Practice Exams:

350-601 DCCOR Cisco CCIE Data Center – Compute part 7

  1. Scenario 4. Activate Trial Essentials License_C

Now I will show you that how you can activate the trial essential licenses. Let us talk about the licenses first and then I’ll show you that how you can go to the settings and from there we can activate 90 days license period. We know that we have two types of licenses. One is the base license means by default it will be there, that is free. And then we we have the essential license in base license what features we have. So it supports the Cisco UCS and Hyper Flex system. Global Inventory health status? Global Search. So whatever things that we have inside the dashboard at the moment, we can see that it is supported by the base license. And some of the fields we have seen that it requires license enablement. So if we enable the license, then those features also will pop up or we can access those features as well.

So what are those features? Those features are say C series management, policy based, configuration through service profile, firmware management, virtual KVM server, HCL compliance check detail, inventory and the server action. So, what we have to do here, we have this option called Start Evaluation. You can go there and you can click. So once you click, then what will happen that the 90 days evaluation period will start. Okay, so let me go log to the device and I’ll show you that how we can do that. So for that, you need to go inside the settings. So let me click here to the settings. Inside settings you can see the licenses. Now, inside this licenses I can click here to Start Evolution period. Start Evolution 90 Days you have 90 days to explore the features of Intersight essentials.

After that evolution period you will automatically place back to the base license. You want to continue? Yes. Now your trial period has been started. And here you can see the current is essential. So now we have the 90 day license period. Now, if I go inside the dashboard and if I check, some of the features were not there initially. If I scroll down now, this is okay, the status is trial. But now you can see that all the features we can access, even the Sels status summary, that is the 16 and incomplete. Now we can access all these features, correct? So initially you have seen that in previous recording, some of the features when we click here, it’s it was showing that you need the licenses. Now we don’t need and we can check, we can learn, we can explore more features for 90 days and then we can purchase that license, otherwise it will fall back to the base license.

  1. Scenario 5. UCS Management via Intersight_C

In this section, we’ll learn that from Intersight. How I can manage my UCS manager. Okay? So we have UCS Manager three and four registered inside my intersite. And we’ll see that how we can launch a particular say UCS Manager. And then how we can play around with that. So suppose what I will do. I will go inside my intersection. I will launch the UCS manager say three. Once the UCS Manager Three is launched, then I’ll create one BIOS policy. I will create any test type of BIOS policy. And then I’ll close it. Then I’ll again login this via my normal GUI mode. And from there I will verify that whatever I have created from my Intersight, if that policy is there in my UCS Manager or not.

Okay? So that is the one thing. The other thing that inside Intersight. Also we have option to create the policies and the profile that also will verify. So I’ll go inside say policies and I’ll create one BIOS policy. Here you can see that server policy. BIOS policy. Once I create that policy, then again I will go inside profile. So here I can go inside the profile and I can create one profile where I’ll call the policy. Okay. So let me log in and I will show you all these steps. Here I am inside my intersection. Let me go to the devices. I registered only two. UCS Manager two and three. So let me go and launch say UCS Manager three. Here you can see I have option launch UCS Manager plus launch CLI. So both options I have. Let me launch the GUI from the enter site.

Now it is loading. So once we load, then what we’ll do, we’ll go inside the server. And then we’ll create one policy called BIOS policy. And once it launch, then you’ll find that same type of options that we have with the UCS Manager here also. You’ll get that? So here it is. You can see all those options that we have with the UCS Manager. Here we have those options. So say I can go inside the server and inside server say I want to create BIOS policy. So let me create one BIOS policy. Test BIOS created successfully. Okay, now what I will do, I will log out from here. Means I will exit from here, from this UCS Manager Yes, I want to exit. Then I’ll go and log UCS Manager three and we’ll check that. Do we have that buyers policy? So here I am inside my USCS manager three.

I am loading that UCS manager. Let me log into this. Log in here you can see that we have the same options. I can go to the server inside the BIOS policy. You can see test BIOS is created. So that is the one way that we can do that. Okay. The other option we have inside the enter site that inside that enter site we have options related to policies and profile. So here we can see the service profile and policies. So let me go and click to policies first. Here we have policies say with respect to hyper flex policies and the server policies. Let me click to the server policies. So here we’ll get the option that create server policy will go. And suppose I want to create a bios policy from say enter site. Then we have option of description and tag leave it we’ll click next and I want to create this.

So here I have option to add several things. But it’s okay, I have taken as default. Now I can go to the profiles. There is a service profile. Let me click there to service profile and the service profile. Also you have the HyperFlex cluster profile and the server profile. You can click to the server profile. You can create server profile. Here I can give name as a server say enter site profile something. Now I can click next. Now it is loading. It is going to the next. Here I can click to the BIOS. And if I click to the BIOS say I have this option to select from intersite and likewise that we are using in the UCS manager. Then you have all sorts of option here. So boot order, device connector, IPMI, LDAP and everything we have.

Suppose if you know how this UCS manager service profile works in the same way you can create all those things here. And finally you can click next to create it. So then we have the server assignment and this we can assign say assign server letter next then we have the summary and here you can see what’s the name of the server profile is the server inter site. Then what policy we have inside that we have BIOS policy say from inside and then we can save it. So I’m just showing that what is the way that you can create a service profile from your intersite and you can use it for the future operations. So this is the way that from interstate I can open the UCS manager first and secondly how I can create the policies and profile from my intersite.

  1. Scenario 6 & 7. Delete All Claimed Devices,Submitting Feedback and Further

In this section I will show you that how you can delete the claimed devices and then further how you can send the feedback. OK, so obviously to delete the devices, you have to go inside the devices you can select and click here to delete. It will delete. And for the feedback you have to go in the help section and send the feedback. OK, finally we have some references for from where you can get the knowledge about the inter site. So you can use these URLs for further learning. So let me log to the intersection and I’ll show you how to send the feedback and how to delete the devices logged in into the intersection. Let me go to the devices first.

So inside devices, what I can do here that I can select all the devices and then I have this delete option. You want to remove from the intersection? Yes, I want to and things are deleted. Now I can go to the help and then I have this send us feedback. US means you are sending their feedback to the Cisco engineers and you can link leave a comment here and then you can submit it. Okay. And here you have options like poor fare. Good, excellent. And you can send the feedback as well. So this is the way that we can delete the devices and send the feedback.

  1. Hyperflex Deployment

In this extent. We want to do the deployment of hyper Flex with respect to Intersight and we are going to use the GUI method. So let’s go and start this. Let me go and log into the inter site. Once we are inside the inter site you can see that we have options here you can see that we have the let’s see we are inside the menu and you can see on the top I can go and hide the menu. I can go and show you the menu. So here we have two HyperFlex actually nodes and those numbers you can see two 20 m, five s although the fonts are small but here we have two here in this particular app and we want to do the edge deployment for the HyperFlex so we can go to the profile. I’m going to walk you through all the steps required to do the deployment. We can go on the top you can see that we have create HyperFlex cluster profile and we want to do the edge deployment.

Select the edge and then go next let me go back just wanted to show you something. So here you can see that we have the compute platform as an ESXi and the store is as HyperFlex correct. Now here you can see that we have the workflow general node assignment, cluster configuration, node configuration summary and results so we need to follow that workflow. Here I’ll go and give the name. Let me go and give the name and let me type here and the name I want to give. Cluster one and the version we can go and pick so version I want. To pick four, five. One a the rest of the things we can leave it okay. Now we can go to the next we’ll go to the node assignment. And here you can see that we have two node. I can go and select these nodes because I want to do the deployment for the both or you can select from top as well so you don’t have the option here to go like that.

Okay so we have this option and obviously if you have more numbers you can go and use the filters you have the option to export as well. Great, so assign note assign note later we’ll use assign notes now and then we can go to the next once we arrange to the next tab then it will ask you various things related to security, DNS V centers, storage configuration or to support so many things let’s check one view and everything security. Let’s give the password and I’m giving the confirm password but it’s actually easy and the workflow we can see that simply we need to go and follow the workflow so we don’t need much knowledge here to do these jobs. So once we go and give the security password then let’s go to the next.

We have the DNS entity and the time zone so the time zone. I should go and give the time zone and let’s check that. If I can go and check the search like this. But yeah, we can go and give any the time zone that we are at the moment in, then the DNS suffix, let me go and give that. And then the DNS server, that should be the IP address. And then the NTP server. Great. So once we have this information and then we can go and give the information related to Vcenter. So what’s the FQDN we have for Vcenter? Yeah, this is username and password so let me give that vsphere then the password and then the DC name DC name is great. So this information is also good. Then we can go and give the storage configuration what we want.

We want any optimization used here VDI optimization I’ll give and then we can go and check the auto support. I can leave this as default, no problem. Then we have to go and give them node IP address ranges. Okay, so now here we’ll see that the management networks starting IP and then the ending IP, then the subnet mask and the gateway correct. So let’s give this IP address. We have an IP range that we can go and use here. And what I can do here, I can copy this because we’re going to use same type of IPS everywhere. Starting with 101, then 102, then the subnet mask. Let me use this subnet mask. And then the gateway. So the gateway that we have everywhere is this. Then the controller VM we know that we have the controller VM management network IPS.

Let’s start these IPS from three, four and then the subnet subnet I will use the same and then here also we need to give the gateway address. The gateway address that I can give here is the same that we have given on the top. All right, so these are the very basic configurations that we are putting here and we have put these informations that you can see. Now we can go and give the network configuration information proxy setting if it is required and then finally you can see that we have information related to HyperFlex storage network. So let’s go and configure the network configuration. And let me scroll a little bit down. You can see that uplink speed, I can go and change. So ten gig plus HyperFlex edge. And then the Mac addresses start and end. I’ll give the same.

And then the VLAN management ID that it is asking, I’ll give zero and zero. At the moment we have this jumbo frame, we’ll leave it as default. Then let’s minimize this proxy setting. We don’t have proxy so we can leave this proxy and then finally we have the HyperFlex storage networking. The VLAN ID that I want to use for this is 100 great. So we have given all these parameters which is required. Now we can move to the fourth option. That is the node configuration. So we can go there. So let’s go to the fourth one and then it is asking cluster management IP.

So cluster management IP is nothing but 100 and then the macro does not use zero and the rest everything seems okay. Now what we can do here that we can go and expand this. So two nodes are there. You can see here that cluster one one and one two. And if you go and expand it you will see the details that whatever we have. So we have two edge here, edge eleven and one two. And for that the hypervisor IP is 101 for other one is 102. The storage controller IP is 10 three. The other storage controller IP 10 four. So 10 one and 10 three and then 10 two and 10 four for the other one. So we are very much good at this point. We can go next because now we can go and summarize everything. We are in the fifth workflow so we can summarize anything.

If you see anything wrong here, we can go and change that here I’m getting one error type of flex edge deployment use replication factor of two the risk of autism. We know this thing that you need at least three because two are there for replication and one is there for caching, correct? So that’s okay. Now we can validate it. We can use validate and deploy. So I’ll go and click validate and deploy and now it is working fine. It will take approximately 2 hours to do the deployment here you can see that only five per got deployed. So once this will get deployed I’ll come back and we can go and check this. Okay? So let’s stop here and once it will be live will come and we will verify a few things.