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Juniper JN0-663 Practice Test Questions, Juniper JN0-663 Exam dumps

All Juniper JN0-663 certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the JN0-663 Service Provider Routing and Switching, Professional (JNCIP-SP) practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!

The Juniper JN0-663 is one of the exams for candidates who have an understanding of advanced routing technologies and associated platform configuration alongside troubleshooting skills. Also, such a test is aimed at qualified networking specialists with advanced knowledge of the Juniper Networks Junos OS, which will get them the JNCIP-SP designation. Furthermore, JN0-663 focuses on skills for networking practitioners with specialization in the concepts of IP functionality as well as the SPF algorithm, multipath, and VPN scaling. Particularly, this exam evaluates a candidate on the application of Routing and Switching strategies and is endorsed by Juniper Networks, which allows businesses to develop high-performance networks by providing network services and infrastructure.

Exam Outline

When it comes to JN0-663 exam, it has 65 multiple-choice questions which you need to finish within 120 minutes. Your results will be available immediately after you take the exam. To add more, JN0-663 is administered by Pearson VUE and you are expected to fulfill the below test objectives on Service Provider Routing and Switching:

  • Describe the concepts and functionalities of OSPF.
  • IS-IS concepts and operations.
  • Understanding of how BGP works.
  • Describe the functionalities of the Junos OS class of service (CoS).
  • Ability to implement IP multicast function.
  • Describe the concepts of Layer 3 VPNs.
  • Define the concepts of BGP Layer 2 VPNs.

Test Prerequisites

To take the Professional Service Provider Routing and Switching or JN0-663 exam, you need to first complete the Specialist Service Provider Routing and Switching certification by nailing JN0-362. Further, Juniper recommends some work experience in networking, cloud services, cloud management, security, and routing configurations. Nevertheless, the right preparation and industrial experience will get you higher chances of passing the official exam.

Career Benefits

Certifications from Juniper Networks most commonly lead to network engineering roles, either with Juniper Networks directly or with consulting firms promoting the related products. Moreover, you can apply for positions such as Network Administrators and Network Security Engineers. Average remuneration for Network Engineers starts at $51,000 up to $108,000 per year, whereas earnings for Network Admins are estimated at $84,000 annually as rendered by Payscale. So, as far as you can see it can pay off well to get the necessary experience and at least one Juniper certification.

Preparing for JN0-663 with Vendor’s Training

You can enroll for the Professional Service Provider Routing and Switching certification exam via the Pearson VUE website. Hence, make sure you are ready and confident for the final test beforehand with the right resources. The Juniper website itself provides valuable resources you can look into while preparing for your JN0-663 exam. The Juniper Advanced Junos Service Provider Routing (AJSPR) five-day course is a perfect way to start studying for your professional exam for the JNCIP-SP certificate. In particular, this training offers candidates hands-on lab-based professional studying so while attending it, you’ll get to know more about all the exam domains and will learn how to work with the relevant products such as T Series and M Series, to name a few. Apart from this, it’s a good idea to check out such classes as Junos Layer 2 VPNs (JL2V) and Junos Layer 3 VPNs (JL3V).

Additional Resources for JN0-663

While there are many supportive materials available on the Juniper website, several other resources will also help you prepare for your exam. A correct combination of these and the right approach will enable you to pass your JN0-663 certification test confidently. Thus, here are some of the top-rated books from Amazon that you can look at while studying for JN0-663:

  • JNCIP: Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional Study Guide by Harry Reynolds

    This book covers the major exam objectives of the JNCIP-SP exam. Moreover, it discusses the concepts of networking, monitoring, troubleshooting route operations, upgrading & backing JUNOS, working with IS-IS, and monitoring OSPF. Besides, the author dives deep into topics such as IBGP routing and EBGP operations. All in all, such a study guide is a great start to refer to when preparing for your JN0-663 exam. Engineers who need to update networks, consolidate operations, or deploy new functionality or services have invaluable material in the form of this manual.

  • First Edition of Network Mergers and Migrations by Gonzalo Gomez Herrero and Jan Anton Bernal van der Ven

    Such a book offers students a detailed guide to network transition processes by describing a number of examples of internetworking. Based on the experience and skills of two senior Juniper Networks engineers, both enterprise and service provider scenarios are analyzed here. Each case study covers planning and execution, as well as discusses approaches and incorporates additional relevant services and JUNOS resources, from MPLS Layer 3 VPN approaches for migration processes to complicated consolidation and integration for networking protocols in order to ensure effective execution at each transition point.

  • First Edition of OSPF and IS-IS by Jeff Doyle

    This comprehensive guide clearly explains how OSPF and IS-IS protocols are incorporated in large-scale IP organizations and service-provider networking companies. Moreover, the book has thoroughly organized its topics to make sure you understand the application of OSPF and IS-IS. Also, the author explains how a subject or function is incorporated in OSPF and then walks through a specific application with IS-IS.

  • First Edition of Interdomain Multicast Routing by Brian M. Edwards

    This guide contains all of IP multicast protocols, software, network architecture and integration, implementation, configuration, and management that network specialists need to know about. In addition, the author demonstrates the setup of multicasting depending on the Internet on both Juniper and Cisco routers and provides a comprehensive case study. The book also reviews the purpose and basic principles, then implements all new multicast IP protocols.


Completing the JNCIP-SP JN0-663 exam is a brilliant decision in your networking career and you can easily succeed in this test with the right resources and training. In the first place, you need to check out the vendor’s site for the official courses available there. The second sensible step will be to find and use the comprehensive study guides from Amazon that will make your preparation for the final validation smooth and efficient.

Juniper JN0-663 practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE Files format by real users. Study and Pass JN0-663 Service Provider Routing and Switching, Professional (JNCIP-SP) certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are to help students.

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Studying for the Juniper certification exam was a breeze with the comprehensive materials from this site. The detailed study guides and accurate exam dumps helped me understand every concept. I aced the JN0-663 exam on my first try!

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Achieving my Juniper certification was a seamless experience. The detailed study guide and practice questions ensured I was fully prepared for JN0-663. The customer support was responsive and helpful throughout my journey. Highly recommend their services for anyone preparing for their certification test.

I couldn't be happier with my certification results! The study materials were comprehensive and easy to understand, making my preparation for the JN0-663 stress-free. Using these resources, I was able to pass my exam on the first attempt. They are a must-have for anyone serious about advancing their career.

The practice exams were incredibly helpful in familiarizing me with the actual test format. I felt confident and well-prepared going into my JN0-663 certification exam. The support and guidance provided were top-notch. I couldn't have obtained my Juniper certification without these amazing tools!

The materials provided for the JN0-663 were comprehensive and very well-structured. The practice tests were particularly useful in building my confidence and understanding the exam format. After using these materials, I felt well-prepared and was able to solve all the questions on the final test with ease. Passing the certification exam was a huge relief! I feel much more competent in my role. Thank you!

The certification prep was excellent. The content was up-to-date and aligned perfectly with the exam requirements. I appreciated the clear explanations and real-world examples that made complex topics easier to grasp. I passed JN0-663 successfully. It was a game-changer for my career in IT!