you have in front of you the general overview of the necessary know-how to successfully pass the Microsoft 98-367 exam, you realize how responsible this challenge is. Fortunately, candidates have a huge supply of training tools at their fingertips, such as official training led by an expert Microsoft instructor or study guides that can be found and ordered online, including the Amazon website.
- ‘Exam 98-367 MTA Security Fundamentals, 2nd Edition 2nd Edition’ by Microsoft Official Academic Course. Fully adapted for success on the 98-367 exam, this guide is aimed at those wishing to acquire a solid base of technical knowledge in Windows security to rapidly and positively launch their IT careers. Each chapter of this book will help candidates become the absolute best at applying fundamentals of security when writing a formal test or interviewing for the desired position, and even in their current workplace. At any point, you can no doubt demonstrate your thorough comprehension of authentication and authorization, layers, and security policies. Just order this guide in Kindle edition and in your hands you will have a full set of instruments for mastering network security and protecting the Server and Client.
As mentioned above, Microsoft has simplified the task of candidates wishing to excel in MTA: Security Fundamentals certification, for this purpose, has developed a paid course that masters all the skills measured in the Microsoft 98-367 exam. Eventually, Course 40367-B: Security Fundamentals: MTA Exam 98-367, is a three-day learning course where anyone is able to learn how to protect Servers and Clients combined with a deep insight into Layers and Security Policies using Microsoft technologies.
Due to the growing demand for Microsoft certification, more and more IT professionals intend to pass their exams, earn credentials, and rapidly move up the career ladder. That is why Course 40032-A: Networking and Security Fundamentals: Training 2-Pack for MTA Exams 98-366 and 98-367 is recommended for candidates aiming to become MTA certified not only in the Security Fundamentals field but also in Networking Fundamentals one. In just five days you will be brilliantly equipped to take these two tests, which will certainly be appreciated by your employer or will highlight your CV. So, all you have to do is go to the course's official page, browse its program, and sign up.
As you have already noted, Microsoft genuinely cares about candidates and promotes the positive test-taking and professional growth of everyone without exception. However, the decision that could be pivotal to your career is always up to you. Whether it's an official Microsoft training course, study guides, practice tests, or third-party sources that match your learning style, you have all the tools you have to excel in the final test and take the Microsoft 98-367 exam on the first try. Go for it!
Microsoft MTA 98-367 practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE Files format by real users. Study and Pass 98-367 Security Fundamentals certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are to help students.
I want to register for the 98-367 exam. Maybe anyone knows the structure of the exam and which resources to use? I checked Microsoft’s website and couldn’t find any helpful information.
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