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CCSP Exam - Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)

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ISC ISC-CCSP Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, ISC ISC-CCSP Certification Exam Dumps

All ISC ISC-CCSP certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are prepared by industry experts. ISC ISC-CCSP certification practice test questions and answers, exam dumps, study guide and training courses help candidates to study and pass hassle-free!

Domain4 (Cloud Application Security)

1. Cloud Application Security

Hey guys, this is domain four. Welcome to my course, CCSP Glad Security and domain four is global application security. There's a good level of security, which we will be discussing in the application in the cloud. Let's understand number one: the Claude-based application is the most popular out of the three deployment models—infrastructure platform, or IASPs, and software. The goal of this domain for Claude is to make the ideas behind security methods available for application in Claude, as well as security methods applicable and SDLC methods in Cloth to develop a secure lifecycle for Claude. Because the Claude-based application is growing in numbers, we need to understand the efficiency and challenges of this method. As a result, the number of applications is increasing, and we must continue to work. So, to begin this increased reliance on technology to deliver services with a risk, let us employ quantitative and qualitative risk analysis methods.

Failing to mitigate the risk will affect your production and customers. Okay? failing to mitigate the risk. So if you want to fail to affect your production or the customer's production, we need to understand application security in Claude. At the same time, we should understand the differences between traditional hosting and Claude hosting. So, first and foremost, we must comprehend Claudius hosting and the distinction between traditional hosting. We need to mitigate the risk so it does not affect our production or customers, and we need to have an analysis of quantitative and qualitative risk. The data functions and processes are thus important considerations for the Claude app.

So determining data sensitivity and processing is done through data classification. Some other points to consider are: what should the impact be in order for data classifications to be wisely distributed so that employees of the CSP cloud service provider can access the application process or function modified by the outsider application? Based on the foregoing, only we have the structure, confidentiality, and integrity to determine who has access to what. It should have the integrity of confidentiality and the accessibility of an API for interaction.

The API is used for the majority of application access, and most APIs accept tokens rather than usernames. There are two types of tokens available: one is a representational state transfer. It uses HTTP data formats that support JSON, XML, and YAML, and its caching feature improves performance and scalability. It is widely used with the HTTP simple object access protocol. It uses HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and XML, but only at slow speeds because caching is not possible where rest is not available. A common pitfall of cloud security app development is that if you don't plan to identify the loophole, you'll incur additional costs and duplicate efforts in addition to the loss.

So that's the one that prevents apps from always being migrated? is on premises. Apps are not developed with the mindset of cloud hosting in mind. And a second reason for forklifting The app will not provide you with the same performance. Not all the apps are cloud-ready. The challenges are dominated by a lack of training and awareness, a lack of documentation and guidelines, and the complexities of integration, with multi-tenancy third-party administration deployment models of cloud computing and service models from Clark outperforming them. Thank you.


Hello guys. In this session, let's talk about the security of applications. For the application's security, the developer must first understand the data state and then define the appropriate action to make it secure. So, if data states of data are being used, the data is being used by organisation people, the rest is being stored somewhere on the drive, and data is being moved from your computers to the Claudeor to the server. As a result, there is a data lifecycle, which I thoroughly explained in my CISSP course. But let's try to understand here. Planning is the act of planning, analyzing, designing, implementing, testing, and maintaining software.

So here we go with the planning and requirement analysis. Defining it, designing it, developing it, and testing it So we test our data in all of the labels. And these are the stages of the SDLC (software development lifecycle). So, if you developed your application using SDLC software development lifecycles, it means your application enters the secure operation phase, and after that, proper versioning and software configuration management are essential. So again, after SDLC, there are some tools for versioning our puppet, and Chef is a configuration management system that allows you to define the state of your IT infrastructure and then automatically enforces the current state. Chef also assists you in automating the infrastructure in build, host, and manage. Chef servers store configuration data. Chef clients access the system's test policies and data.

The first phase of data is safe. Data generation powers enterprise backup; archiving it ensures data destruction; and finally, securing it adds asset disposals to the work. So if your data is there, you need to remove it, and then it will also be gone from there. So, cloud applications have common vulnerabilities; what are the top ten QL injections? Is there broken authentication and session management? Is there cross-site scripting? Are there insecure direct object access references? Is there security misconfiguration exposing sensitive data, missing functional level access control, cross-site request forgery using a component with no own vulnerabilities, and invalidated redirects and forwards? So those are the common vulnerabilities in the Claude app. So, addressing the risk, we will discuss it in the next slide. Thank you.

3. Addressing The Risk

Hey guys, let's understand that to address the risk, organizations must have an application risk management programmer and togracommonly used commonly method from thieved from Nit framework for improving critical infrastructure So, this Ni St of Standard and technology has our programs, and that tool is a FileMaker and Time database solution. solution. It represents FCore, work Coos which is a set of cyber activities desired outcomes,edoutcome and application referenare commonarecommon across critical infrassectors. There are five configurations in total: identity, protection, detection, response, and recovery. Recover. You can go to the NIST website and it. unload it.

I have downloaded it share. And if you run this one here, this program, So an IST framework is installed, which is "Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover," and you go to NIST and select "Identify," then go through all of the options one by one to work from it. from it.

So the difference between Kerberos and Active Directory Federation is that Kerberos works in a single domain, while Federated Identities allows for the generation of tokens in one domain and the consumption of these tokens in another. So a federation domain is something like: suppose there's one domain here, another domain here, and another domain here. We are all connected. So they are using some kind of federation service. Okay? So, with the help of one token, a user in one domain can access his own resources in domains two and three in one. because there's federation management there. Otherwise, if no federation management exists, he must be generated with different tokens. So in an organization, if there are 200 devices or 200 things to be accessed all the time, he needs a new token. But with the help of the federation, that is enough for him.

So the Federation standard is there. SAML, two federation open IDs, Connect, and OAuth for more information. I recently purchased this multi-factor authentication system. Their VA is what they know, what they have, who they are, and how they supplement security devices. Database Activity The cryptography application includes XML gateway firewall, API gateway, SSL TLS VPN with IP Security volume instance encryption volume encryption file, or directory encryption tokenization masking and sandboxing. Virtualization is there. App B is there. For applications, there is the Zen app or Horizon View, both of which are excellent. So this is the end of the main four. Please remember that these are the terms that I attempted to mention in my slides. So I cannot go through them one by one to all of them. lack of time. So you can do one thing: you can browse them. You know these terms as "Federation standards." So put them in and learn more about them. Thank you very much.

Domain 5 (Operations)

1. Cloud Operations

Hello guys! Welcome to the domain five that is cloud operations. My name is Mukish Singh, and we are learning CCSP data centre design, planning, and architecture have long been integral parts of information technology. Until recently, data centres were designed with the intention of providing, hosting, computing, storing, or providing other services.

The data centre design is so effective that it necessitates understanding the data center's location as well as the user's compliance decisions. Prior to selecting a location for the data center, an organisation should have a clear understanding of requirements at the national, state, or local level.

The type of service model also affects the datacenter design that we will discuss next. Like it is something you are providing through web services, infrastructure services, or something else. So, once the compliance requirement is identified, it should be included in the ISO 27001 data centre design reference for design consideration; you can look for the reference design consideration online. Consider the physical environment during data centre deployment, as well as other automation service enablement consolidation monitoring capabilities, reducing the time between repairs and reducing interim failure. So, for example, on a single server, on a rack-up server, you use a hypervisor, which could be HyperV or ESXi. On top of that, there are operating systems.

I'm talking about infrastructure as a service. So there should be some kind of monitoring tool that can monitor this particular server. CPU, load, RAM usage, and hard drive could be different system storage, so you can also look at storage as well as the load for individual machines. So, by putting everything in one place and making good use of your hardware, you've enabled consolidation and monitoring capabilities. Monitoring it okay means time to repair. In the meantime, the failure characteristics of A can affect the logical design of the data centre multitenancy cloud management plane. virtualization technology, segregation of duties for data centre staffs, design for monitoring network traffic using SNMP or other monitoring tools, monitor it, and design automation and use of API and software defined networking.

As we have seen, inside servers there are multiple operating systems that are linked to each other as well as to an external network. So there's a virtual switch. There are so many different companies here that you need to manage. They cannot communicate with one another without the use of a private or management VLAN. That is also possible with software-defined networking. So let's start with physical design in the upcoming slide. Thank you.

2. Physical Design & TIER

Hey guys. Physical design. So the physical design of a data centre server is determined by the services provided. OK, like for the web services, thin-blade servers are enough, and data mining servers require large mainframe servers. Okay. Second, over the past decade, datacenters have been designed as a collection of standard components that are plugged together. Okay? The physical design should also account for possible expansion and upgrading of both computing and environmental equipment. So those are the important things. So what kind of services are you offering? You need to be a service in a database. The second is upgrading in the future.

So equipment upgrades as well as the place you have owned Somewhere around here is your data center. So that area is where you are using it. So you should have used such equipment. As the business grows, you can upgrade them, expand them, or even expand the area. Secondly, in a claw datacenter, consider the following areas: Number one, does the physical design protect against environmental threats? Okay, so it should be like environmental threats. Maybe there's a heavy snowfall in some area, and there's a power outage or something for months, or an extremely hot or extremely cold area, or that particular area where adjusters are commons, or something like that. So designers must protect against environmental threats. Second, does the physical design include provisions for accessing resources during a disaster?

Okay, that is an important point to consider. There are three physical security design features that limit access to authorised personal physical security design features that limit access to authorised personal physical security design features include CCTV or biometrics or protection wall fences, gates, hydraulic gates, electronic surveillance access points to control ingress and egress and verify identity and access. So here's the traffic coming in and going strange to identify them as authorising with an audit. The design should be that way. In addition, one of my CISP course domains is: Is there any information on what type of design or company—or server system—we should keep our servers in, or whether our data centre should have options? An organisation can build a data center, buy one, or lease space in a data center. Fine, you can own your own data center.

In the data centre design industry consulting services offered globally by CGI, the International Data Center Authority, the National Fire Protection Association, and FPA, you can build it, buy it, or lease it. So those would be design standards, such as a fire protection or data centre authority or consulting service. Uptime important Tier standard topology of Uptime Institute data centersite infrastructure This is usually a tier one, tier two, or tier three. It is technology that we refer to as "four-tier standard." Four-tier architecture for data centre design Tier one is a basic data centre that we call Tier two is redundant-site infrastructure capacity movement. I believe you are aware of redundancy by now. The third requirement is concurrently maintainable site infrastructure. Okay? This is something important. And fourth is fault-tolerant site infrastructure. So fault tolerance had to be there and ready for it as well. So by looking at Tier 4, you get something better, but instead, in terms of price, it is expensive. Next, we will discuss this one in the upcoming slide. Thank you.

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