
GMAT Practice Test

Exam: GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)

Test Prep GMAT Course Practice Test Questions and Answers, Test Prep GMAT Course Exam Dumps

All Test Prep GMAT certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are prepared by industry experts. Test Prep GMAT certification practice test questions and answers, exam dumps, study guide and training courses help candidates to study and pass hassle-free!

GMAT certification practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE files format by real users. Study and pass Test Prep GMAT certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are the best available resource to help students pass at the first attempt.


Test Prep GMAT Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, Test Prep GMAT Certification Exam Dumps

All Test Prep GMAT certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are prepared by industry experts. Test Prep GMAT certification practice test questions and answers, exam dumps, study guide and training courses help candidates to study and pass hassle-free!

The Graduate Management Admission Test, or simply GMAT as it's commonly known, is a vital part of the application process in a business school. This test is important for those candidates who are going to participate in business and management programs. Said another way, it is meant to help you distinguish yourself from other applicants by elevating your critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. Moreover, this is a computer-based exam that selects multiple-choice questions based on the candidates' ability level and gives them a grand entry into the desired graduate business schools. Thus, this test is designed to ensure the candidate is ready for more intense academic work at the college.

GMAT Exam Details

First things first, the GMAT test includes a total of four unique sections including Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, Verbal and Analytical writing assessment will be available. Every section is intended to assess specific skills, from algebra and geometry to grammar. Perhaps its biggest role is to validate your proficiency in analyzing and evaluating written material, demonstrate critical thinking, and find solutions to any problem.

The exam is available online or in the exam center. In addition, its Quantitative and Verbal sections are tested in the computer adaptive (CAT) format. To add more, the questions offered to candidates by CAT are based on their previous responses. As for exam duration, it lasts for 3 hours and 7 minutes. The passing score ranges from 200 to 800 points and to pass the test successfully you need to earn at least 650 points.

The cost of the online exam is $250, while the cost of the offline test depends on the applicant's location and local currency.

GMAT Exam Sections

1. Analytical Writing Assessment

As suggested by its name, this section requires candidates to carefully analyze the reasoning related to a specific argument and develop a critique about it. In other words, it will verify your critical thinking skills and ability to relay your ideas in writing. This section comprises a 30-minute writing activity. Moreover, to pass it, you don’t need a broad understanding of the essay topic. Only your ability to communicate a thought well in English is assessed.

2. Integrated Reasoning

Integrated Reasoning focuses on your expertise in analyzing data and evaluating information that’s presented in multiple formats. So, this section will prove to your business school that you can take large sums of data and make accurate decisions out of it. Integrated Reasoning gives a total of 30 minutes for 12 questions in four formats, most often with multiple responses. Anyway, these questions include Table Analysis, Two-Part Analysis, Graphics Interpretation, and Multi-Source Reasoning type.

3. Quantitative Reasoning

This section will address your proficiency in analyzing data and drawing conclusions using effective reasoning skills. Furthermore, it will validate your skills related to mathematical reasoning, solving quantitative problems, and interpreting graphic data through 31 multiple-choice questions. To complete it, students will have 62 minutes. There are two question types as Data Sufficiency and Problem Solving. While problem-solving concepts will focus on your ability to apply logic and analytical reasoning, data sufficiency will emphasize the skills needed to analyze quantitative problems and recognize relevant data. However, both formats require knowledge of basic algebra and geometry concepts.

4. Verbal Reasoning

At the same time, the Verbal Reasoning section emphasizes the skills needed to effortlessly read and comprehend written material. It also recognizes your ability to assess arguments and correct scripted material in line with the standard written English. This part comprises 36 questions in multiple-choice format, with a maximum seat time of 65 minutes. Also, this section has three question types including Reading Comprehension, Sentence Correction, and Critical Reasoning.

Preparing for the GMAT Exam

It's important to prepare adequately for this exam so you don’t have to pay the retake fee when things don’t work out and you are forced to make another attempt.

To better understand what awaits you in this test, you may begin with the free official Starter Kit that comes with two practice exams. With this resource, you have an opportunity to check yourself in the areas of both verbal practice and quantitative reasoning through 90 questions. The scoring system is the same as the real exam, so you’ll be able to see your level and create a study plan according to it.

Since the GMAT exam contains several parts, be ready to devote enough time to each of them. For this purpose, you can find on the MBA website a sufficient number of preparatory and training materials that cover all sections of the test as well as each one separately.

So, given that the Analytical Writing Assessment is new to this exam, you can use GMAT™ Official AWA Practice to prepare you for this section. This formal resource aims to teach each student to give a clear and coherent answer, demonstrate mastery of the language, and identify significant flaws in the candidate's argument. So for just $29.99, you'll get 6 months of access to the testing system, 8 trial essay attempts, and feedback to help you be confident on the day of the final test.

Moreover, to further prepare for your GMAT, you can refer to various books presented at Amazon, and here are two credible options:

  • GMAT Official Guide 2021 Bundle by GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council)

    This is a quality set of three editions, namely the official guide, quantitative review, and verbal review. All this is complemented with the questions’ bank containing more than 1800 items with correct answers and explanations as well as flashcards for better comprehension. The books include all the important information regarding the topics tested and allow you to learn only those concepts that you’ll be assessed on during the exam. Note that you can find these guides separately in case you need just a particular one.

  • GMAT Official Advanced Questions by GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council)

    This material can be used as an addition to the above book. It contains 300 additional hard questions and numerous strategies to solve them as well as detailed information on the GMAT concepts provided by experts. This resource will help you understand different strategies and tips needed for answering complex questions and boost your performance. The printed edition comes with access to an interactive service as well as the opportunity to learn through the mobile application.


Motivation is the key to your success and your likelihood of being accepted to an MBA program. However, before giving you a chance, business schools will scrutinize your score in the GMAT exam together with your experience levels, and academic results to get a clear view of your professional journey. So, The GMAT exam is a great way to measure your quantitative, integrated reasoning, verbal, and critical thinking skills that are most valuable for graduate business education.

GMAT certification practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE files format by real users. Study and pass Test Prep GMAT certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are the best available resource to help students pass at the first attempt.


Comments * The most recent comment are at the top

Jan 07, 2025
With the help of these great gmat prep materials you can score really well in the GMAT admission test!!! Very good stuff
Jan 05, 2025
How many gmat practice questions are in this file?
Jan 01, 2025
@JEFF, well it seems difficult but when you get used to the exam content & structure, it will become much easier. for this, it’s cool to practice with the exam dump for the GMAT exam available on this site
Dec 27, 2024
My gmat prep is going not very easy. I think it's the hardest exam I will ever had

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