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All GAQM CSM-001 certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the CSM-001 Certified Scrum Master practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!

Chapter 03 - Scrum Aspects

29. Acceptance Criteria

When we create user stories and establish them within a product backlog, we also want to be able to identify how we would, in fact, measure whether or not that user story was effectively delivered. And we're going to call this the user story acceptance criteria. Alright? An order for a user's story to be accepted is done. It has to do two things. It has to meet the broad organisational definition of "done" and it has to meet the specific criteria associated with that particular user story. So it's the job of the product owner to set the appropriate minimum acceptance criteria for each of the user stories, and where appropriate, these may even be inherited from broader programme management or portfolio management objectives.

30. Definition of Done

Remember how we introduced the concept of "done," and how it applies to all user stories? We want to establish consistent acceptance criteria that are going to apply to every single user's story and then get augmented by the particular acceptance criteria of a particular user's story. So, as a simple example, we may require that, in order for any particular user story to be considered done, all of the team members have reviewed it, it's completed unit and QA testing, the documentation has been completed, all known issues have been fixed, and it has been successfully demonstrated to stakeholders in the Sprint review. The Scrum guidance body created a definition of "done" that is widely used in large organisations and applies to all Scrum projects. But we want to ensure that that definition of "done" is clearly understood and that the metrics by which we're going to measure this are clearly understood as well. And this is one of the fundamental ways we assure quality for all of our solutions.

31. Quality Management in Scrum

So a big part of what we're doing within Scrum practises in general is not just spending time creating features but building ongoing quality into all of our solutions. One of the ways that we do this is through general refactoring activities and the continued integration of our solutions over time. By leveraging extensive amounts of automated testing, we are able to focus on sustainable levels of development that allow the coders to actually improve the coding and development environments and actually ensure that the code is properly refactored. What we effectively do is not only establish good working solutions now but also set the table for good working solutions in the future based on changes and requirements that may occur at some point down the road. So within Scrum, there's a tremendous focus on ongoing quality control and how we execute all of our activities, how the various team members collaborate and identify continual improvement opportunities, and how we do quality assurance within each Scrum sprint through product reviews in the Sprint Review and process reviews during the Sprint Retrospective. Last but certainly not least, we want to take advantage of good continual improvement methodologies like the Damning Plan Do Check Act Cycle to be able to look at opportunities to drive improvements in our products or in our processes.

32. Lesson: Change

In this next lesson, we're going to talk extensively about change. If there's anything that's true about any project, whatever we have is going to change. And so one of the things that really makes Scrum and other agile methodologies shine against traditional methodologies is how well we can invite change and, in fact, take advantage of change to create additional business value for our customers. In this lesson, we're going to look at flexibility versus stability. We obviously want both things. We have to be able to appropriately balance those. We want to look at how we're going to handle and manage requests for change and align those with existing capabilities and needs in the product backlog. And we want to be able to discuss our role as Scrum Masters in protecting each sprint that the team is working on. Let's take a look at how this is going to work.

33. Supporting Change

One of the difficulties with waterfall methodologies is their active resistance to change. After all, once you were done with requirements and were into design, a change in requirements meant that your design articulation was going to need to change once you got into development. Changing your design meant you were going to have to restructure how you developed things and so forth. So this doesn't ultimately work very well. And one of the things we want to be able to do is to actually welcome change and acknowledge the reality that there are going to be changes in requirements. Things happen in the world, some of them internal to your organization, some of them external based on changes in customer expectations, legal and regulatory requirements, and any of a number of other things. And so we want to use our practises to actively invite changes that will improve quality for customers and improve the outcomes associated with the project itself. So one of the fundamental, key agile principles is that we want to be able to respond to change rather than simply following it. Slavishly, a planchette no longer reflects the business's priorities. So, in order to execute successful projects and produce effective solutions, we want to be able to consistently groom the product backlog based on new needs and new awareness that come from delivering solutions over time, allowing us to reprioritize, prioritise the work that we're doing in the product backlog on a consistent and continuous basis in order to focus on the things that are of the highest value to the business.

GAQM CSM-001 practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE Files format by real users. Study and Pass CSM-001 Certified Scrum Master certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are to help students.

Exam Comments * The most recent comment are on top

United States
Mar 18, 2025
amazing but the questions i trained i met at the exam as well! it was so easy!
Feb 25, 2025
got huge help from csm-001 practice tests available here. im happy i passed it from the first try
Feb 02, 2025
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Jan 14, 2025
these CSM-001 practice tests made understanding the topics convenient and easy. i attempted the exam with confidence and cleared without any difficulty
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The materials provided for the CSM-001 were comprehensive and very well-structured. The practice tests were particularly useful in building my confidence and understanding the exam format. After using these materials, I felt well-prepared and was able to solve all the questions on the final test with ease. Passing the certification exam was a huge relief! I feel much more competent in my role. Thank you!

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