All Juniper JN0-450 certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the JN0-450 Mist AI, Specialist practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!
The JN0-450 is the standard exam offered by the Juniper Networks certification program. It is the JNCP-Mist Al track certification exam that allows you to demonstrate your abilities with the Mist Al technology. If you are interested in learning about the WLAN technology and the features of Mist Al, this test can be a good choice as it will open the gateway to achieving the JNCIS-MistAl designation.
Who Is JN0-450 Exam Intended for?
It is intended for the candidates who are individuals working in the WLAN networking and have the introductory knowledge of the wireless networking system utilizing the Mist Al. To pass such an exam you should have a basic understanding of the Mist Al technology and WLAN as well as their functionality and features. The candidate has to get the JNCIA-MistAl associate certificate before applying for the JNCIS-MistAl specialist certification.
What Is JN0-450 Test?
The Juniper JN0-450 exam is administered by the Pearson VUE and has 65 multiple-choice questions. You have to attempt these items within 90 minutes. Once you complete the exam, your pass/fail status will be available immediately. If you meet the passing score set by the vendor, you will gain the Specialist JNCIS-MistAl certification that will provide you with a lot of opportunities.
What Are Topics Covered by JN0-450?
To ace such an exam, you have to master the following topics and their concepts:
- Wi-Fi Fundamentals;
- Mist Network Operations;
- Marvis Al;
- Mist Automation;
- General WLAN Concepts;
- Mist Deployment and Architecture;
- Mist Location-based Services (LBS).
The Wi-Fi fundamentals domain covers the concepts of Wi-Fi Technologies like Frequency bands, RF basics, modulation, network contention and arbitration, WLAN lifecycle, 802.11 PHY protocols, and WLAN roaming. The Mist Network Operations focuses on the concepts like events and insights, Wired Assurance, SLEs/Wireless Assurance, and Radio Resource Management. You will also learn about SLE configuration and troubleshooting in this topic. The Marvis AI area discusses the terms of the functionality of the Marvis Al-driven virtual network assistant that includes proactive troubleshooting, reactive troubleshooting, Marvis actions, and languages. Mist Automation, on the other hand, identifies the concepts of WebSocket API, Webhook API, RESTful APIs, and automation in addition to scripting. General WLAN Concepts include the security notions, Mist WLANs, guest portals, and wireless intrusion prevention as well as detection. The Mist Deployment and Architecture part talks about the concepts of configuration objects, organization objects, site objects, account organization and subscription, and general architecture concepts. The last topic identifies the concepts of LBS such as asset visibility, Wi-Fi location, Virtual Bluetooth Low Energy, user engagement, proximity tracing, etc.
Training Course Recommended for JN0-450 Validation
Official classes can enhance your learning and make you ready for the day of the actual exam. They take you through the sample questions and scenarios that will help you get a good passing score. You can have a look at the training course offered by the vendor by visiting the official site of Juniper Networks. It is a very helpful course for candidates who are interested in passing JN0-450 certification exam on the first try:
- Juniper Mist Al-Driven Networks by Juniper Networks
It is a four-day course that is providing candidates with the in-depth knowledge required for the work with wireless technologies and Mist Al Wi-Fi networks. You will become proficient in using the Wi-Fi & Mist AL technologies and how to configure them. What is more, this training has several hands-on labs that are very helpful for the candidates and which will give them a practical experience with the functionality of Mist Al-driven Wi-Fi and its features. This course aims to benefit the individuals who are working with enterprise wireless and implementing artificial intelligence in their activities. When it comes to the objectives of this course, they are:
- Explaining WLAN life cycle;
- Describing the WLAN association;
- Configuring & explaining Mist Architecture;
- Indicating the purpose of Mist and its key differentiators;
- Understanding of the labels and use of Mist;
- Describing the service-level experience and its place in the WLAN networks;
- Making the sitemap and surveys for their critical analysis.
This training is highly recommended by Juniper Networks because it prepares you thoroughly and helps you understand all aspects of the final exam. You will not need any other resource if you take this course with proper interest and dedication.
Gaining Knowledge about Topics of JN0-450 Certification Exam with Amazon Study Guide
If you want to get a solid knowledge about any specific domain of JN0-450, you can study with the below-mentioned optional book and take guidance from it:
- Designing and Deploying 802.11n Wireless Networks by James T. Geier
This book is a complete guide to learn about implementing the 802.11n and 802.11a wireless networks for the enterprise-based systems available in the market. Also, it tells you about the WLAN deployment clearly by dividing it into different steps. You will as well learn to execute the planning and deployment process easily using the WLAN concepts. Plus, there are many hands-on exercises available for you to practice the tools used to deploy the WLAN networks. In this book particularly you will learn about:
- Key concepts, technologies, applications, and markets of 802.11;
- Considering the impact of radio signal interference, multipath propagation, roaming, security vulnerabilities, and battery limitations;
- Understanding 802.11 standards in the actual network deployment context and support;
- Planning the scheduling, risks, feasibility analysis, and requirements;
- Architecting the distribution and access networks.
This study guide covers all the concepts of WLAN network technologies and applications. You will get a lot of help if you study with this book for clarifying your concepts about deploying WLAN networks.
The Specialist JNCIS-MistAl certification is not difficult to achieve if you prepare well for JN0-450 exam. You can make the best use of the training course and the book mentioned above to get a good score on such a test. Once you pass it, you will get the designation that might open the door of opportunities for you. So, avail yourself of this opportunity and enroll in the course offered by Juniper Networks to become ready for the final exam. As this certification test verifies your basic understanding of WLAN and the Mist Al technology so make sure to practice the concepts before taking the actual exam.
Juniper JN0-450 practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE Files format by real users. Study and Pass JN0-450 Mist AI, Specialist certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are to help students.