Practice Exams:

350-601 DCCOR Cisco CCIE Data Center – Compute part 6

  1. Cisco Intersight Architecture Overview_C

Let us talk about Cisco Intersight architecture overview. And here we can see that with Cisco Intersight we can manage, say, UCS manager IMC, that is an integrated management controller, the HyperFlex connect, the UCS director. So these things we can manage from my Intersight. And what are the benefits here with respect, respect to cloud management, we have benefits such as the cloud based data center management. Then we have global multi site data center, edge management. We have a recommendation engine. That means that all the time behind the scene, this cloudbased controllers, they are updating themselves. We have real time analytics, machine learning. Means these are the benefits or you can say the innovations inside the Cisco Intersight that they have these capabilities, then they have the forecasting capabilities.

Now, this is with respect to say cloud managed. Then with respect to DevOps, they are doing the continuous integration, continuous delivery service are added with no disruption to the customers, means customer even they don’t know that what type of integration or patching they are doing behind the scene to up the scale or to enhance the capability features of the Intersight. Then finally we have the continuous monitoring. So all such features we have in the cloud based Intersight. Now here in the diagram you can see that not only we have this option or the capability of Cisco enter site as a SaaS software, as a service, but we have this option of on premises as well. So on premises I can manage my HyperFlex, my UCS CS series, unified computing systems, UCS Mini, et cetera.

That’s the one thing. And here you can see it is something termed as a management, as a service where we have the features of telemetry, analytics, policy based orchestration, we have app store, we have secure and compliant option, API driven DevOps enable. So this is again very important. Means continuous innovation is going on, continuous application development is going on with respect to that. And then finally we have connected with Tag, means we have very good back end support from Cisco. So all these things we have with this cloud feature, with this cloud management feature, you can say finally what type of services we have. Will learn this in the upcoming lab. So here you can see that we have profile service, we have policy service. In profile service we have profiles with respect to server fabric, HX, a cluster and a node profile.

And with respect to policy, we have unique policy, firmware policy, server BIOS policy, storage fabric policy. Then we have HX cluster policy. So we have policies with respect to UCS and plus with respect to HyperFlex. So these things are there. Finally you can see that Intersight, continuous integration and delivery. So we have integration, say in terms of built test release operate. And here you can see that micro services tab off, independent delivery, always on rolling upgrades, horizontal in scale. So these things, even the customer, they are not knowing these things, but the developers, they are developing these services, or you can say the micro services.

And they are continuously patching these services inside this lifecycle. So we have this built guest release and operate and it is going on. So all these services, 1234 developers, they are developing these services. They are patching this inside this intersection. Okay, so this is the overview of what type of architecture we have for this particular cloud based managed software.

  1. Claim Devices_C

In this section we’ll learn that how we can claim device. Claim device means how we can connect, say UCS manager with our Cisco Intersight. You need to log into your UCS manager. You have to go inside the admin and then the device connector. From there you will get the device ID and the claim code. Now this device ID and the claim code we’re going to use inside the inter site. So you need to log into the inter site, inside the inter site. Suppose if you don’t have account, you can create your new account. You can accept all the terms condition. Once you create that account, then it will ask you about your account name, the device ID and the claim code that we have taken from the UCS manager. We can put it here and we can create.

Once you create this, once you log in, then it will ask you that okay, you want to take a site tour or how you can add a user group, et cetera. All these steps you can click close and you can move on. Now once you move on, then you’ll get this dashboard, say inside this dashboard you can go and click to the devices where you have newly added the device. Now suppose if you want to again add say UCS manager two, three and four. Then the same process you have to do you have to go inside the device connector you need the device ID and the claim code and then you can put here once you put the device ID and the claim code then finally you will get this type of device page where you have added all the devices that is claimed. Okay, so let me show you this, that how we can do.

Let me log to the inter site and all the UCS manager and then I will show you the step by step. That how you can claim or you can connect the UCS managers inside the Cisco enter site. So let me log here, I am inside. com and say if I don’t have account then I can go and click create account continue. Then it will go to the Cisco site where I need to put my username and the password will wait. Once I put the username and password then I need to accept this. And these are the very straightforward things that we can do. Now it is asking for the account name, device ID and the claim code. So let me go to my UCS manager, say one from where I can take the device ID and the claim code. Parallel. What I’ll do? I will palely log in to UCS manager two and three as well.

Let me log in to all the USS manager because it will take some time to log in. So we’ll log in here as well admin and the password.So it is already I think used. So that’s why it is not allowing me to login no problem. So if I log into any of the UCS manager then I’ll show you. That how we can go and take the device ID in the claim code. I log in inside. UCS Manager three. Let me go click Admin and then the device connector. Here you can see that intersite management is enabled. And here I have the device ID and the claim code. So let me copy and paste this device ID under the claim code. Account name is basic. Let me go and copy the claim code as well. Let me put that claim code and then create. Once you click Create then click log me in.

Now here you can see that it is logging to the dashboard. I don’t want any tour. If you want you can go and have a tour. Now I will click here to the dashboard. You can see here we have options related to server hyper, flex cluster fabric, interconnect service provide policies and devices. So in the next section we’ll learn about the dashboard. What are the things we have inside this? But let us go inside these devices. Here you can see that UCS manager three is connected and you can see that details about the usage manager three I can go to the devices. Now if I go back to the UCS manager three here you can see the silly just showing not claimed. So let me re log in this one more time because this time you will see that it is claimed. Okay, let me log in. I can go to Admin and then I can go click to Device connector. Here you can see the connection and it is claimed.

Okay, so this is the process that we can connect a device. So let me connect all the other devices which are available, all the other use case managers which are available and let me connect to my Cisco inter site and the process is again the same. So what I will do, I will copy paste the device ID and the claim code and I will go and paste inside intersect. Now this time what I will do, I’ll go and click here to claim a new device. So you have to come here, claim a new device. You need device ID and the claim code. Device ID already I copied. Let me copy the claim code and you can come here and you can place the claim code as well and then click Claim. Okay? So this way we can add all our uses manager. So whatever you see manager are left, I will add it offline.

  1. Scenario 2. Dashboard Overview_C

In this section we’ll learn about the dashboard. So once you log in, then you can see that you have this dashboard. Inside that dashboard you will get information about the server HyperFlex cluster and their registry. Here you can see how many are registered, what is the health status. So all those steps will get let me log into the device and from there I’ll show you. That how you can check all these options inside the dashboard, inside my enter site. And here you can see that server health system is showing that 16 is healthy. Now, if I click to that 16, now it is going inside the health and it is showing that, okay, this server, so actually it is coming inside the server. Let me show you like this. So here we have the options related to dashboard server HyperFlex, fabric interconnect, service profile policies and devices.

Now, these are the servers I have inside uses manager three and four. It is listing all the server. Even you have the search option as well. You can search as well. Okay, so let me go back to the dashboard. So let me click here to the dashboard. Let me scroll it down. You can see fabric interconnect inventory, server inventory. So that means if you click here to the fabric interconnect inventory, obviously you will go inside fabric interconnect. So here you can see fabric interconnect. When I can click here to fabric interconnect, it’s showing that I have four Fi. So FIAB four, UCS Manager three and four. Like that we have I can click to say UCS Manager for Fib and then we’ll get the detail about that. Now remember, this particular software is hosted over cloud. That means we are getting the information from the cloud.

But still you can see that it is fast enough that we are getting all the information showing that it is healthy. And then the other steps. Okay, again, let us go back to the dashboard. Because say dashboard, you can think dashboard is a common place from where they can go to any other sections inside the intersite component. So from dashboard we are moving to the other places. Then the server version summary, server Model summary, the Hyper Flex information, HyperFlex cluster alarms, then server HCL, Estated summary, all sorts of information we have. And finally, this feature can be enabled with the Cisco Intercept Essential license. So you can go to the license section and then you can enable these type of features that we have discussed earlier, that what are there in the free license or the base license and what is there in the essentials that we can compare.

Now, if you want to learn about the new features, you can click to learn more. And here you can see what are the new features added. Say added HyperFlex Data Platform Support to HyperFlex Cluster Profile for HyperFlex Installation for more information you can click and check the HyperFlex cluster deployment ability for Cisco tech access, tech support, intersect essential server images. So all sort of new features, list of new features you will get from here. Okay, now here in the top section, in this section you can see that we have the alerts and the search and the other options. So let me show you all these things one by one. So this is the task. At the moment there’s no active task. Task completed in last 24 hours. That is one thing. Then we have the setting where we have the audit logs, sessions, licensing and the other settings.

Then we have search. Suppose if I search now, it will search. You’ll get that search result here and you can see that this search is quite robust. Even we have this help option as well. What type of help you want? Say take a side tour, learn how to claim new device and all sorts of stuff. Then we can send the feedback as well. Okay, now here you have this user preference inside user preference you can go and you can change the theme, say from Dark you can use Light. Then you have UI settings side where expand and hover. Then the language reference, you can save it. Now we have this type of display which is lighter, whatever we have used. Okay, now again, let me show you the other stuff as well. So let us click here to the server and check the servers. Because I have used this manager three and Four.

So you have all sorts of information about uses manager three and four. When you can go here, you can click, you can check this, you can check the inventory and some sort of licensing are also required. No problem. Then we can go to hyper flex clusters. At the moment we don’t have any clusters here that will be blank. Then I can go inside the fabric interconnect. And these are the fabric interconnects we have. Let me change the profile light to Dark. Okay, then we have the service profile. So service profiles will check in the upcoming section. Then finally we have the policies. So license required and then the devices that we have already seen. So this is the overall tour of the dashboard. And let me go here and take a site tour.

Let me click there. Yes, I want to continue. So welcome to Cisco intercept. Provide a single pane of glass consisting operations, model unified experience for managed all UCS and HyperFlex system and solution in your environment. This is the tour for Cisco inter site. So click here to open the menu. Okay? Then inside the dashboard, whatever things you’ll get, you have that list. Then the server, then the hyper flex clusters, then the fabric interconnects, then the service profile, then the policies, then the devices, then the alarms, task search, setting, help profile. Okay? Okay. And we are done. Okay, so this was the dashboard tour.

  1. Scenario 3. Add and Remove a Dashboard_C

In this section we’ll learn that how we can add and remove a dashboard. And for that you can go here to the dashboard. You can see it has a plus sign. If you click the plus sign, then you’ll get that option to add a new dashboard and you can add some wizard inside the dashboard. Finally, if you want you can again click here to edit, rename and delete. Delete so we have the delete option as well. Okay, so let me go to my dashboard. From there I’ll show you how we can do this. Add and Delete Off Dashboard I’m here inside my enter side. Let me go to my dashboard. Here you can see that plus sign is here. Click to the plus sign. Once you click to the plus sign, then you’ll get widget library from where you can select.

So what, you want to select the Fabric Interconnect Health Summary? Yes, then again we have add wizard. Fabric wizard has been added. Then fabric interconnect inventory then fabric interconnect version summary HyperFlex. So let’s just add this HyperFlex as well. You can go back as well like this, it is disabled here. Obviously we don’t have HyperFlex so leave it. Let’s scroll down. We have options related to HyperFlex. Then we have this license status. Add this widget because we are using the base license. Then we have server inventory. Let me go and add the server inventory as well. Let’s scroll down server Model Summary let’s go and select and add this. Then we have some profile and some other options as well. So let me add the profile.

Server Version Summary let me just scroll up so I can see the server profile summary. I can go here, I can add this. So once I’m done with all this adding of this thing, I can close this. Now you can see that I have dashboard One, dashboard Two. So this is my parent dashboard where I have all those features. This is my other dashboard where I have added a few features or few things that I want to observe, like Fabric Interconnect License and Server Health. Say if I click to the license, obviously it will go inside the license where it will show you the difference between the base and the essential that we have already covered. And at the moment the current is the base one. Okay, so I can go back again.

And inside this dashboard we have other things as well that we have already checked. Say for example, if I go to the Server Health summary, I can go and check, okay? Now for example, suppose if you want to change the dashboard name, so here we can click to the edit and we have the option to click Rename and then here I can type a few server features so I can click and I can like this. Finally, suppose if you want to delete this, you can go ahead and click delete delete the dashboard. You want to delete the dashboard? Yes, I want to delete it. Click delete. And now you can delete this dashboard. So this is the way that we can create new dashboard. We can add the wizards, and then we can delete.