Practice Exams:

350-601 DCCOR Cisco CCIE Data Center – Compute part 8

  1. Post Installtion Basic Verification

2 hours to do the installation and once we have done the installation then let me show you that we can go and check these informations as well. So you’ll find that we have two physical hyper connect and plus one cluster as well and you can see that we have HyperConnect one and two. This is connected here but if you go and check the target, so inside the target you will see that we have one fabric as well and then from target I will show you that how we can go. And actually you can open hyper connect web page or the Google page. I’m going to show you that but before going there you can see that we have various tabs here and if you have followed my course complete intersect course previous eight, nine videos that I have uploaded before this video.

So at least you know that how you can go and work inside the intersection, correct? So what are the tabs we have and which is doing what? And other restaurants. Great. So knowing that thing, let me quickly show you that once you go inside the policies, we haven’t created any policy but the intersect automation they have created the policy for us related to the HyperFlex. So here you can see that we have good amount of policies that is created automatically what we have done earlier that we had created the profile. Correct. And from this profile we have done the deployment to create. So next thing I just wanted to show you that you can go to the target and from target you can see although there are multiple ways to reach there so you can go to the target.

On top you can see that you have these three dots declared HX cluster one you can click here and you can see launch hyper flex connect. That’s one way, other way what you can do, you can go and check the hyper flex clusters. So once you go inside the cluster we’ll see that you’ll get the information about the cluster and we can see that we have all these options. Here you can see that we have the cluster and then you can go here and you can check the launch HyperFlex connect, run the health check, upgrade and configure backup, et cetera. Okay, so what I will do here, I will go to the targets, let’s go there and let’s check the rest of the connections or attachments that we have. We can go and click to the hyper flex connect.

Once you go and click there you’ll find that the new page related to HyperFlex will come and you will find that you can again go and check various things from here. So suppose if you want to check the performance, you can go and check the performance. So clearly you can see that the performance related to the cluster and here you will see that the I Oops throughput latency et cetera. Then here itself. You can go and check. Let me quickly show you. Let me show you the menu first, let me expand that menu. So you can see that various gaps that we have here. The moment it is little bit slow, you have system information, you have data store. Because we want to create the data store as well. In the next lab, I will show that how you can go and create the data store.

Or if time permits, I will show you here itself. So here you can see that youhave the system information in detail. You can go and you can check 10112. Both are online working fine at the moment for us, then we can go inside the data store. Let’s see, at the moment it is empty, but we can go and create the data store. I’ll come back to this tab after five minutes. Before that, let’s check all these options that we have right now, let’s go back to the system information here. And I want to open one more tab. Because I want to show you the VMware. V center. So from VMware v center, how we can go and manage the data stores, how we can go and manage the virtual environment that I want to show you.

So once you go here and once you go inside this, let me quickly show you that what VMs we have here. So I can go to home. Let’s go back to the home. First, let me close this warning message. So once we are inside the home, you can go and check the host and clusters. I just wanted to see the virtual machine information. So here you can see that this Bsfar cluster and this data center that we can see, it was not there earlier. So once we have done the full deployment, then it is showing here and it is coming up here. Now you can see that we have ESXi one one and one two. This is the age one and age two that is deployed over ESXi. And we have the data center as well from here.

What I want to show you here, you can first of all, let’s check the data center. So you have your DC that we have configured earlier. And that detail you can see. But actually I want to focus on data store. Before that, I’ll show you the VM. So here you can see that these VMs are there. That’s okay, no problem on that. Then let’s go to the data store. Now we’ll see that at the moment it will show the local data store. Correct? We don’t have the data store that is created inside the hyper flex and replicated here. So what I can do here, I can go here and we have this data store option. Let’s go there, create the data store and I’ll give the name. Let me give the name data store one.

And then let me give the size four and this is in create the data store. Okay, so create the data store. I am clicking it to create here. Creating the data store named data store one, four TB sizes four. That’s okay. Now, if you go back here to the Vsphere now you can see that we have data store showing unknown. But you will see that it will get synced. Correct? So simple point here is that you can see the intersite is there for the operation and optimization and deployment. HyperFlex is there. And then another connection is there. That’s the data store. Rest of the things we have discussed earlier in our theoretical section. That how this connection communications are working. All right. So let’s stop here.

  1. VM Deployment

We will see that how we can go and do the deployment for the templates. So I’m going to show you all those steps. Now we have already HyperFlex session open so let me go there and let me show you that inside the HyperFlex inside the VM you can see that two VMs are there but we are going to create some VMs inside the Vs for your client and from there you will see it will get replicated before going there. Just wanted to show you here that we have our data store. Data store one. Let’s go back to your square client and from here you can see that we are in the menu. We are inside the deployment page. I can do right click here and then you can see that we have an option deployed OBF template.

Once you click there then it will ask you that where is your location from where you want to deploy the template? So we’ll go and provide that it’s a local file and let’s go and give the location. So let me see that where I have that. Maybe in download or inside the document or maybe inside the template. Let me quickly search that. Let me search that first. Let me check VM Template. So here and then let me take that and let’s upload this. I can go next inside that. Yeah, that’s correct. Location and then compute. So compute is okay because in case of storage I want to select the data store so it’s working in the back. Can go next data store next and then finally the network. I want to select the VM network.

So we have the VM network here next ready to complete. Yeah. And now let’s go here to the menu. Let’s go to the VM and template inside that. Let’s go inside the VM. Once we are inside the VM you can see that we have our sent to US server template one correct. Great. So this thing should be replicated to the hyper flicks that we have. I can go back here and we will go to the virtual machine and you can see that we have this replication here. Now from this we can go and create the clone. So let’s do the cloning ready? Clones. You can go and select that number of clones. Suppose I want to create 50 customization options are there. I don’t want to give any custom options here.

The VM name prefix say infra server and let me do this and in the bottom you can see that it will go and create 50 servers like this power on the VM after cloning. Yes click clone. So now the job is started. And now if I go back to the VMware here and now see how instantly it is creating 50 infra cloning here. So how easy that we can go forth and create and play around this. That is one of the example I just wanted to highlight here great. So we have completed as per CCNP data center, DC core whatever important things related get to actually the inter site plus the hyper flex and now we are good to stop so let’s stop here.

  1. UCS Firmware upgrade 01

Now we reach to section two, four and five where we have to understand about UCS upgrade. So let’s understand step by step what are the best practices that we have related to UCS upgrade. Now, one core thing here about upgrade is that upgrade is very important. And you can until this is critical because as we are doing the vehicle maintenance, so we are doing the upgrade always as per the time seduce, we are going and checking the fuel tank whenever you are going for maintenance and all those servicing, et cetera. So they are going to check each and everything, different components and cohesively they are working inside that machine or not. Likewise, when we are doing any appliance upgrade, there are certain things that new upgrade will achieve.

So, what are the things? Again, we will see in the next slide, but overall, in a summary, you can check the Eul parts, upgrade the patches, upgrade the drivers, address the faults. So that’s the overall maintenance. Why we are doing maintenance, because if time to time we are doing the maintenance, that means that particular appliance life will increase and supportivity and the performance will enhance, correct? So let me quickly show you that while we are doing the upgrade, the main features that we want that it should be there. And after the upgrade, you’ll find that different terms related to network quality, security, those things will enhance.

So first of all, we want to improve the security. We know that time to time, security patches are coming time to time, the OS that is running inside the, inside the machine, inside the network appliances, they are getting vulnerable because new attacks, new things are coming into the market and we need to upgrade. That was just to remediate all those issues. So, let’s say Cisco is suggesting, suppose if you’re running four one, then it will suggest to four two or four three. Because as time progresses, you will find that critical bugs hitting some vulnerabilities, et cetera. So always we are looking for a stable release. That’s one of the main reason why doing the upgrade.

Now, second very important thing is that you want to do upgrade, because we know that in the Converse network we have new applications and new features that is coming and do my UCS system, they can understand those new codes, new features, et cetera. So sometimes we are doing the upgrade because we want to match the new feature with some other vendors, with some other integration that my system coexist. So just to maintain the ecosystem, we are doing that upgrade. Then obviously the quality, because if you do the upgrade quality, again, there are so many things related to quality. So maybe the user experience will enhance, maybe some new features due to that, quality is increasing.

Again, quality has different things like feature wise, quality will improve, user experience, quality will improve, overall appliance quality will improve. So again, so many things we have inside quality, then ensure the compatibility. Again, the point number two that you are using new features because you are checking that this is compatible with newer integration or not. Again, in ensuring the compatibility that compatible with new OS platform and infrastructure, obviously it should adapt to change. That’s the main thing here the 0. 2 and four and finally the vendor support. So often it is known that Cisco tag support, if you go and open the tags, they will tell that your operating system that you’re running is having default support or having best efforts.

So if you go and upgrade your image to four dot or five dot et cetera, then we’ll provide you the best support. But otherwise if it is running less than this image, then we will provide best effort support. Means they can resolve it, they might not resolve it, but you can’t tell anything because still you are not upgraded version and you are prone for bucks and vulnerabilities, correct? So this is the why behind why we are doing the upgrade and now while doing the upgrade you will find that UCS, as we know that inside UCS we have different components and those components we have to create some sort of checklist. So your Fi module reboots, you have issues inside your IO module, okay, your drivers are not working, your Vhvs are not working, et cetera.

So we need to go and create the checklist because if we go as per the plan, so there are very less chance of failure and even in the data center time is the key. So you can’t fail, that’s one thing. Second thing that you have very limited time in that you have to do the upgrade. So these things are very important. Again, you can see as per the use case that outage during the upgrade if every hardware issues, driver compatibility issues, too many call homes, messages, not happy with UCS overall upgrade performance, et cetera. So those are some of the grievances from the customers that customer, they don’t have the proper upgrade experience or good experience related to the upgrade because there are so many pinning points there.

Now customer they may don’t understand that how the OS and the I O module, they are doing the communication adapters and other small things inside your appliance, they are interconnecting communicating why your upgrade is not successful, et cetera. What they want upgrade is scheduled, it’s success or not, correct? And while this success factor was the time duration, so these things are very important while doing the upgrade. Now, to achieve to the success, we should have plan. So we can write it plan in a paper or we can discuss in a group that okay, this is the plan ABCD et cetera. According to that we are going to do the upgrade because important thing you’ll find that you have a less downtime to do the upgrade now while you’re doing the system upgrade, what are the prerequisite.

What are the things that you want and make in your checklist? So that’s the list here you can see that there are some prerequisite that document the current version host operating system and the drivers take the UCS full backup, XML, local storage, check the FIS, resolve any fault. Again, all these things will come in the upcoming slides in a little bit more detail. So we’ll discuss more about all these points. Disable alerts, download the firmware with Power sale or any automation that tool that you are using. Then check the high availability verification like the FIS, then your components like I O modules, blades, adapters for sand, you have Vhpas for network, you have VNC fabric failover, et cetera.

Then what is your upgrade method? You want to do the upgrade or to install a manual, you want to use this type of manager, UCSM, UCS Manager or UCS Central or Interstate. Now in this we are going to discuss more and more about the intersection because we have full blown sections that we have already discussed related to intercept. Then if you have any mid upgrade steps like check the Haas resolve any faults, et cetera. And finally, what’s your backout procedures if it got filled? You have done everything right as per plan, but still if you do not succeed, then what is your back out procedure? Okay, so what we are going to do next that we’ll go and check the best practice one by one. So you can see that you have a step number. All a step. If we go and add total nine steps, we are going to follow all these steps and we will check all these things in upcoming.