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CNA Study Guide
- Study Guide 216 PDF Pages. Last Update: Mar 21, 2025
Whats Included:
- This book covers the skills you need to have for certification as "Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)" exam specialist.
Test Prep CNA Practice Test Questions and Answers, Test Prep CNA Exam Dumps - PrepAway
All Test Prep CNA certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the CNA Certified Nursing Assistant practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!
If you’ve always dreamt of taking care of patients or clients via completing such tasks as dressing, helping out to eat, and providing personal hygiene to people in need on a daily basis, there’s a great way to go for you to become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) by procuring the affiliated namesake certificate.
What Is CNA Test?
Well, according to the website, a CNA works hand in hand with a Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse or (LPN/LVN) and a Registered Nurse (RN) who supervise the work of a CNA. Still, the way to acquiring the relevant skills and becoming an accredited CNA is not that simple as you’ll have to sit for and prepare for the CNA certification test, which, since 1987, is administered by all the USA states that share similar content and principles so that the clients, residents, and patients could receive only the best & quality care. Thus, it doesn’t matter which training program you’ll dive into, you’ll have to assume the same responsibilities as per nursing homes, hospitals, and community colleges. Nevertheless, prior to investing in a particular CNA designation, make sure that the related program is approved by the state, from where you’re enrolling in it. Once you’ve accomplished the program you’ve picked, you're entitled to take the written part of the CNA validation, which consists of multiple-choice items that spin around certain categories like responsibilities of the Nurse Aide, infection and safety monitoring, mental & emotional health, etc. Then, you’ll have to go for the skills part of the same test that assesses your knack to showcase the clinical acumen necessary for your job. Overall, you may be checked on several of around 30 skills, among which you're sure to find handwashing in addition to some other procedures chosen by the examiner.
What Skills Does CNA Gauge?
In order to become a successful exam-passer of the whole CNA evaluation, you’re strongly recommended to develop dexterity in the following areas:
- Nutrition process;
- Resident’s rights;
- The mental health of patients;
- Anatomy alongside physiology;
- Teamwork and communication;
- Measurements & essential signs;
- Diversity of cultural societies.;
- Dealing with documentation, data collection, and patient confidentiality.
How to Prepare for CNA?
In case you’re determined to beat the actual validation you need to find and fetch only the best-in-class training materials to augment your readiness for the official CNA. Thus, you can opt for the following resources:
- Premium quizzes by
This provider offers you almost the same practice questions you’re likely to meet on the CNA exam day that are logically organized from simple items to the most complex ones. All in all, there are 700+ questions in the form of 23 practice tests that elaborate all the difficult points included in the test content. Plus, this premium package comprises 300 CNA flashcards to facilitate the process of studying and for you to easily retain the necessary information. With this bundle costing only $37+, you’ll get immediate unlimited access to all the practice inquiries that can be dealt with anywhere in the world and if you ever make a mistake in any question, it will be saved and stored in the Challenge Bank for you to review it later. And lastly, this kit goes with a Pass Guarantee perk, available for 90 days, according to which the provider claims you’ll definitely clear the final validation by using their material and if not, you’ll get a full refund of the initial price. So, why not try this awesome preparation material that brings assurance and confidence for all the aspiring CNA candidates?
- CNA Certified Nursing Assistant Exam Cram, 2nd Edition by Linda Whitenton & Marty Walker
Such a guide can be found on Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats and what is significant about it is that it covers all the topics tested in the official CNA test by offering you varied practice questions that reflect the curriculum of the real exam. What is more, this resource contains test alerts, sidebars, and notes for you to apprehend the related concepts better and hence, secure the passing grade in the actual evaluation. In case you go so far as to purchase this material, its price varies between $17-$62. So, get it as soon as possible and make your revision efficient and rewarding.
- CNA Study Guide 2020-2021: Exam Prep with 240 Test Questions and Answers for the Certified Nursing Assistant Exam by Newstone CNA Test Prep Team
Once you’ve set yourself to nail the CNA test in 2021, then this revision material is a real asset that you should avail yourself of! Accessible on Amazon as the ebook and the paperback version, such a manual contains 4 unique practice tests with 240 test items that are followed by consistent and robust explanations focusing on all the skill areas of the actual CNA evaluation. Besides, it also includes some test-taking strategies that target amplifying your exam skills prior to sitting for the final validation. In a nutshell, if you’re dogged to come victorious out of the CNA test, then fetching such a training resource is a must taking into consideration its small fee equalling from $23-$26.
Indeed, passing the CNA exam and getting certified can bring a candidate a lot of bonuses. And no, we aren’t talking about the varied career prospects or incentives that are part of this certification path by default. Here, we mean personal, inner development by working with people who need you and your assistance, humans who are dependent on you as well as your much-demanded flair, and individuals who might probably not survive without your caress & concern. So, if your intention is rather to give than to take and if you feel your vocation is to lend a hand to those in need, then becoming a real Certified Nursing Assistant is your unique and promising way.
Test Prep CNA practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE Files format by real users. Study and Pass CNA Certified Nursing Assistant certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are to help students.