Practice Exams:


DP-100 Microsoft Data Science – Recommendation System

What is a Recommendation System? Hello and welcome. Today we are going to learn about the Matchbox recommender from Azuramal. But before we get into solving recommendation problems using Azuramal, let’s first try to understand what is a recommendation system before we deep dive into Azuramal matchbox Recommender by end of this lecture, you will be familiar with what is a recommendation system. Different types of recommendation systems including collaborative filtering, contained based filtering, and their variations. We will also see how a recommendation system works using some common examples….

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DP-100 Microsoft Data Science – Regression Analysis

Linear Regression model using OLS Hello and welcome to the regression analysis using Azuramal studio. So far we have seen the simple and multivariate linear regression. We also understood some common metrics to measure the effectiveness of the linear regression, such as ordinary list square as the solution method, mean absolute error, root mean square error and relative absolute error. In this lecture we are going to build a linear regression model using the ordinary list square method. So before we execute and solve the problem, let’s try to understand…

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DP-100 Microsoft Data Science – Feature Selection – Select a subset of Variables or features with highest impact

Feature Selection – Section Introduction Hi in this lecture. Let’s see what is feature selection? Let’s say we want to predict whether the loan of a customer would be approved or not. This might sound like an easy problem based on whatever we have learned so far. However, you might be surprised with the kind of data that may be provided to you. They can and be hundreds of variables or features that will be in a dataset. Personal information may include name, gender, marital status, age, ETCA. There will…

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DP-100 Microsoft Data Science – Data Processing – Solving Data Processing Challenges Part 2

SMOTE – Create New Synthetic Observations Hello and welcome to the Azure MLCOs. In today’s lecture on data processing, we are going to talk about the smart or synthetic minority oversampling technique. It might sound like a strange terminology, and if you read it on blogs or Internet, it might appear very, very intimidating. Let’s try to understand the problem first and then how the Smote addresses it for better understanding of the intuition behind Smote. By now you must have realized that while dealing with the classification problems, the…

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DP-100 Microsoft Data Science – Data Processing – Solving Data Processing Challenges

Section Introduction Hello and welcome. So far we have seen various algorithms and ways of data manipulations. However, we many times face the issues related to outliers in the data, that is data points which do not conform to the pattern in the data. Then some variables could be at different scale such as experience would be on a scale of one to 30 while the salary could be in the range of hundreds of thousands. We may also be faced with too many variables or course of dimensionality of…

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DP-100 Microsoft Data Science – Clustering

What is Cluster Analysis? Hello and welcome. In this lecture we will cover the basics of clustering. Clustering is a very subjective technique. So what is clustering? Well, it is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group called a clustering or are more similar in some sense or another to each other than to those in other groups or clusters. It’s an unsupervised learning method and it is also used for discovering distinct groups in the given set of…

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Cisco CCNP Enterprise 300-425 ENWLSD – Wireless Enterprise Network Design Fundamentals

CH01-V21 Predictive Site Survey And welcome to our new lesson. In this lesson we will talk about predictive site survey. Predictive Site Survey is actually performed before you do the actual onsite site survey. o this is done before you do the actual site survey which can be passive or active and this is done by using the data that is retrieved from the customer. And the main purpose of Predictive Site Survey is checking the coverage and performance if you use certain type of access points. So you cannot…

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Cisco CCNP Enterprise 300-425 ENWLSD – Site Survey For Wireless Designs

CH03-V01 Pre-Site Survey Checklist Hello and welcome to our new lesson. In this lesson we will talk about press site survey checklist. This is like a questionnaire and it should contain some of the valuable information that you need to get from the customer before you even start your press site survey work. So what you should start with, you should start with the contact information of the customer, the customer name, address, phone number and most preferably their email address. And then you should understand what will be the…

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Cisco CCNP Enterprise 300-425 ENWLSD – Design Aspect of Regulations, Safety Considerations and Miscellaneous Features Part 3

CH02-10 Impact of Material Attenuation Welcome to our new lesson. In this lesson, we will talk about the impact of material attenuation. And we will talk about it while doing an example on echo cytovipro, sulfur. So, as you know, single attenuation and signal loss occur as RF signals passes through the air, goes through any mediums or any obstacles. And as you get obstacles that are more that are more prone to attenuation signal attenuation, the signal strength will be lost significantly. And you also know the calculations from…

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Cisco CCNP Enterprise 300-425 ENWLSD – Design Aspect of Regulations, Safety Considerations and Miscellaneous Features Part 2

CH02-05 Regulatory Domains Hello and welcome to our new lesson. In this lesson, we will talk about regulatory domains. So why do we have them in the first place? We have such regulatory domains to simply group countries that have common policies and to emphasize that common policies. We put those countries into certain regulatory domains so that we will will have the same level of power levels. We will be able to arrange same channel sets for our wireless equipment. Cisco generally devised countries 14 into 14 regulatory domains….

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