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1. IPv6-Introduction

Okay, in this section, we'll talk about IP version six. As you know, IP version six is the next version of IP addressing, which was released after IP version four. So if you get back to the basics of IP addressing, an IP address is a logical address that is given to each and every device in the network. Every network device must have an IP address. It's a layer-3 address, and it's going to identify each and every device.

So we have two versions of IP addressing, one of which is version 4, which we have been using. Still, it's a 32-bit address written in decimal format, whereas another version of IP addressing, a 128-bit address written in hexadecimal format, is on the way. So now what is the reason for a new version of IP addressing? For IP version 6, the main reason is the shortage of IP addresses. Now, whatever the addresses we have here, like IP Version 4, which is a 32-bit address, it's going to support two to four of the 32-bit addresses. So it will support somewhere between four and three billion IP addresses. Now, whatever the addresses we have, these addresses will not be enough to meet the growing network requirement.

Now, you know, the internet is growing at a very high rate, so the number of people connecting to the internet is very large, so whatever addresses we have here will not be sufficient to accommodate all the users. So to overcome that, there are two possible solutions developed. For example, IP version six was released around 1999, and a full-size IP version six was ready for market release in June.

That means they're ready to go, but they're still coming up with temporary solutions like that. Later in IP version six, some techniques that were introduced to overcome the shortage of IP version 4 are introduced. Alternatively, we can say that these techniques, whatever they are, are extending an IP version 4. In other words, we can say, or even assert, that it conceals your IP version 6. Now, because we have submitted, we can efficiently utilise the IP addresses, and then we have the CDR way of designing the addresses and a translation called Nat.

And using Nat, we can allow more than 60,000 private IP addresses to go with a single public IP address. Because of that and these concepts, we are still surviving with IP version 4, but we have been extending IP version 4 for the last ten years, and definitely, even though these are temporary solutions to overcome the shortage of IP addresses.

Now, alternatively, we definitely need to go with IP version six. Now that IP version six is mandatory, whatever new operating systems are released – starting with Windows – Windows Vista, Windows Seven, Windows Eight, and even the new Ibis version – they all support all IPV-6 options by default. So that means every device nowadays is capable of identifying and understanding the IP version 6 protocol. So at the same time, as a network engineer, we also need to have very good foundations in IP version six. So in this section, we'll be getting into much more detail about IP version six, starting with the basics. So, before I move on to IP Version 6, I'll give you some benefits or extensions, or even show you some of the features we have when compared to IP Version 4.

So IP version six is going to definitely provide a very large address space, which means it's going to provide the power of 128 addresses. So somewhere around three, four, and ten to the power of addresses, each and every human can almost get one single IPEC address. Now, at the same time, even if the internet grows more than double every year, let's say that for the next 50 years we can survive without any shortage of IP addresses. So definitely, it's going to provide a very large address space, which means we don't really need to do that. Networking and translation are not currently required here, but if there is a shortage in the future (meaning in the next 50 or 60 years), you may require them.

And the header format is more simplified here, and it's going to increase the efficiency of the routers because of the simple header. And the other thing is that it is much more designed in an aggregation-based hierarchy, and there is no broadcast here, which means we have a broadcast ID that is used to send a broadcast to all the devices on the network. And now we don't even have a broadcast ID or a concept of broadcasting.

So we'll get into those categories of addressing, like unicast, multicast, and anycast broadcast, probably in the next section. Now, I'm just giving you an overview of the features, and it also supports stateless auto configuration. Now in stateless auto configuration, a device can get an IPv6 address by including its own Mac address. This will most likely be covered in greater depth in the supply section, where I will show you how it is possible and what specific combinations are required to make it possible.

So next, it also supports built-in support for mobile IP, where you can have an IPv6 service and you can move around. That is what it is designed to support. In addition, we have a mobile IP with an inbuilt IPsec feature, which means inbuilt security in IP version six, whereas in IP version four, we need to integrate the IPsec feature to provide some high end security.

In IPV6, we have built-in IP security and an easy way to do IP address reimbursement by default. And then one more advantage we can have is that we can have multiple interfaces on a single interface. Take a look at an example. If you go back to IP version 4 on a single interface, let's say I'm on the router, we need to say IP address, and then we're going to assign one IP address, ten, one. And then I'm going to assign the subpoenas at the same time.

Let's say I want to assign one more IP address, so I can go and write the IP address and say 110, zero, one, and whatever the supplemental is. So when I'm going to write this command, it's going to override the previous IP address. That is something we have in our IP version four, and if you don't want to override, if you want to use both IP addresses, we have a keyboard called secondary that we can use.

So this is the way we can have a single interface with multiple IP addresses, but still, this is going to be preferred over this one. But in the case of IP version six on a single interface, I can assign both the IPV6 hours. Let's say I want to assign a private IP address that will be used in my land communication or within my company's network.

On the same interface, I can also have a public IP address, and in fact, you can have more than that. Now, if traffic is coming from one network, it's going to use the private IB. It all depends on the source from which it's coming. So, depending on the source, it will choose Now, that is one good thing. Anyway, I'll show you when we get into the practical labs, and probably I'll show you how to assign the IPV6 address as well. The next thing we'll see is that we'll try to get into understanding how exactly IP version six looks. Now, look at this example IPV-6 address: 20010, DP 800-00-1234, all zeros, and three C 40s. An IPV6 address is now a 128-bit address by default. Now we have 128 bits, and then it will be written in hexadecimal format, which means that in total there are 128 bits, and each portion is going to represent 16 bits here.

2. IPv6 Addressing

Now in this section, we'll continue our discussion on IP version six. like we have seen some basic introductions to IP version six in the previous case. Now here we'll try to understand the IPV six addressing, how the IPV six addressing is given IPV six keys, and a complete 128-bit address that is going to be written in hexadecimal numbering.

So hexadecimal means you have some number starting from zero to nine. And then A represents 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. So you've totally got 16-bit addresses, or 16 numbers, starting from zero to F. Now, this is one sample address. You can now see a sample address written here. Now the entire IPV-6 address is a 128-bit address written in eight portions. You can see the number 123-4567-80. So there are a total of eight portions, and each portion is going to represent 16 bits. Now, that means you can see this. 2001 represents 16 bits. So similarly, each and every portion will have 16 bits.

And, as you can see, each number—the number here—represents four bits in binary. So when I say binary, each number is going to represent four bits totally. It will be 128 bits. You can see it here. So this is how IPV 6 has been classified. So the next thing is IP version six. Again, there are two different portions, just like in IP version four.

The first 64 bits we call a "global prefix value," and the remaining 64 bits we call an "interface ID." Now the global prefix value is more similar to your network portion, and the interface ID is more similar to your host portion. The 64-bit version is now the default. But it's not mandatory that you should use 64 bit, just like we have a default subnet mask here. In addition, we have something called the default prefix value, which is always 64 bits. But it's up to you. We can even change that. Next, we can make our IPV6 address a little bit shorter by reducing the number of zeros to 10 as shown below.

So let's see here. We will not be 21 in 2001. So it has to be 2001. However, if you have a zero DB 8, we can now simply write it as DB 8. So let's say if you have one, then we can simply write one, because anywhere one is going to represent zero, zero, one, whatever it is, because it will have four portions. Now if I just write one, the device will automatically understand that it is one. As a result, you can ignore the preceding zeroes and only write. And then, if you have all zero portions, you can make it a single zero. Similarly, if you have all zero portions, you can make it a single zero. We can't make 1234 any shorter, so it has to be 1234 only. And similarly, we can see all zeros. You can make it 10 and all zeros, or you can write it as 10. Finally, there are three Cs: 40.

Now, either you write your IPV six address in this format or in this format, both are correct. Similarly, if you have a continuous zero portion, let's say you have 10 portions, or 20 portions, or 30 portions, up to 70 portions. So continuous zero portions can be written as simply a double collar. Now, a double colon is going to represent a continuous zero portion. That is, as you can see, I have a double colon and a zero zero. Now zero zero, I'll write it with a double colon. Similarly, I have a 0 here; I'm going to write it as a double column. So don't think that if you have 20 portions, you have to write two columns, 30 portions, three columns; it's not like that. So whatever the number of zero portions you have, you need to just write it as a double column. So even if you have 70 portions, like zero, zero, zero, like this, we just write it as a double column. Continue with zero portions, which can simply be written as a double column. I now have a continuous zero portion as well.

So I'm going to write a double column. However, this statement is incorrect because the double column is not permitted in more than one location within the same IPAC address. Now, let's say I come here with this address: 2001 DBH, some Collins, then 1234, and some three C 40 here. So I can see 1234 portions. I can see here very clearly.

Now the entire IPV6 address has eight portions, and each portion is going to have 16 bits. So I'm not able to see the remaining four portions. So now the device is going to assume the remaining four portions are in the form of zeros in these poor places. Now, the device may assume that there are 20 portions here, or that there are 10 portions here, or that there are 30 portions here, or that there are 30 portions on one side and 10 portions on the other side.

So it is going to create confusion in our minds as well as in the device. So, if you come across a scenario where you may need to use double colon on both sites or zero portions on both sides continuous, you are only allowed to use double colon in one of the places, whereas in the other places we just tried it as zero. So now it will be very clear, like you can see one portion, two portions, three, four, five, and six.

So six portions I can see very clearly, which means there are two remaining portions in the form of zeros, where we are representing a double column. So this is the way we can make our six IPV addresses look much shorter. We can ignore the continuous zeros and make them single zeros. And again, continuous zeros can be written as a double column. But keep in mind that this double column cannot appear in more than one place in the same IPV6 address.

3. IPv6 Address Types

IPV has six different address types. Now, in this section, we'll continue with our IP Version 6, where we'll see the different categories of addresses we have in our IP Version 6. Like in IP version 4, we have the categories of class B, class C, and then class D and class C, where we use class ABC for land and vanpurpose, whereas the class D is either for multicasting or the class E is for RND, or something like that. And then we also have a category of private IP addresses, which can be used within your organisation but are not recognised on the Internet.

And similarly, we have a public IP address, which can be a globally unique address, that is used to send you traffic on the internet, a public network. In a similar vein, we have A categories here as well, but no classes like that.

We just have three categories of addresses. We have something called a "unique cast address," which is a normal IPv4 address that can be assigned to any device in the network. Let's say I have some address, like in IP version 4, we have some address called 109 21681 one.I can assign this IP address to any of the devices. It can be a computer, a router, or any other device like a firewall. Any address that you can assign to any networking device is now referred to as a "unicast address." So a multicast address is more like a class D address, which can be used for multicasting services. And then we don't have broadcast here; there is no concept of broadcast here in IP version six.

So the broadcast address is removed from IP version six. Instead, we have something called Anycast. Now, Anycast is totally different from broadcast or multicast. We'll see that in detail in our next topic. So the first thing that will appear is the unicast category. OK? We have three types of addresses for unicast within your unique cast addresses. The first category is "Global Unique Cast Address," the second is "Unique Local Address," and the third is "Linked Local Address." The primary distinction between these three types of addresses is that the first, referred to as a global unicast address, is similar to your public IP address. Now, if you remember about public IP, public IP is a globally unique IP address like an IPC address that can be assigned to any device network and recognised on it. And it's a globally unique address.

So that means this is more like your public IP. Now, similarly, we have a unique local letter, which is more like your private IP address. so unique and local. So first, let's get into more detail about the global unique, as it's more like a public IP. Just now, I said that, and it is routine. When you say "routable," it means that if I assign any IVPV service here, it will be routed. Let's say I'm assigning some addresses—let's say 2001, whatever address, 2001. Now, this address will be advertised when you are using some routing.

So this router is going to carry this network information to a different router. That is what we mean by "routine." These are both addresses that can be found anywhere on the Routable addresses list. The next step is to determine whether it is a global unique address or a unique local address. Now, any address that begins with 2000-3, which represents the first three bits, will always be a constant one assigned by Ina. So let me get into more detail on this. Now, when I say 2001, let's take an example here. What is the address we're talking about? We're talking about global unicast and global uniquotes, which are more like routeable public IP addresses, and anything else that starts in 2003.

Now, the meaning of "slash three" means, if you see here, if you remember, that the first number is going to represent how many bits, four bits. And the complete portion is going to represent how many bits it will be—16 bits, right? So, if you write these four bits in English, you get 8421 if you write them in binary. Now, how do you write the binary value of two? What's the binary value of two? If you write two here, the binary value of two is one, and the remaining values are all zeros.

Now, that means this is your first member, and in that first member, the first three bits will be fixed, or we can say constant. So in my scenario, the first three bits mean that these are the first three bits; they will not change. Now, if I write another possible value, I can write zero, zero, one, because I cannot change the one. And if I write it as 1, because in binary either I can write zero or I can write one, all the remaining bits I can change except the first three bits So, if you write this equivalent hexadecimal value, what are the equivalent decimal and hexadecimal values? Two. And what's the equivalent hexadecimal value of these two plus one?

How much is it? which means that in a simple address, whichever starts with two or three in the first portion, you have to understand that these addresses are your global unique addresses. So this is something defined by IR. It's a standard, which means now we are using 2000. Probably, once we finish this 2000 allocation, we'll use 2001 and then 2002 like that. After you finish this two-block exercise, we'll probably start with three. So this is something that is defined now. So in short, I can say that any address that starts with "2" in the first portion or "3" in the first portion, we need to understand that it is a global unique address. That is what these last three represent. The first three bits will always be constant. The next thing is, okay, so this is the way we need to identify. In short, global indicators are those whose first number begins with two or three. To begin, remember whether it is two or three.

Now the second category is your unique local address. Now, when we say unique local address, it's more like your private IP, which is also routable. And as for the inner, they decided that it's FC 0, 0, 7. So that means the first seven bits will be constant and they are not rotatable on the global internet, which means private IP addresses cannot be recognised on the internet and any address that starts with FC or FT will not be recognized. Now, the reason I'm saying FC FT is because if I go back to the same calculation, I'll get the same result. Now, according to our unique local letters FC 7, correct? So if I'm going to write this first number, it represents four bits, and the second number also represents four bits. So, if I write F's binary value, F represents 15 and C represents A is ten, b is ten, c is ten, ABC is ten, and C is going to be twelve. So if I'm going to write the binary value of FC, it will be 8421. So 15 means eight plus 412, twelve plus 1414, plus 115. Similarly, if I write the C value, it will be eight plus 412, with the remainder being zeros.

So this is the equivalent binary value of FC, right? Now in this situation, the first seven bits will be exactly constant, which means I cannot change the first seven bits. The first seven bits will remain the same: 1111 and one 10. And if I have to change, I can only change the last number. That is either it will be zero or it will be one. Which means, if you write the equivalent value of this, what will it be? It will be FC or FD because one-number increments are eight plus twelve plus 10. So D is equal to 13. So, whenever you see any IPV 6-address that begins with FC or FD, we need to know it's your unique local address. So, starting with either FC or FD in the first two neighbors, that's what I mentioned here. Then there is a third category of address. We have something called Link. Local address.

This Link Local Address is now the default IPV6 address on all IPV6 enabled interfaces. As an example, consider the following. On my router, I have an interface called F 0 by 0. And on this interface, I have assigned one IPv6 address, which starts with 2001 some address. Even if you assign this address, it will now have this interface IP as well as one more IPv4 address. On this interface, that is going to start with FE80, and the remaining part will be the Mac address. This address is now your link's local address.

Now this link's local address is the default address present on every IPV6-enabled interface. But it is nonroutable. When I say "nonroutable," I mean that this address is isolated and unrecognised within the lamb. It is not recognised by the band. Remember that, okay? and I'll show you when I get into the lab. By verifying the IPV6 interface brief, I should be able to show you this address. We can also verify this address, but the routers do not forward packets with this specific link local address. Similar way. The next thing we need to understand is multicast. Now, in the case of multicast, the multicast address is more similar to your class address. If you want to host any specific set of multicast services, then we need to use a multicast address. Now, as for the innermost part of the reserve, anything starting with "FF," you can see slash eight.

So when we say slash eight, we mean the first four bits, and the first four bits are always constant, so any address that begins with FF in the first two characters is a multicast address. Now, finally, there is one more kind of address. We have something called anycast; this anycast address is more similar to your multicast address. Like here. I wrote one definition here similar to multicast, which is going to identify the multiple interfaces but send to only one, whichever it finds first. This anycast address is more commonly used in scenarios where you implement multiple gateways that act as a single gateway. Or let me give an example here to understand any cast. If I take an example, I'm sitting here on my computer, and I'm trying to access [email protected], or let's say @yahoo.com; that is my server, and that is some server on the internet I'm trying to access.

Now your request reaches the ISP because I'm connected to it, and then from there, your request reaches the internet, and from the internet again, it is going to reach a selected Yahoo server or whatever the IP is because there's a DNS server that will resolve this name with respect to IP addresses. But the question is, do you think there is only one Yahoo server on the internet that is going to reply to all the users in the world? So there's no single Yahoo server. Now you will have most of the public servers. You have multiple servers that actually act as a single server, which means you have one Yahoo server somewhere, maybe in a different location in India, and you have another job server in the US, probably, and you may have one more server in Dubai and some locations at XYZ and ABC locations. Now all these servers are actually connected to each other, and they are going to maintain the same copy of the information.

But finally, all the servers are grouped together and referred to as a cluster. In advanced server concepts generally, we call this concept a cluster, where a group of servers are acting as a single server, and then we assign an IP address to the cluster. Generally, we call it a "virtual IP address." If you're doing gateway-type things, the same concept applies to HSRP VRP concepts. Now, plus IP, we are going to assign a separate public IP address for this service, and each and every device will have a different IP address. So when you request an auto.com, it means it will resolve with this IP, which means it will identify multiple interfaces, which means when you send anything to this IP, it actually means it is meant for any of these devices within the group, which means any of the devices will respond to your request.

Now, if that nearest server is not responding or is not reachable, in that case, the request will be forwarded to the next nearest server. Now, to implement this kind of configuration of these things in IPV6, they have introduced a kind of address called an anycast address. When compared to IP version 4, the main advantage of using the Necast address in IP version 6 is that we don't need to have each and every device because all of these servers are acting as a single server. But the major drawback is that we need to have a separate IP address that must be assigned to each and every device. Because all of these devices cannot share the same IP address, they are grouped together and assigned a single virtual IP address.

When you say "virtual," it means there is no physical device with our IP address. Now, in the case of IPV6, what we can do is assign, let's say, all the devices acting as a single server. Now, what I can do is assign the same IPV6 surface to each and every device. So I'm going to say 20 01, 20 01, 20 01, and 2001. Now, what I can do is configure the same IPP service for all the devices in that group. But the condition is I need to configure it as any cache, which means you don't need to assign a separate IP address for each and every device and then report it as a virtual IP. Now, whenever you do this automatically, the request, when it comes, is for 2001, and it is not going to create any conflict because we are going to say it as any cast. So whenever you say any cast, the device is going to understand that there are some other devices in the network that are also using the same IVC servers, so it will not create any conflicts. And at the same time, if anyone requests 2011, the URL request will be forwarded to the nearest possible server. And if that server is not going to respond, it will be forwarded to the next nearest possible server.

Now, to implement this kind of configuration, you have an address called Any Cash, which was introduced in IP version six. Now, what is the category or what is the range of these addresses? There is no separate range. Whatever the existing global unicast addresses are, we have seen some global unicast services and unique local addresses. These services, like those in the previous category, can be used as AnyCast services. All that remains is to configure the IPP service and add a key called Any Cast at the end. So when you define something like this, the router will understand that there is another device with the same IPV6 address and both are having the same IPV6 address and it will not generate any conflict. And they simply understand that they are a part of the same group and are doing the same kind of job or holding the same kind of information. Bye.

4. IPv6 Static Addressing

In this section, we'll see how to configure an IPV6 address on any of the router interfaces. So the first thing, just like we have an IP version 4, is that we can assign the IP address. Either we can use a manual configuration, which is what we call a "static," or we can use an "auto" configuration. So when you say "auto configuration," the device is going to get the IPV6 address assigned automatically.

Whereas in the case of static, we are going to interface and we are going to assign the IPV-6 address. Now in this section, our main focus will be on static manual configuration, and inside the auto configuration, you have a new method, something called stateless auto configuration. Now, in this stateless auto configuration, the device is going to get the IPV6 address automatically by including its own Mac address. Now, we'll be getting into more detail about the stateless auto configuration and how it is going to do these things, probably in much more detail in our next section. So in this section, we are going to mainly focus on static, that is, manual assignment.

Now, when it comes to the commands, we don't really need to learn any new commands. So whatever the commands we use in IP version four configurations, we just need to use similar kinds of commands. But the only difference is that whenever we use IP, we just need to change to IPV Six. So, for example, if I want to verify a neighbor's show IPOSP, I can simply say show IPV six OSPF neighbors. Now, if you want to verify the interface status, will you show the IP interface brief? Will you show the IPV 6-interface brief? So it's almost like this. So show the IP route. Where? You display the IPV-6 route. So, wherever there is IP, we simply need to replace the majority of the commands with IPVC. So most of the configurations are almost similar, which means we really don't need to learn any new commands.

Now, to assign the IPV6 service here, we need to go to the interface zero by zero. That's what we are doing here. We need to get into the interface zero-by-zero or faster than zero-by-zero. And once we get into interface mode, normally we assign the address as an IP address. Now we must state the IPV6 address. So we need to go to the interface at 0 by 0, and then we have to say the IPV-6 address, and we also need to assign the IPP service, whatever you decided.

Let's say FC 0011. So this is the IPP service that I decided on. And then you have to define the subnet mark. Now, when we define the submit mass here, we don't have anything like 255,525 or something like that, like we do in IP version four. But here we need to define the submit mask in terms of a slash value, and the default slash value that we use for any of the Ipvc services is 64. Now, which is going to say that the first 64 bits will be your global prefix value and the remaining 64 bits will be your interface ID? Now, if you see the commands, they are almost identical to what we have done in our IP version. For now, let's try to get into some practical labs.

So I'll go into my IPV6 basic configuration and take this simple diagram with two routers and do some basic configuration on the routers. Now, I have a prebuilt topology here with router one connecting to router two here, and both routers are already just started here without any initial configuration. So now, to verify, I'm going into my router's command line of the router one. If I give the shy face, nothing is configured, and if I go to show running configuration, none of the configurations are configured except the default. So I want to make sure that both routers, whichever ones I'm using here, are IPV6-enabled. Whatever we have is given to us on the interface. So let's start with the router one. I'll go to interface F zero by zero, and then we need to start with an IPV6 address. If you see the IVC service of the router at one f zero by zero, it is FC 0011 with a 64 second mask. And then I need to give the "no Sharon" command, and I'm going to give one more command, "no keypad," because in my GNS, if you see here, I don't have any connection on my line interface. This is something very basic.

You might know this. By default, the Fzero by Zero interface is not connected to any switch. Either way, there are two solutions. Either you connect to a switch here or simply give a command called "no keep." So if I specify no keep allowing, it will not send any keep messages on this interface, and your interface will remain operational despite the lack of a physical connection. This is something we do in the lab—specific things—but it is not usually required in production networks. So on the router now, you can see the interface is up even though there is no connection. Similarly, we need to go to the other interface, which is connecting to the router, to the S one by zero interface. I'm going to assign some IPV6 servers.

Submit the mass at 20 01, 12 64. I see there is an incomplete command, and the reason is that I typed NCOMA instead of a double dot. So it's the same button on the keyboard you'll find, and still, I see some message—it says IPPV service 2001. Because you can see again, I have added the same thing here. So you have to use Shift. Press that button here as per my keyboard. Done. So, if you don't see any error messages, the command was probably correct, and we'll give no shut-down command to bring the interface back up and running. That command is not required here in the GNS programme that I'm using. Now, if you want to verify, we can use the Show IPV6 interface brief. Now, in case you try to verify like this, let's say if I use "Show IP interface brief," I don't see anything here because this is something relating to IP version 4, and we are not using IP version 4 here, we are using IP version 6. Because the entire IPV Four configurations and the IPV Six configurations are different, we must use IPV Six interface brief. If you look at the Fzero by Zero interface, you'll notice that we have two addresses.

Now, if you remember, I discussed that by default on the router, on the router interface F zero zero, we have the one address that we assign just now, FC zero zero. And there is one more address, which we refer to as the "Link Local Address." Now, whether you assign it or not, this Link Local address is the default IPVSix address on every IPV6 enabled interface. So if something defaults, and that address by default starts with FEA zero here, the remaining portion will be more similar to your Mac address. So it'll accept the Macaddress with a combination of F FFE. Now, this is something I'll discuss more in detail when I get into the stateless order configuration, because this is something more similar to that.

As of now, I can simply state that anything beginning with Feh zero will be of Mac address. If you also want to verify the Mac address, you can use "Show interface F zero by zero," which includes Mac. If you just give that, you can see some hardware address, and I think it will display as an address. This is C H 510200, as you can see. I see five, ten—something along those lines. I'll explain it more in detail when it comes to the status of the configuration, because I can give a better idea of that when we discuss the status of the configuration. Okay? So as of now, I'm not going to get into detail about that. But what you need to understand here is that one will be the address, whichever we assign, and the other will be the Link local address, which is non-routable. Similarly, the same thing happens with every IPV 6-enabled interface. So let me go to the router too and do the same thing. Interface zero, IPV six I'm using two just to make it simple.

The interface is one by zero IPV 6 2001, one by two with plastic four submarine, and there is no shut down command and no keep left command to bring it up even if it is not connected. So, if you use the Show IP interface to verify, I-PVC Interface Brief I can see on the interface that we have two addresses or the same address, whatever you would decide as per the diagram. The same thing as on this one by zero; also the same address. Now if I try to ping from router one to router two via the interface, I should be able to ping. So, whenever you're using Ipvc services, if you come across really long addresses, I recommend typing at first so you can get used to typing this Ipvc service. However, once you're comfortable with typing, you should be able to simply copy and paste the addresses for verification.

You can see from the router one interface that I'm able to pin it to the router one interface because they are directly connected with each other. But if I try to pin the LAN interface of router two to the LAN interface of router one, you can't think that because the networks are different, you don't need to implement some routing protocol if you want that communication to happen; we'll go over that in more detail later. So far in this section, we've mostly seen how to assign an IPV6 address to any of the IP Version 6 interfaces wherever you want to run IP Version 6. The command is very simple: wherever we use IP, we just need to replace it with IPV 6, and then we say PVC service and assign the Ipvcservice, and then define whatever the submit mark is or whatever the slash value you want to assign.

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