Practice Exams:


Cisco CCNP Enterprise 300-425 ENWLSD – Design Aspect of Regulations, Safety Considerations and Miscellaneous Features

CH02-00 Introduction to Chapter 2 Hello and welcome to our new lesson. In this lesson we will talk about what we will learn on our chapter two. So first of all we will talk about some regulatory domains and channels for our mesh networks. We will focus on dual mesh, single mesh and what are the differences in terms of having the back hole in a specific channel or having back hole and access network on the same channel? What are the benefits, what are disadvantages of them? We will…

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1z0-808 Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer – Java Conventions and Primitives Part 2

Primitive Literals Working with literals seems pretty easy. We just declare the literal type and assign a value. But there are a few pitfalls to be aware of. We’re going to go over the topic of default literals in this lecture and then the next lecture we’ll talk about casting. So we’ve already seen some literal values already. What we mean by saying literal value is that we can look at the value of a primitive and just by looking at how it’s been typed, we can tell what data…

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1z0-808 Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer – Java Conventions and Primitives

Section Overview As soon as you start coding on a team, the first thing that that team is going to notice is your coding style. So the coding style is just really the aesthetics of how you lay out your code, how you organize your code. And so we’re going to talk about some of the conventions that are popular in common in the Java programming language. We’ll also talk about commenting your code, how to create the documentation that we saw in the first section, the Java docs. We’ll…

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1z0-808 Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer – Java Syntax Part 2

Operators: Part 2 Let’s look at a few more operators. This is the post and pre increment operator, where you see the plus. If you saw a minus, that would be the decrement operator. And what it does is it either increases for the increment or decreases for the decrement the current value of a variable. But whether it’s to the right side of the variable or the left side of the variable doesn’t does make a difference. And here’s what I mean. Whenever we have this operator, it’s going…

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1z0-808 Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer – Java Syntax

Section Overview This next section is going to focus on Java syntax. So all the things that we’re going to use when we build classes and use objects, we’re going to talk about conditionals for branching, our logic. We’re going to talk about loops for iterating through logic. We’ll talk about some other constructs such as enums. And then we’ll look at all the different operators that are available to us. Condtionals – If / Else If / Else All right, we’re going to start by looking at conditionals. In…

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1z0-808 Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer – Strings

Section Overview In this section, we’re going to focus on strings. And you’ve been working with strings, so you know that that’s just text. But strings are very unique in the Java programming language. They’re objects. But we can do things to strings that we normally can only do with primitives. We’re also going to COVID the subject of immutability in this section. String Objects I’m willing to bet that as you code more and more in Java and you take a look at your applications, that the number one…

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1z0-808 Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer – Inheritance Part 2

Overloading Methods Now we know that whenever we instantiate an object that we have not only the methods that were defined in that class available to us, but we also have the methods available that were defined in any of the ancestors, anything that it inherits from, provided that the access modifiers allow us to call those methods. And because of that, Java enforces a few rules. Java wants to make sure that when we try to call a method that it’s able to pick the exact method and only…

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1z0-808 Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer – Inheritance

Section Overview In the beginning of this course, we mentioned that objectoriented programming languages are very extensible, easily extensible. And so that’s one of the things that we’re going to see in this particular section called Inheritance. So we’re going to see how we can take an existing class and then add stuff and change stuff to create a more specialized version of it. Inheritance: Part 1 When we look at the classes that we build for our applications, we often find that there’s a lot of similar structures, a…

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1z0-808 Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer – Encapsulation

Section Overview We’re now going to turn our focus to the concept of object-oriented programming. Now, of course, we’ve been doing object-oriented programming all along, but we’re going to really focus on the pillars of object oriented programming. In this section, we’re going to focus on Encapsulation, and we’re going to see specifically what is Encapsulation, why do we want to do Encapsulation, and how do we apply it to the Java programming language. Encapsulation and Data Hiding The term encapsulation is often used a little differently depending on who…

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1z0-071 Oracle Database SQL – Restricting and Sorting Data

Use the ORDER BY clause to sort SQL query results We can sort the results using order by class. For example, this SQL will bring the result as it is from the table. Now, let us sort it by first name. Select first Name last Name salary commission percentage from employees order by first name. This will sort the results in the ascending order of the column. First name ascending order is the default. This is equivalent to specifying the keyword ASC in the end. Okay, the keyword DESC will…

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