Amazon AWS SysOps – AWS Account Management part 1
Section Intro Now we are getting into the AWS account management section and in this section we’ll see all there is to know about health dashboards, AWS organizations and the billing console. There’s no fancy diagram for these services, but they are asked at the exam for the sysups perspective and also whether sys ups in the real life. You will need to know in and out these skills to be able to be a great sysups. I’m really excited. This will be a short section, but I’m sure it…
Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional – Incident and Event Response (Domain 5) & HA, Fault T… part 12
On-Premise Strategies with AWS Okay, so yet another theoretical lecture, but I still want to mention it because I think it’s extremely important. Going to the exam, you need to know about the services that AWS offers at a very, very high level, but just hear one about them once to do onpremise strategy with the cloud. So we have the ability to download the Amazon linux to ami as a virtual machine and they will be in the iso format. And you can load this iso image into the…
Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional – Incident and Event Response (Domain 5) & HA, Fault T… part 11
Disaster Recovery – Overview So disaster recovery as a solutions architect is super important and the exam expects you to know about disaster recovery. And there’s a white paper on it, you should read it. But I try to summarize everything clearly with graphs and diagrams in this lecture. So you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to. But overall you can expect some question on disaster recovery and as a solutions architect you need to know about disaster recovery anyway. Don’t worry, I try to to…
Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional – Incident and Event Response (Domain 5) & HA, Fault T… part 10
Multi Region – CloudFormation StackSets So how can we deploy an application across multiple regions consistently and even multiple accounts? For this you can use stack sets in cloud formation. So stack sets allow you to create, update or delete stacks across multiple accounts and multiple regions with a single operation. The administrator account has access to create stack sets and then trusted accounts allow the administrator account to create, update and delete delete stack instances directly from the stack sets. So when you update the stack sets in the…
Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional – Incident and Event Response (Domain 5) & HA, Fault T… part 9
Multi AZ – Overview So one thing that’s important to understand going into domain six of the exam is how multi AZ fits within aws. So there are some services where you need to consciously enable multiaz. That includes efs, elb, asg, beanstalk, in which you assign which AZ you want your applications and instances to be deployed in. So for efs, you say, okay, I want to have a network interface in zone A, B and C, the elb you set to which zone do you want you to…
Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional – Incident and Event Response (Domain 5) & HA, Fault T… part 8
DynamoDB – Review Part II Okay, so say that we want to have a list of all the changes that happen to our table. So it includes updates, deletes, writes, new reads and so on. Not actually reads, just writes and updates and deletes. So for this, we can enable streams. And to enable streaming, we just click on manage stream and we say, okay, we want to create a Dynamodb stream for new and old images. That means that every single item, whenever there’s an update to delete or…
Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional – Incident and Event Response (Domain 5) & HA, Fault T… part 7
ASG – CodeDeploy Integration Troubleshooting Okay? So we’ve seen something very interesting is that when we have an asg and if I went to edit and increase the desired capacity to three, for example, the new instance being created would have could deploy do a deployment to it. Okay? So that means that whenever we create a new instance in this deployment group, then it will have the latest version of Code Deploy deployed to it. Okay? For our application we also saw that we can do some in place…
Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional – Incident and Event Response (Domain 5) & HA, Fault T… part 6
ASG – CloudFormation UpdatePolicy Okay so now let’s go back into our auto scaling group. So say this is great, this is looking good and these have been launched using this launch configuration right here and say we want to update that auto scaling group, right? So why don’t we go ahead and have a try at it. So I’ve created this one, one ASG update policy and so as you can see this is the exact same template as before. Okay? This is the exact same thing for my…
Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional – Incident and Event Response (Domain 5) & HA, Fault T… part 5
ASG – Termination Policies Okay, so now let’s talk about termination policies. So in this example we have two instances but we may have tens and hundreds of easyto instances into an auto scaling group and they may be across many different availability zones and they may use different version of a launch template or a launch configuration. And so the question is if the otto scaling group does a scaling action means it terminates instances then which instance will be terminated first? And that question can be very important…
Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional – Incident and Event Response (Domain 5) & HA, Fault T… part 4
ASG – Suspending Processes & Troubleshooting So now we are going to learn a lot more advanced things about the ASG. I think so far everything we’ve done should have been known by you. But now we’re going to learn about a bit more advanced features. So we are going to look into suspending and resuming scaling processes. So let’s go have a look and see the use cases for each because the exam will test you on the use case for these suspended processes. So as you can see…