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LPI LPIC-3 Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, LPI LPIC-3 Certification Exam Dumps

All LPI LPIC-3 certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are prepared by industry experts. LPI LPIC-3 certification practice test questions and answers, exam dumps, study guide and training courses help candidates to study and pass hassle-free!

The LPIC-3 certificate is issued by the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) and it is the last certification in the Linux Professional certification program. The LPIC-3 is the highest level of Linux certification in the IT industry today and is designed for candidates who deal with Linux at an organizational level. Currently, there are three different LPIC-3 certifications available — Enterprise Mixed Environment, Enterprise Virtualization & High Availability, and Enterprise Security. Candidates can choose only one of these options and receive the specialty certification associated with that option. These certificates can be pursued by those who wish to validate their skills in relevant technologies or by those who wish to acquire newer advanced skills. These validations are also perfect for those looking to uplift their resumes in order to get jobs more easily or to receive increases in pay. Employees might also need to attain these certificates to comply with changing laws and organizational demands. While all of these three LPIC-3 qualifications are fruitful, the rest of this article, however, focuses on the LPIC-3 Enterprise Mixed Environment, which revolves around how a Linux system can be administered throughout an organization that also uses other systems.

What Is LPIC-3 300-100 Certification Exam?

Before candidates can obtain any LPIC-3 certificate, they must already hold the LPIC-2 certificate as that is a necessary prerequisite. There is only one exam that candidates need to take for the LPIC-3 Enterprise Mixed Environment certification, and that is exam 300-100. This exam contains sixty MCQs & fill-in-the-blanks and is of 90-minute duration. What is more, students must score a 500 out of 800 in order to pass. This exam addresses technical areas related to the integration of Samba domains, the configuration of Samba Share, the supervision of Samba groups and users, the management of Windows clients and Linux, the maintenance of Samba name services, the interaction of Samba fundamentals, the usage of OpenLDAP for back end authentications, and adjustment of OpenLDAP configurations. The registration fee for exam 300-100 is USD 200 and is available to candidates worldwide in English and Japanese. Upon passing this single test, candidates will be awarded the LPIC-3 Enterprise Mixed Environment certificate, which will be valid for 5 years and can be renewed to stay current. After this, candidates can pursue other LPI certifications such as the DevOps Tools Engineer certificate or the BSD Specialist certificate in the future.

Which Books to Use for Exam 300-100?

Students preparing for the LPIC-3 Enterprise Mixed Environment certification should incorporate all of the following textbooks in their study plan:

  • ‘Practical LPIC-3 300: Prepare for the Highest Level Professional Linux Certification’ by Antonio Vazquez — Antonio is an IT veteran who has been interacting with Linux systems for more than a decade. His book will help examinees achieve a thorough understanding of all the concepts that will be evaluated by test 300-100 and also help them acquire practical skills needed to reasonably apply those concepts. Antonio’s book is not only for candidates but for anyone who wants to learn about Samba and OpenLDAP. This book is divided into three parts with each addressing a specific domain needed for 300-100. Given how well the author explains everything, even a complete newbie can flip through its pages and grasp the issues being explained.
  • ‘LPIC-3 300: Mixed Environment Certification Exam Unofficial Review Questions and Answers’ by ExamREVIEW — ExamREVIEW is an independent research body that is concerned with IT. In this book, they created over sixty custom sample questions based on the technical areas covered in test 300-100. Candidates can solve these questions as self-practice in order to evaluate the depth of their knowledge and understanding. Each item is of a high difficulty level, and this was done intentionally to challenge the students and ensure their readiness. Furthermore, every question is accompanied by the correct answer and a detailed explanation of why that answer is correct. This way, learners can identify gaps in knowledge and focus on areas they are weak in. Such an amazing book can be obtained at a very low price of $15.95 on Amazon.
  • ‘How I Passed Linux Professional Institute LPIC-3 Enterprise Mixed Environment Exam’ by Canrosartain Publications — Canrosartain Publications made this kindle e-book in collaboration with Vullam, the world’s largest platform for online learning. The tips, tricks, and test-taking strategies compiled in this guide are both effective and practical because they come from IT workers, who are experts in their fields. Such a book has been structured very logically and has been designed to help anyone pass their LPIC-3 certification exam on their first go. The thoroughness of the book equips learners with everything they need to know to write exam 300-100 with confidence. So far, this material has helped 8,000 individuals successfully achieve their LPIC-3 certifications and has received over 10,000 positive reviews. The book also gives you free coupons, with which you can take 300-100 practice exams at Vullam, completely free of cost.

Which Training Courses to Enroll in for Test 300-100?

When it comes to LPIC-3 training courses, there are a lot of official courses to choose from. By visiting the LPI official website candidates will be able to find a training course that suits them. All they have to do is to enter their country, region, certification level, the desired language, and then the system will match them to the right courses. The training partners that the candidates will be choosing from are either recognized as LPI Approved Training Partners (ATP) or LPI Approved Academic Partners (AAP). ATPs are responsible for providing training that fulfills the exact needs of the IT industry and they do this by creating very comprehensive courses. AAPs, on the other hand, are everyday schools and universities that encourage students to pursue IT certifications as an extracurricular activity alongside their studies. Those entities that are recognized as LPI ATPs and AAPs have been through rigorous quality checks to ensure they meet strict standards of Linux, and this means that a student will get high-value courses from these organizations.


Turn to all the aforementioned study guides from Amazon and enroll in some training courses conducted by the LPI official training partners and gaining the LPIC-3 certificate will become more than attainable. By passing test 300-100, you will learn how to appropriately handle Samba and OpenLDAP features and will become an invaluable asset to your company.

LPIC-3 certification practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE files format by real users. Study and pass LPI LPIC-3 certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are the best available resource to help students pass at the first attempt.

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