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All CSA CCSK certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the CCSK Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!

Core Cloud Computing Concepts

14. Cloud Deployment Models - Hybrid Cloud

Hello friends. In this lecture, we will define hybrid cloud. So, in the previous two lectures, we looked at what the public cloud is. So, what exactly is a "private cloud"? So this is the third deployment model, which is the hybrid cloud. So hybrid as a name can be seen, it's just that it's a mix of two. So it is a mix of both public and private clouds. So you are reaping the benefits of a public cloud as well as enjoying the security of a private cloud. So let's see what a hybrid cloud is.

As a result, hybrid cloud combined with on-premises infrastructure, which can be used as private cloud, is often referred to as "the best of both worlds." With public cloud, organisations can reap the benefits of both end users using the private cloud and, when necessary, using the public cloud. So this is the most you can say is used in the deployment model that is currently being used by the organisation because most organisations have their own data center. So they are not the major reason that this is the model that is currently being used and preferred. The one thing is that all the organizations don't want to take the risk of moving all their infrared data to the public cloud. So they are slowly testing and moving their infrastructure to the public cloud. The organisation also requires sensitive data because it requires greater control over it.

They desired an on-premises or private cloud environment, but for data such as web applications, where they require less control or security and can reap the benefits of public cloud, they have moved that workload to the public cloud environment. They are thus utilising both private and public clouds. So in a hybrid cloud, data and applications can move between the private and public cloud for greater flexibility. So, I'll explain the concept in a moment the concept. Another advantage of the public cloud is that it can be used for high-volume, low-security needs such as web-based email, while the private cloud on-premises can be used for sensitive and business-critical applications such as financial reporting. As I previously stated, you can use the public cloud wherever lower security is required, a higher volume of data is required, and traffic is massive.

And if you want to reap the benefits of public cloud, you can do so right now if you think it's okay. This data is extremely sensitive, and deploying or migrating it to the public cloud would cause problems. So you can use your private cloud to keep sensitive data within your organisation or only in your private cloud so that you have control over it. And there is something like a hybrid cloud. You can also search for "what is cloud breastfeeding," which is a great option. And organisations are benefiting from this. I'll tell you what cloud bursting is. So let's say you're running a couple of these end users who are accessing some of the websites, and during normal business hours, whatever application servers or influence you're having, they're able to handle that particular load. But there might be a possibility that, okay, after two or three days, a big sale of a billion dollars is coming. Like I gave the example of Flipkart, a New Year's sale is coming, right?

So in that case, or if you have announced some days of sale, that's okay. For the next particular week, there could be sales on multiple products. In that case, you anticipate a large volume of traffic and want to leverage the benefits of public clouds. In that case, you can quickly deploy those particular servers within the cloud so that whatever load is coming onto your servers, that peak can be handled by the public cloud.

So in that case, that is called a cloud breast. Whenever there is a spike in usage or activity, in that case, rather than procuring your own information, you can use the infrastructure provided by the public cloud, and you'll pay the charges only for that time. And after that, when the requirement is not there, you can shut down those instances, and you will not be charged for that. In this way, hybrid clouds have a number of benefits. Let's look at some of the advantages of hybrid cloud. Your organisation can maintain control over the private infrastructure for sensitive assets; there's more flexibility. For example, you can take advantage of additional cloud sources whenever there is a spike or a need for cost effectiveness, such as the ability to scale to the public cloud.

You're not paying anything for the upfront cost; you're only paying for the time. You've uploaded some extracts and additional storage to the cloud. There is also an ease of transition to the cloud because you can migrate gradually and in phases. Once you are satisfied with this particular project and it is running successfully on the cloud, you can go ahead and plan your second project and, say, your second or third data center. So there is some ease in that: once your organisation or stakeholders are completely satisfied, you can gradually migrate your infrared to the public cloud. So these are the benefits of hybrid clouds. So, my dear friends, in the first lecture, when we studied what is cloud computing, we had a long definition from the NIH, and at that point, I said, okay, this definition may look very lengthy and nasty. The National Institute of Standards and Technology spent a lot of time standardising the definition.

So once we complete all the lectures, like five attributes or five essential characteristics and three service models and three deployment models, we will again come to this definition and we'll see if it is simple, right? and if it is worth spending time on. So, to the best of my knowledge, there is no better definition of cloud computing than this.

So now you can see; just pay attention to the color, which is red. So what is cloud computing now? So cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous access everywhere, right? As a result, ubiquitous network access, like broad network access and convenient on-demand network access, is present everywhere. The second characteristic we studied was network access to a shared pool of configurable resources, where we said that the pool of resources should be available in terms of network servers and storage that can be rapidly provisioned and released with the minimal management effort of the service provider.

So this is another characteristic, and this model is composed of five essential characteristics, which are given above. Three service models are Pass and SaaS, and three deployment models we have just finished are public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud. So if you'll see, it is just the combination of those five essential characteristics, your deployment, and the service models. As for me, there could be no better definition. NIST has done a wonderful job defining and explaining cloud computing. So I hope this definition is now simple now. So this is it, my dear friends. I hope you have really enjoyed this course. We have studied each and every topic in detail, and I have also included a couple of demos so that you can correlate in a live environment that, okay, how cloud providers are providing such a big infrastructure and then what they are having within their data centers, how many data centers, and how they are connected worldwide. So you understand how difficult it is at the vendor's or provider's site to provide such a large infrastructure and how much money and effort are required on their end. So thank you, friends. Thank you for spending your time with us. In case you're having any doubts, you can write them to me. You can try to solve your query as soon as possible. Thank you, friends.

Understand Cloud Agreements

1. Cloud Service Agreements

Hello friends. So welcome to this lecture on cloud service agreements. So, in this lecture, we will study that okay, before making a contractor or using any of the cloud service provider services, what kind of expectations we need to set and what all we want from that okay cloud service, and only then will we go ahead and use the services to avoid any kind of future complications.

So let's study what's in the cloud service agreement. So one thing that is pretty clear is that on one side, on the left side, there is a cloud customer. It could be an individual or an organization. And then on the other side there is a CSP, which we call a "cloud service provider," for which this cloud service provider will be providing services to the customer. So the cloud service agreement is a very important document that basically governs that. Okay, what kind of relationship is there between the CSP and the CSC?

So it will basically define, "Okay, what are the terms and conditions on which customers will agree and the cloud provider will agree?" and then they will sign a kind of contract that says, "Okay, now we'll go ahead and use the services." So this is a very important document before procuring or using any of the cloud services or migrating any of your data to the cloud. .

One thing we as customers must understand is that, okay, all of our expectations of the service provider, whether for on-premises or cloud services, must be clearly documented in the service agreement. And it is true for the service provider as well. That okay. They do not want the kind of behaviour they expected from cloud customers. Is there any kind of pornographic content that a customer should put on their cloud?

There should be an acceptable use policy. That is how they will be using the cloud service provider's services. It should not be like some hackers; they are using the cloud service provider platform, and from there they are launching a DDoS attack. So it is that on both sides, they need to agree on certain terms, saying, "Okay, this is what we agree on." And then they'll sign a contract, and the customer will start using the cloud services provided by the service provider. So it is critical that they both understand what has been agreed upon, so that if there is any kind of complication or penalty tomorrow, there has been some kind of breach at the service provider, and if so, who will compensate and how much will the CSP give to the customer? So all these need to be mentioned in the cloud service agreement. So, let's see, cloud service agreements, like we discussed, are primarily written to set clear expectations for services between the cloud service customer and the cloud service provider. Another point to note is that, as previously stated, the cloud service agreement is the primary document.

Let's say some kind of breach happened. You want to know? That OK. How will the SLA be provided by this cloud service provider, how will billing be charged, and what are the SLA backup services? Right. Or you can say how data confidentiality or privacy will be handled. So it is one of the main documents. Which customer will reference some critical situation and set out the terms and conditions of the contractual relationship between the provider and the customer?

So this is the main document. We will study this in the next lecture. That okay. What are the different things that a customer should think about before signing the contract? That okay. All of these things should be mentioned in the CSA customer service agreement. Or some people do refer to it as a contract as well. So it's meaningless. It is between the terms and conditions that expectations from both sides are mentioned. And then the document had been signed, which we called a customer service agreement. So this is it. Friends in this lecture We'll meet you at the next lecture. Thank you. Thank you for watching.

2. Why Do we need CSA (Cloud Service Agreement)

Hello friends. So welcome to this lecture on why we need the CSP or the cloud service agreement. In the last segment of the last lecture, we learned that, OK, CSAs are a set of documents or agreements that actually contain the terms and conditions governing the relationship between the cloud customer and the cloud service provider. And this will study that, okay.

Why do we actually need the CSA? So the one thing we all know is that the cloud computing market is rapidly growing, and it is currently in the maturing phase, which means that you and your services are coming day by day. And there is a new innovation every day. Consider things in terms of the internet, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, or blockchain. So on a day-by-day basis, there is new technology that is coming onto the market, right? So the idea behind the CSA is that all cloud customers should be aware that, OK, there might be a mismatch between their expectations and the services that are actually provided by the CSP. Consider an organisation and whether it is required to comply with GDPR regulations.

On the other hand, if that organisation is moving to the cloud and the cloud provider is not sharing that okay, they will need to know where their data will be processed and/or which physical location will be used when the customer's data will be stored. So in that case, it would be difficult for the organisation to comply with the GDPR regulation, right? In such cases, this cloud service agreement will undoubtedly be beneficial because, prior to signing the contract, customers can clearly state their expectations and how they want the data to be stored. So customers can clearly discuss that. They can go over all of the roles and responsibilities in the CSA business level policies, as well as how failures would be handled. And then customers can evaluate the security and privacy requirements, whatever they are having.And customers can also discuss and mention the exit process, say, in case they want to leave the cloud or move on to another cloud.

So, whatever their expectations are, customers should ensure that their expectations of cloud service providers in terms of privacy, confidentiality, integrity, backup and disaster recovery, and the exit process are clearly defined. So that tomorrow, in case there is a breach, you can sue or you can negotiate with the cloud service provider in terms of a penalty or in terms of a notification from the law enforcement agencies that, okay, some kind of forensic support is required. So in all those cases, you need to clearly think of them. You need to sit down with your legal team—or maybe the lawyers—and then go ahead and sign the contract with the CSP, like the examples here, because we already discussed The cloud is evolving, and all the major players, like AWS, are continuously building up their data centres in different cities or countries. So think of AWS: there are 699 availability zones with 22 geographical regions.

This equates to 22 different regions around the world. They're using their datacenters like availability zones. You can see that. Okay, 69. So an availability zone is like when different data centres club together—maybe three or four data centres club together—and there is one availability zone. Consider the complexity that customers must consider. That okay. It should be clearly mentioned from the service provider's side that, okay, this is the only location where the customer wants the data and the data should not go out. As a result, the CSA is critical in ensuring that the cloud customers' expectations are met and the cloud service provider's requirements are met. So that is why we need the cloud service agreement. So this is it for this lecture. Thank you for watching this lecture. Between the following lectures.

3. Major Artifacts of CSA

Hello friends. So welcome to this lecture on the major artefacts of the CSA, or customer service agreement. So in the last lecture, we studied what CSA is. Okay, what is CSA? Why do we need CSA? So, in this lecture, we'll look at that, okay? What are the major artifacts, if what all? There should be a part of the CSA before the customer signs the contract; he should have assessed the cloud service provider's terms and conditions so that tomorrow there should not be an issue. So let's see what the major artefacts of the CSA are.

And one thing before we discuss these major artifacts, we need to understand that, okay, for cloud security or success in using the services and everything else. There are certain things, like, from the customer's perspective, they need to make sure that what they're expecting and what they need to negotiate with the cloud provider is pretty clear. And that is the first point to have from a cloud security perspective that the customer should understand or the organization should understand or pay attention to. And it is pretty common that as soon as customers start using the services, they will have their own experiences and difficulties, or some of the services they may like, or some of the support services they may not like.

And it is very common that disputes may arise over the structure of the agreement. So that is why it is very important that cloud customers pay attention to the languages and the clauses that are there in the cloud service agreement. So there may be some terminologies that customers should be aware of because their service provider has mentioned some legal terms that are difficult to comprehend, correct? very complicated. So in that case, it is the responsibility of the cloud customer to assess and go through each and every clause in the contract to ensure that whatever that cloud service provider has mentioned is understood by the cloud customer. So there are the three major artefacts from a cloud service agreement perspective. See, there is one more thing that we need to understand before using any of the cloud service providers.

We know that there are a number of players in the market that are providing cloud services to customers. Some are extremely large, such as Amazon or Google Alibaba, correct? and some of our very small players. So there might be a possibility that the large players like Amazon SEO or Microsoft Azure are inflexible with these cloud service agreements because they don't want customers to make many changes or amendments, right? On the other hand, there is a chance that the cloud service providers, which are typically small, are quite flexible with the cloud service agreement. But as a customer, you need to be aware that the small service providers may overpromise to win the contract or attract the customer, but later on there might be issues.

So, before using any cloud service provider, customers must assess all of their options and choose a balanced approach. And it is solely the customer's responsibility to evaluate the CSA or the terms and conditions, as well as to read and review all of the documents. OK, whatever the customer needs are, they are met by the services that are described in the cloud service agreement. So in general, there might be other major effects or other facts that are there that customers can assess and include in the customer service agreement or the contract. However, we will focus on three major issues that are extremely important. So the first is the customer service agreement, where a customer will assess, "Okay, what are the different rules and responsibilities provided by the cloud service provider?"

All of this will be covered in each lecture, and the acceptable use policy will detail how the service provider expects customers to use these services. For example, I already discussed that, okay, cloud service providers provide that customers should not use the cloud platform for any legal activity, like maybe gambling or pornography. So this is about the acceptable use policy. And then there's the service level. What do you call a "service level agreement" within the CSA? It describes the level of service like various attributes in terms of availability, service availability, or performance. All these things will be covered in the service level agreement. So all these are, you could say, the major parts of the cloud service agreement. So this is it, friends, in this lecture: the artefacts for the cloud service agreement. So, thank you for watching this lecture. I'll see you at the next lecture.

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