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Google Associate Cloud Engineer Practice Test Questions, Google Associate Cloud Engineer Exam dumps

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Gcloud for Associate Cloud Engineer

1. Step 01 - Getting Started with Gcloud

Welcome back. Starting with this step, let's look at the command-line interface that is offered by Google Cloud, which is called the G Cloud. G Cloud is the command-line interface to interact with Google Cloud resources. Most GCP services can be managed from the CLI. From the command line interface using Gcloud, you can talk to compute engine virtual machines, you can create and manage instance groups, you can create databases, and you can access a lot of other Google Cloud resources.

Using Gcloud, you can create, delete, update, read existing resources, and perform other actions like deployments. One important thing to remember is that there are other CLI tools that are specific to other GCP services. For example, Cloud Storage, which is the object storage service in Google Cloud, has a command-line utility called GS util cloud. BigQuery has a command-line utility. BQcloud BigTable has a command-line utility called CBD. And when we are playing with pods and deployments in Kubernetes, we will be using Cube Cattle. G Cloud will be used to manage the Kubernetes clusters, but Cube Cattle is used to manage the pods and the deployment.

Now you don't really need to worry about the other CLI tools right now. The important thing that you need to remember is that for almost 75% of the Google Cloud resources, the way you would interact with them from the command line is by using Gcloud. How do you install Gcloud? Gcloud is part of something called Google Cloud SDK, and Google Cloud SDK requires Python to be installed on your local machine. All the instructions to install Cloud SDK and Gcloud are present at this specific URL. If you right-click and copy the link address and go to that specific page, you'll be able to see all the instructions based on your specific operating system. The most important thing that you need to remember is that you don't really need to install Google Cloud SDK on your local machine. To be able to access Gcloud, there is another approach that we can use, which is called Cloud Shell. You can also use gcloud from the Cloud Shell.

How do we do that? You can go into your Google Cloud Console, so you can go to Cloud.Google.com, click Console, and you get to one of these pages, and overhere you can click Activate Cloud Shell. So, as it says in the Cloud Shell, manage your infrastructure and develop your applications from any browser with the Cloud Shell. Until now, we have been using Cloud Console. This user interface, which we are making use of, is called Cloud Console. The command-line option that Google Cloud provides for us is called the Cloud Shell. And as it says here, cloud services come prebuilt with Google SDK for G-Cloud. It also has an online code editor, several utilities that are preinstalled, and is free to use for all users. So let's go ahead and say, "Continue to enable us to use Cloud Shell." A Google Cloud Shell machine will be provisioned for us; this will take about a minute or so, and at the end of it, you'll see that we are ready with Cloud Shell. The preferred way for me to use Cloud Shell is in its own window, so what I would say is to open a new window; this is the icon you can click, and this would open Cloud Shell in its own window.

Good. I have my entire window where I can use cloud shell right now. You can configure the preferences you want, you can configure a theme, and you can also configure the text size. And I can go back to the original window and close the cloud shell terminal session here. And in the complete window I can go in there and type in "Gcloud version" and it will show the version of Gcloud that is being used. It will also show all the tools that are already installed as part of Gcloud. You can see that things like BQ, CBT, and gsutil are already installed in here. In summary, Gcloud is the command-line interface using which you can interact with Google Cloud resources. It is part of the Google Cloud SDK. Gcloud is preinstalled on Cloud Shell, and that's what we've used until now. What I would do is do a clear, and what I would want to run in it is G Cloud.

This is the command to initialise or reinitialize Google Cloud, so let's go ahead and say "G Cloud unit," and what is this? So it's asking me to authorize; I'll go ahead and say authorise when you use a G Cloud unit and there is an existing configuration that is present already. The existing configuration is shown to you, and you would need to choose whether you want to create a new configuration or continue using the existing configuration. You can see the different settings from the current configuration in here, and you can see that the current project that is assigned is Glowing Furnace 30460 Eight.What is this? If I go back to the Google Cloud Platform and do a refresh and go to my first project, you can see that this is the idea of my first project, Glowing Furnace 30460 Eight.Each project is assigned a globally unique ID, and that is the ID that is configured here as part of my default configuration that was provided by Cloud Shell. What we'll do is act as if there is no default configuration. We want to create a new configuration. So I would say to create a new configuration.

So two, and now it has Enter configuration name. So I would want to have a specific configuration that I would want to use, and I'll call this my default configuration and press Enter. Next, it would ask me what account I wanted to use with the specific configuration. I can say I would want to use the existing account itself. If you're running from your local machine, then you would want to enter two and log in with your new account. But over here, I'm already authenticated with the earlier account. So I'll go ahead and use one. And next, you can see that it is asking me, "What is the project you would want to use?" So first account, next project. I'll go ahead and say I want to use the first project. Glowing furnace 30 4608 You can see that it says your current project has been set to glowing furnace 30460. Eight. Do you want to configure the default compute region and zone? I would say I would want to configure a default compute region and zone as well. Important thing to remember is that this is the default compute region and zone. When I'm working from this specific configuration in Cloud Shell, this is not going to change the default compute region or cloud that is configured on Google Cloud. This is only a local setting.

So I would say yes. And this would configure a local setting for the region. And soon you can see that it brings in a list of all the regions. I'll just choose one randomly, and I'll say one thing to remember is that the list of things that is shown here is not actually a list of regions, but a list of zones. This is a list of zones from which I chose one of them.I entered one, and it chose the default zone. So what we have done until now is use the G Cloud unit to initialise or reinforce G Cloud. This will authorise G Cloudto to use your account credentials. This also allows us to set up configuration. We have set up our current project and the default zone. Right now, what we want to do is list our configuration. What is the current configuration that we are making use of?The command we can make use of is "g cloud configuration list." So let's go ahead and type in the Gcloud configuration list. so much cloud space. Config spacelist. And now you can see the current configuration. You can see that the default region that I have configured here is US East 1, and this is applicable only for Compute. And you can see that the default zone that is configured here is US East 1B, and you can see the account details and the project.

So the default account is this, and the default project is this. As far as the exam is concerned, there are four important things that you need to remember: compute region, compute zone, and in the core, you would see that account and project. So these are important configurations that you need to remember. Instead, we talked about the fact that Gcloud is part of the Google Cloud SDK and that it is preinstalled on Cloud Shell. We saw Gcloud in it, which is the command to initialise or reinforce Gcloud with our account and also configure the current project and default zone. We also saw the command "G cloud configuration list," which lists all the properties of the active configuration. I'm sure you're having a wonderful time, and I'll see you in the next.

2. Step 02 - Playing with Gcloud config set

Welcome back. In the next step, let's play with a few more G Cloud Config commands. In the earlier step, we executed the command G CloudConfig List, which listed the entire configuration. Let's say I would want to actually list just the account. How can I do that? I can say "G Cloud Configure List Account," and this would list the account that is being used. Let's say I would want to list the region. Can I use the command "g cloudconfig list region"? The answer to that is actually no.

Whenever you are using something directly, like an account in GCloud, you would look at the configurations present under Core, and in Core there is no configuration for region. If I want to list the region, then I would need to say "Cloud Config List Region" and then specify the section under which it is present. The section under which it is present is "Compute." So I would say G Cloud config list computeregion, and this would not print the region information. So G Cloud Configurist will print all the configuration. If I would want to print specific information, I would need to specify a gcloud config list account or a gcloud config list compute region.

If I create a Gcloud Configurator Core account, what do you think will be printed? It would print the account details. If something is on the core, you can either say "core account" or "account." So far as any of the Gcloud Config commands are concerned, the Core is the default section. Similar to the list command, there is also a set command, "Cloud Config Set." This is used to set a specified property in your active configuration. So if I would want to change the default region or zone, if I would want to change the default account, or if I would want to change the default project, the way I can do that is by using G Cloud Configuration, less project, and a specific value. You can also set the region compute slash region value, and you can also set the zone compute slash zone value if you want a lot of information printed. Whenever you execute G Cloud commands, you can also set verbosity. So you can say "G Cloud Config Setcourse Verbosity" and you can put a value, for example "debug," that would print a lot of information whenever you execute a specific command.

So the syntax is very simple: "Cloud Config" sets the section slash property, and the value you would want to set is core and compute. All the sections in here—project, region, and zone—are the different properties. As we discussed earlier, specifying Core is optional as it is the default section. And that's the reason why, if you want to set the project, you can just say "Cloud Config: Set Project" and a value. A lot of times, this is the thing that would figure in your exam. What is the command to set the active project? Gcloud config set project value or Gcloud config set course? Project value. Whenever you're using G Cloud, one of the things that you need to do first is to do a Gcloud configuration list. List the current configuration, make sure that you are in the right region, make sure that you are using the right project, and make sure that you're using the right account, and only then do you need to go and execute your comments.

Verbicity is also under Core, so specifying course Less verbicity is optional for all the commands that are present. You can get help by using the "Help" option. So I can go in here and say "Cloud config list help," and this would give me the information I need about that specific command. So you can go ahead and see all the information about that command, and then once you see the information that is present there, you can say colon q and this would quit. So you can do, for example, "I would like to get help on the configure command." I can say "G Cloud config help," and this will show all the help around the "G Cloud" command. You can see which flags are available. You can see that this has a lot of commands and a lot of options that are available. I'll say that if you want to see all the options that are available with G Cloud Configuration Set, I can call G Cloud Configuration Help. So let's do this config sethelp and let's scroll down until you see available properties.

You can see that all these properties are the ones that are available for the core account, certificate files, and a lot of other things that you can configure when you do a Set command. So you can see that under different sections, there are different things that you can configure. If you want, you can spend some time going through all those options.

I'll do a colon queue so you can actually look at the available properties in the help content to find out all the properties that are available. The opposite of set is unset. If I want to remove the default project that is configured, I can just say G Cloudonset CoreProject or Gcloud config unset, just specify the project. You don't really need to have Core, as Core is the default section. Or you can say "cloud," "configure set," "compute region," or "compute." So in this case, we played around with the Gcloud configuration list and the Gcloud configuration set. I would recommend you play around with GCloud Config a little bit because understanding it is very important whenever you're using G Cloud. I'll see you later.

3. Step 03 - Managing Multiple Configurations in Gcloud

Come back in a step. Let's look at what you can do to manage multiple configurations. Let's consider this scenario. You're working on multiple projects on the same machine. You want to be able to execute commands using different configurations. So you don't want to be able to easily switch between projects, and you won't be able to easily execute commands against them. How can you do that? That's where you can create multiple configurations with Gcloud.

How do you simplify this? The way we can do that is by creating multiple configurations. And the command we can use is "G Cloud Config configurations." And you can actually create, delete, describe, activate, or list. Let's go and execute this command and see what happens right now. so many cloud configurations. So let's go to the cloud. Shell gcloud configurations Let me get this right. I'll do a clear screen and type in "GCloud Config configurations," and I would say "List." So I would want to list the existing configurations. You can see that there are a couple of configurations present here. one that was automatically created when we launched Cloud Shell and the other one that we created just now, my default configuration. And you can see all the details about this specific configuration.

You can see that right now the active configuration is which one? My default configuration, Shell 26715, is not the active configuration. So it is false. and you can see the account that is associated with it. and you can see the project. So you can see that both of these are pointing to the same project. This can also point to different projects as well. And you can also see that for the first one, there is no default compute zone that is set. However, for the second one, which is my default configuration, we have set a default zone, which is US East 1B. So the G Cloud Configurations list would enable us to see all the configurations that are present here. If you want, you can actually go ahead and create a new configuration as well. So you can say "create cloud configurations." You can see that the commands are very simple. So G Cloud Config configurations, list, create, delete, and so on and so forth would be the commands. Let's try to run Create. What would you say it says: "argumentconfiguration name should be specified." So it says you're trying to create a configuration, but you have not given it a name.

I'll call this my second configuration. Let's press enter. Cool. It has now created the My Second configuration. But the most important thing is that it also activated it. So the Create command not only creates the configuration but also activates it. So now, if I run "g cloud config list," this would list the active configuration. What is the current active configuration that is present? You can see that by default, when I created the second configuration, that is my second configuration. This is the configuration with which it's been created with.You can see that the account is populated by default. However, you can see the project is not set, and the default zone and default region are also not set. How can I set the default project to use? I can say "G" cloud configuration. I can say "cloud configuration." Set the project or just the project. and I can copy the project ID from here. I can go in here and pick up the project ID and paste it in here. So for the new configuration, we are also updating the course project property.

And now let's see Gcloud configurations. You can see that the project now has the specific value, and I can also do the Gcloud Config List project, which would list the configuration with the project. So that looks cool. Now let's do a "G cloud configurations list." It shows the current list of configurations. from this list. Let's say I want to change the active configuration. So right now, the active configuration is my second configuration. From there, I would want to switch back to my default configuration. The difference between my second configuration and my default configuration is that in my default configuration I have completed the default zone and the computed default region. Set that translation and switch to it right now. so many cloud configurations. What do you think will be the command it activates? What do I want to activate? I want to activate this specific configuration, which is my default configuration. Let's go ahead and put that in and press Enter. You can see that my default configuration is now activated. So G Cloud Config List's job is to print the configuration that is present in my default configuration.

So you can see that the region and the zone—the default region and the zone—are configured in that specific configuration, and they are also printed here. Let's quickly review the notes around this specific set of commands. So you can create a new configuration. We already saw that. G cloud configurations created by dev, qa, or stage You can activate a specific configuration (e.g., "Cloud Configuration Management") and give it a name of it.You can also list the configurations. We already saw that. G cloud configuration configurations, list If you want, you can also describe the configuration. So you can say "G Cloud Configuration" and "describe a specific one." So let's say I pick my second configuration because this is not the active configuration right now. So we can list the content of a specific configuration by using the described command. So the cloud configurations describe and the specific configuration you can see that it's not active right now and it is showing the properties that are configured in there. The project value is growing. Furnace 30460-8 If you want, you can also go ahead and delete a configuration. You can say "cloud configurations." Delete and delete. a specific configuration, except we understood how to create multiple configurations and how you can switch between them by activating them. I'm sure you're having a wonderful time, and I'll see you in the next step.

4. Step 04 - Understanding Command Structure in Gcloud to play with Services

Welcome back. In this specific step, let's look at the G Cloud command structure. When you are playing with services, are you playing with computers, databases, or storage? This is a typical command structure that you'd be using with Gcloud. The command structure is "G Cloud." What is a group? What is a subgroup? What is the action now what is group and subgroup?A group might be something like "Config," "Computeor Container," "Dataflow," "Functions," or "Im" until we have been playing with "Compute" instances.

So, for example, Compute is the group. Which service group are you playing with? Subgroups are the components of that specific service. If I'm playing with Compute inside Compute, I can either be playing with instances or images; you might be playing with instance templates; you might be playing with machine types. Or you might want to list the regions that are under computation or the zones that are under computation. Which subgroup of the service do you want to play with? That's the subgroup. And you can take actions—create, list, start, stop, describe, and so forth. What do you want to do?

Let's see a few examples. gcloud ComputeInstances List Let's try and run them. I'll do a clearing. G Cloud Compute is the group; instances is the subgroup; and List is the command that I want to execute. Gcloud compute instance list Right now, I don't really have any instances running. And what would it do? It would say, "Hey, Ranga, you don't really have any instances running." It's taking a little while. Cool. At the end, it comes back and says listed zero items, right? So that's cool. Now, if I want to create a new instance, I can say, "gcloud, compute instances, create." Right? Is this sufficient? Let's go and try to enter. It says no; it's not sufficient. The error it says is, "Hey, you're trying to create an instance, but there is no name that you are attaching to it." An instance name is mandatory. Okay, that's cool. So I'll say G Cloud compute instances. create my first instance from Gcloud. Let's press enter right now. What would happen? G Cloud Compute instances create my first instance from G Cloud. Let's see what would happen.Cool. It's creating a new Compute instance for us. You can see that it is making use of the region US East 1P. Where is it coming from? Let's do a G Cloud configuration list.

You can see that the default zone that we have configured right now in our configuration is US East 1B, and that's the reason why it's picking up that zone and using it to create the specific instance.

The other interesting thing is the default machine type. Right now, the default machine type is N-1, Standard-1, and you can also see the internal IP, the external IP, and the status. Let's do a clear and do a Gcloud Compute Instances List now. So go the list of cloud compute instances. What does it do? It would list the existing compute instances. We have just created one, so this would list the instances that we have created. Fingers crossed, it's taking a little while—almost 30 seconds to list this down. And over here, you can see a lot of details. So you can see the name "Zone Machine Type," "internal IP," "external IP," and things like that. So if you want to see the internal IP and external IP that are assigned to a specific instance, all you need to do is say "G Cloud Compute Instances List." You can also go ahead and create G Cloud Compute also go ahead and So the describe command is to describe a specific instance. So I can go ahead and say that this is my first instance from Gcloud. I can go ahead and do this. So this would actually be an oops; I have a typo.

It should not be in the cloud. It should actually be "cloud computing." I hope that's right. Yes, you can see that it describes all the details around that specific instance. It gives me a lot of details about it. So if you go further up, you'll see that there is a lot of information about that specific instance that is printed. Let's not worry about all those details. The important thing for you to remember is that if you don't get all the details about a specific instance, you can use the described command. just like we created the instance. You can also delete the instance by using the Delete command. So, Gcloud Compute Instances Delete and you can passin the name my first instance from Google Cloud. What would happen? It's asking me, "Do you really want to delete this instance?" I would say yes, and go ahead and delete this.

So this would go ahead and delete the instance that we have created. You can see that even from the command line, it's very easy to play with our compute engine. You can easily create instances and delete them. Now let's look at a few more other commands that you can run. So G Cloud computes zones lists, regions lists, and machine type lists. So you can actually go ahead and try this. So, for the g-cloud, compute the zones list. What would it print? It would print the different availability zones that are present here. So what are the different compute availability zones that are present? You can also compare regions with gCount. List It would print "What are the different regions that are present as part of the Compute Service?" So you can see that these are the different regions that are present as part of the Compute Service. Similar to that, you can also print machine types. So what are the different machine types that are present inside of Compute? This would bring up a huge list of things.

So the G Cloud Compute Machine Types List would usually be a huge list, and you can see that it's printing the machine type and which region it's available in. As we discussed earlier, machine types can vary based on the region and the zone. And that's the reason why it's printing machine type, region, and a few more details about that specific type. And to be able to clearly understand that, what I would want to do is filter down. So let's say I only want to print the machine types that are present in a specific region. How can I do that? I can do a hyphen filter. And what do I want to filter by? I want to filter by the Zone.And which zone do I want to filter it by? I want to say Asia and Southeast Asia. You can pick the region that you saw last here. So I'm picking up Asia from South East Asia. Let's filter only those machine types that are in the specific zone, the zone, and the value of the zone. Let's hope this would bring us a little less variety of machine types. These are all the machine types that are available in this specific zone.

You can see that the numbers that are here are the CPUs and the memory: how many CPUs are accounted for, how many virtual CPUs are attached to that specific machine type, and what is the amount of memory that is present along with it. Now, let's say you want to filter across multiple zones. How can I do that? The way I can do that is by putting the values in parentheses. So, inside parenthesis, I would put one value. Right now I just have one value within the parenthesis. In addition to this, I would want to add another zone so I can say southeast to Hyphen C.

So B and C Asia, Hyphen South East Two, Hyphen B. Asia, Hyphen South East Two, Hyphen C. So I'm going to list machine types from two zones. But there is an error. The error is that we need to put this value in double quotes. So take half and half and filter within double quotes. And another double quote here; press center. Fingers crossed. I hope this will bring me all the values that are present and all the machine types that are present in East 2B and East. That works. So this brings me all the instance types that are present in 2 and 2 C. You can see that here. That's cool. In one step, we understood the high-level command structure that is used by G Cloud, and we started playing around with Compute Service. I'm sure you're having a wonderful time, and I'll see you in the next step.

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The materials provided for the Associate Cloud Engineer were comprehensive and very well-structured. The practice tests were particularly useful in building my confidence and understanding the exam format. After using these materials, I felt well-prepared and was able to solve all the questions on the final test with ease. Passing the certification exam was a huge relief! I feel much more competent in my role. Thank you!

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