ACT Practice Test

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- Premium File 1037 Questions & Answers. Last update: Mar 25, 2025
- Study Guide 1886 Pages

ACT Test Premium Bundle
- Premium File 1037 Questions & Answers
Last update: Mar 25, 2025 - Study Guide 1886 Pages
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Test Prep ACT Course Practice Test Questions and Answers, Test Prep ACT Course Exam Dumps
All Test Prep ACT certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are prepared by industry experts. Test Prep ACT certification practice test questions and answers, exam dumps, study guide and training courses help candidates to study and pass hassle-free!
ACT certification practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE files format by real users. Study and pass Test Prep ACT certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are the best available resource to help students pass at the first attempt.
ACT Test Exam - American College Testing: English, Math, Reading, Science, Writing
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Test Prep ACT Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, Test Prep ACT Certification Exam Dumps
All Test Prep ACT certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are prepared by industry experts. Test Prep ACT certification practice test questions and answers, exam dumps, study guide and training courses help candidates to study and pass hassle-free!
Ameriсаn College Testing (ACT) is а stаndаrdized test used for сollege аdmissions in the United Stаtes administered by the namesake organization.
Details for ACT Exam
Overall, the required рortion of the ACT is divided into four multiрle-сhoiсe subjeсt tests: English, mаthemаtiсs, reаding, аnd sсienсe reаsoning. Subjeсt test sсores rаnge from 1 to 36 and all of them аre integers. The English, mathematics, аnd reаding tests аlso hаve subsсores rаnging from 1 to 18 (the subjeсt sсore is not the sum of the subsсores). In аddition, students tаking the oрtionаl writing test reсeive а writing sсore ranging from 2 to 12 (this is а сhаnge from the рrevious 1–36 sсore rаnge). Note that the writing sсore does not аffeсt the сomрosite one. The ACT hаs eliminаted the previous English/writing sсore аnd hаs аdded two new сombined sсores: ELA (аn аverаge of the English, Reаding, аnd Writing sсores) аnd STEM (аn аverаge of the Mаth аnd Sсienсe sсores). As a rule, the ACT is offered seven times а уeаr in the United Stаtes аnd its territories, Puerto Riсo, аnd Cаnаdа: in Seрtember, Oсtober, Deсember, Februаrу, Aрril, June, аnd Julу. (In New York Stаte, the test is not offered in Februаrу аnd Julу.) In other loсаtions, the ACT is offered five times а уeаr: in Seрtember, Oсtober, Deсember, Aрril, аnd June. The ACT is offered onlу on Sаturdауs except for those with сredible religious obligаtions, who mау tаke the test on аnother dау. Cаndidаtes mау сhoose either the ACT test ($55.00) or the ACT рlus writing ($70.00).
Study Guides for ACT Mastery
As the ACT exam is a rather complicated one, you will have to put in a lot of hours of hard work and effort to nail it. However, with varied preparation resources available online the odds of your passing such a test are highly increased. When it comes to the dependable preparatory materials for the ACT exam, we proudly claim that these proved to be study guides found on such a popular selling platform like Amazon. So, if your target is to tackle the official exam in just one try, check out the following manuals:
- The Official Act Prep Guide 2020 - 2021, (Book + 5 Practice Tests + Bonus Online Content) by ACT
Being the #1 bestseller, this guide is endorsed by the vendor itself to enhance your chances of clearing the ACT test. Available in the Kindle and paperback versions, the manual offers you detailed information regarding the ACT enhancements made in September 2020, five lengthy practice tests, which align with the ACT subjects and are taken from previous sessions, among which you’ll encounter a totally new exam with the optional writing part, and a customizable section of practice questions followed by the robust and lucid explanations. More so, this guide will give you the opportunity to enjoy an online practice that simulates the environment of the real testing atmosphere and thus, builds up your confidence to face the actual exam.
- ACT Premium Study Guide with 6 Practice Tests (Barron's Test Prep) by Brian Stewart
In case you need some expert advice and strategies on how the official ACT test is held and how to master it, then this study guide is the one to be definitely purchased by all aspiring students. Apart from the tips included in it, the book also proffers six practice exams, three of which are featured in the handbook, two can be accessed online, and the last is the diagnostic test, also detailed in the guide itself, which determines whether or not you have weak points and if you do, which ones. Most importantly, this exclusive material scrutinizes all the parts of the ACT exam, renders the outline of the FAQs with regard to the official validation, and shares some top tips to eliminate anxiety during the actual test. So, don’t miss out on this comprehensive material that is on average offered for just $16-20.
- Princeton Review ACT Prep, 2021: 6 Practice Tests + Content Review + Strategies by the Princeton Review
Having almost a five-star rating, a study guide like this will fully prepare you to sit for the 2021 ACT test by retaining & memorizing the necessary concepts. Containing six practice tests, a book like this will shed light on all the areas of the ACT exam and will equip you with the knowledge of helpful tactics to avoid traps on the exam day and how to actually beat it. Last but not least, all the questions from those practice tests are accompanied by detailed and clear answers, which will make the learning process more enjoyable and less time-consuming.
- ACT English, Reading & Writing Prep: Includes 500+ Practice Questions by Kaplan Test Prep
This awesome guide contains 500 practice test questions centralized on such subjects of the ACT test as English, reading, and writing to aid you to score more points on the exam day. Besides, here, you’ll come across the essential grammar, punctuation, and syntax to boost your knowledge and bolster your morale before appearing in the classroom. To add more, this guide also highlights the expert tricks for developing exam-taking skills, which is also a constituent part of success. Finally, these tests are fully aligned with the actual validation so there will be no surprise on the exam day what concerns the test content. So, if you want this guide to become your exam-savior, get it for just around $6-16 in the Kindle and paperback versions. And if you’re still hesitant whether or not to acquire such a book, remember that 9 of 10 students who utilize it are accepted to their top college choices!
Preparation is an indispensable part of any exam. Without it, you’re not likely to hone your skills and later ace the forthcoming validation. Still, in the era of the internet, there are tons of invaluable resources for your exam prep that will immensely facilitate the whole process. So, if now you’re struggling against the ACT test and cannot come victorious out of it, then you know what to do. Get the study guide from Amazon, exhaust them, and you’ll definitely see the difference. Good luck!
ACT certification practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE files format by real users. Study and pass Test Prep ACT certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are the best available resource to help students pass at the first attempt.