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ISTQB ATM Advanced Test Manager – Improving Testing Process

  1. Introduction

Welcome to the next chapter and it is about improving the testing process. The discussion points for this chapter are as following once established, an organization’s overall test process should undergo continuous improvement. So this chapter covers generic improvement issues first and then introduction to some specific models which can be used for taste process improvement. Taste managers should assume they will be the driving force behind taste process changes and improvements and so should be familiar with the industry accepted techniques we are going to discuss in this chapter.

  1. Test Improvement Process

So let’s talk about test improvement processes. If tester need to improve on process demand cycle about plan, do check act that is called PDC is very useful and handy. The main factor to improve on process can be quality of product is dependent on the quality of processes used to develop the product. Improved quality uses late maintenance and resources and therefore more time to create better solutions in future. By comparing existing processes with process, model gives an idea about areas of improvement. By assessing the outcome process models can provide a framework to improve processes, so therefore the whole process of improvement should go through this process. Process assessment, process capability determination and then process improvement.

Types of Process Improvement There are two types of process improvement models process reference model, which provides maturity measurement as a part of assessment to evaluate organizations capability compared with model, the process reference model evaluates organization within the framework and provides roadmap for improving the process and the second process improvement model is content reference model. This model provides business driven evaluations of an organization’s opportunities to improve and provides roadmap for improving the process. Test processes can be improved without any model too using analysis approach or via retrospective meeting. Basically, the analysis approach or the retrospective meetings should be very informative, fruitful and with positive ideas.

  1. Improving the Testing Process

Let’s talk about improving the test process. Testing process. So what are the recommended models to improve the testing process in organization? First type is continuous models which allows to address highest priority issues to the organization with more freedom and the type of continuous model such as Step TPI Next CTP Staged Models. TMMi step is Systematic Test and Evaluation Process model which helps in determining where the greatest process improvement ROI will come and allows organization to select roadmap. TPI Next suggests roadmap to improve the process. CTP is critical testing process that helps in determining where the greatest process improvement ROI will come and that allows organization to select the roadmap. Staged models provide standards for comparison across different companies and organizations.

TMMi is Taste Maturity Model Integration that suggests a roadmap to improve the process. We are going to discuss all these models in detail, their pros and cons in Next subtopics. So initiating the improvement process how to initiate it objectives, goals, scope and coverage of process improvement are agreed upon before relevant activities start, choice of process improvement model must be prepared. The model can be any standard model or developed internally. Success criteria and methods to measure them throughout the improvement activities should be defined so diagnosing the current situation. That means agreed assessment approach is undertaken to diagnose the current situation. Test assessment report is created which contains list of possible process improvements.

Establishing a test process improvement plan that contains process improvement possibilities are prioritized. Prioritization should be based on ROI risks alignment with organizational strategy and measurable quantitative or qualitative benefits with list of priorities ready plan for delivery of improvement is determined when it comes to acting to implement improvement training or mentoring.

Piloting of processes and full deployment of improvements implemented for the phase where learning from the improvement program is there, it talks about verify benefits received from the improvement program. Check which success criteria for processes improvement activity have been met. So that was all about improving the testing process and organization. Now let’s talk about different models like Step TPI Next CTP TMMi in detail and how it works when it comes to testing improvement.

  1. Improving Testing Process with TMMi

As a part of talking about all the models presented in last subtopic to improve the testing process let’s start with improving testing process with TMI. There are particular levels of improvement in testing process with TMI. Let’s discuss in detail for each level so the level one is initial. In this level, no formally documented or structured testing process is available. Tests are typically developed in an ad hoc way. After coding, testing is seen as the same as debugging. The aim of testing is considered as to prove that the software works. In level two, which is called managed, what contains Is testing processes are clearly separated from debugging.

It can be reached by setting testing policy and goals, introducing the steps found in a fundamental test process and implementing basic testing techniques and methods. Level three is defined where testing process is integrated into the software development lifecycle and documented informal standards, procedures and methods reviews take place and there should be a distinct software testing function that can be controlled and monitored.

Level four is measured testing process is capable of being effectively measured and managed at an organizational level to the benefit of specific projects. And the last level is Optimized, which is the highest level of improvement when we consider TMMi state of test process maturity where data from the testing process can be used to help prevent defects and focus is on optimizing the established process. So this was all about improving the testing processes with TMMi.

  1. Improving Testing Process with TPI Next

And here is the another model that is TPI Next. So how to improve testing processes with TPI Next? This model defines 16 key areas, each of which covers a specific aspect of the test process such as test strategy metrics, test tools, test environment, test data, test plan, et cetera. Four maturity levels are defined in this model initial, controlled, efficient and optimizing. Specific checkpoints are defined to access each key area at each maturity level. Findings are summarized by means of a maturity metrics covering all the key areas. Definition of improvement objectives and their implementation depend upon organizations need and capacity of testing. TPI Next is independent of any software process improvement model because of its generic approach.

  1. Improving Testing Process with CTP

Let’s talk about improving testing process with CTP that is critical testing process. It is primarily a content reference model. Basic idea about CTP is to execute some basic critical testing process so well that it helps in creating successful testing team. This model identifies twelve critical testing processes. The content sensitive approach of the model allows tailoring the model including identification of specific challenges, recognition of attributes of good processes, selection of the order and importance of implementation of process improvements, use of metrics to benchmark organization against industry averages and best practices. Participants interview so that’s all about improvement with CTB model.

  1. Improving Testing Process with STEP

And the final model we want to talk when it comes to improving testing process is step that is systematic test and evaluation process. Again, this is primarily a content reference model. The basic idea behind it is testing is a life cycle which starts with requirements formulation ends with successful retirement of system it follows requirements based testing strategy it ensures that early creation of test cases validates the requirement specification prior to design and coding.

Basic premises of the model includes testing starts at the beginning of the life cycle tests are used as requirements and usage models test wear design leads software design defects are detected earlier or prevented altogether defects are systematically analyzed testers and developers work together. So with this, we are ending this chapter that is called Improving testing Process. We understood details about different models and how to implement them.