Practice Exams:

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt – Six Sigma Improve Phase

  1. Introduction to Improve Phase & Agenda

Hello and welcome to the session on Wayne six sigma greenbuild improve fees. This session is driven using minitab which is a statistical tool. Even before we proceed with the improved fees, let us understand this equation which is y is equal to f of x output is equal to five function of inputs in the defined phase of lean six sigma green belt. We have looked into what this y is, how to identify the output. We have looked into that.

In the measure phase we have measured what is the current performance of y post which we have moved on to the analyzed phase in which we have generated a lot of inputs which ideally impacts the output. Out of that all the umpteen number of potential inputs, we have shortlisted few inputs which are vital, which are critical using hypothesis testing and things like that. Now, once we identify what those critical inputs are which are going to impact the output, now we need to focus on improving those critical or vital inputs. In the improved phase all we do is focus on improving the critical or vital inputs and if we are going to do that output would automatically improve upon that is the rationale of the improve fees.

So with that rational, let us get started. Let us keep moving. Let me move to the next slide. Let us understand the course objectives for the improvements’we. Are going to discuss about the three steps of the improved phase. We are then going to identify all the possible alternate solutions. We are going to discuss about the ideation techniques, brainstorming, the bono, six hat, thinking, probing and things like that. We will move on to discuss about benchmarking.

There are a lot of benchmarking options available, strategic benchmarking, process benchmarking and things like that. We’ll look into all that and then we will move to the next step of evaluating the generated solutions. Which solution best fits me given my problem and conditions and constraints? As part of that we are going to discuss about pew matrix delphi technique, multivoting nominal group technique, all these other techniques which are used to evaluate the generated solutions post which we are going to look into an interesting tool or technique which is called as design of experiments. We are going to look into benefits, factors and levels which would be part of your design of experiments. We’ll look into that.

After that we are going to discuss about solution implementation and then we are going to look into piloting pre was supposed pilot activities and quickly we are going to summarize everything in a nutshell and then we will move on to the control fees. Here we go. These are the three pre vortal steps as part of your improve fees. As part of the first step we are going to identify all the possible alternate solutions solutions and then we’ll move on to evaluate the generated solutions to select the one solution which best suits us both which we are going to look into solution implementation.

  1. Identify all possible Alternate Solutions – Brainstorming

So as part of the first step we are going to identify all the possible alternate solutions and what are the various techniques which we use to generate the alternate solutions? First thing is process mapping within which we have already discussed about cycle time. We have discussed about valueadded analysis non value added analysis which was part of value stream mapping. As part of analyst phase we have discussed that in this particular improve phase we will focus a lot on ideation techniques, brainstorming doing it. The round robbing fashion creative thinking with Debon six at Thinking Hats. And last is creative thinking by probing both which we are going to discuss about the various benchmarking techniques and we are going to focus a little more on process benchmarking.

Because sex sigma is all about process, right? So we will focus a lot on process benchmarking. Here comes the first technique which is brainstorming. What is brainstorming? Brainstorming is a structured method of generating unconstrained ideas or solutions, right? It produces empty number of ideas solutions in a relatively short time it facilitates the creative thinking process. It is then going to separate the idea generation from organizing the ideas we generate as many ideas as possible in shortest time possible. We will have to focus on lateral thinking and vertical thinking, linear thinking and lateral thinking. Linear thinking also means vertical thinking. Linear or vertical thinking is a typical type of approach to problems that involves one being selective, one being analytical and sequential. So sequentially you’ll be very selective and analytical in finding solutions.

 What about lateral thinking? Lateral thinking is solving problems through an indirect and creative approach using reasoning that is not immediately obvious and you are going to involve ideas that may not be obtainable by using one traditional step by step logic. Remember my dear friends, one thing is extremely important in brainstorming. No matter what variant of brainstorming you use, do not ever criticize ideas of any participant. If you criticize one person’s idea, the other people are not going to open up and we know for a fact that the beautiful ideas, the disrepair of ideas often come from those folks who give you out of the box solutions. It is important to avoid the dominance of few of the folks. Few people in your brainstorming might try to dominate the session. It is important to avoid the dominance of such people, right?

So hey, we move on to discuss about brainstorming round robin style, right? What do we do in brainstorming round robin fashion? Hey, here we have an example, right? This is a table everyone is sitting around and they discuss about the ideas in a round robin fashion. Even before you get started you will have to clearly state the purpose what do you want to discuss, what do you want to review? And if a participants have any doubts queries around the problem statement you’ll have to review and clarify those. Just give a few minutes for everyone to think about the question at hand and individually they will have to write down their own thoughts on a piece of paper. Then gather ideas in a round robin fashion. Move round the table. Start with this person.

Once he answers, move on to the next person. Once he gives you a solution, move on to the next person. So on and so forth, right in. Write down on the flip cut so that you do not miss out on any of the ideas that are generated. If suppose any person in this round robin fashion says hey, I do not have any ideas at this point of time, that is absolutely fine. You can move on. You can skip that person for first time, second time maybe, right? But don’t ever criticize anyone. What would happen is the person who could not speak up about the ideas in the first round, probably upon listening to the other folks speak about the solutions that they are thinking about, he might open up. He might get new ideas by listening to the other folks. He might get inspired and they’re going to build on the ideas of each other. That’s the important part about brainstorming.

When the round robin slows down, open the brainstorming session to additional ideas. See, after round one, round two, round three, many people are saying that hey, we have exhausted, we do not have any more suggestions for you or solutions. That is when you need to open up the further conversation for everyone. Now anyone can throw in an idea.

You don’t go in the wrong robin fashion, right? And when the brainstorming has ended, review the list of ideas that were generated until now. Make sure everybody understands each of those ideas. Consolidate all the similar ideas. Probably you can use affinity diagram to do this. Clarify the ideas and ask for more specific information where necessary. Do that. Do not hesitate in clarifying the ideas, alright?