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Number sequences
1. Number sequences
Hello everyone. In this video, we will look at the number sequences. You will understand the importance of number sequences and the creation of new number sequences. Then we'll look at how you assign these number sequences to various forms. Firstly, why number sequences? Number sequences are pretty common in the business world. I am sure that you have a bank account, and you always transact with your bank using your bank account number, right? So that is a unique number that was given to you by the bank. So that is nothing but a number sequence.
At the same time, if you placed an order with Amazon, I am sure that you received an order number from them. So that is also nothing but a number sequence. So in the business world, it is pretty common that we need the number sequences for various forms. So let's take a look at some other forms. So, there are some common forms where the number sequences are used, like vendors, where when we want to transact with the vendor, we register the vendor and assign a unique identification number to the vendor. Similarly, we keep track of our customers and assign them a unique number. Then, when we create a purchase order, we place a purchase order with the vendor. We want the system to generate a unique number so that we can transact with the vendor using that reference number.
Similarly, in sales orders, a customer places an order, and we generate a unique number and give it to the customer so that he can interact with our customer support team when he has some issues, right? Similarly, with journal vouchers, you might want to have a different number sequence for different transactions that you create. All right, so these are only a few forms that we talked about, but we have many more forms where we will need a number sequence. Okay, now let us go to the system and see how we create the number sequence and how we make sure that the number sequence is used whenever we create a new vendor record, a new customer record, or anything else like thing else I am back in my demo environment, and I am currently with the USMF company. Okay, before I start creating new number sequences, I would like to take you to the vendors by going into Accounts Payable and selecting all vendors. So, if I create a new vendor here, you can see the vendor account number now, and I can enter anything because that is how it is currently set up in the USMF company in the demo data.
So each client will have their own requirements, right? So likewise the counter, so Entertainment Systems USA does not want a number sequence. So they want to just put a unique number whenever they create a vendor, right? So that is how it is configured right now. But let us assume that when we are implementing it for a new client, they might need an automated number to be populated whenever the users create a new vendor account number, right? So that is our requirement. Now let us see how we create a new number sequence and how we associate the new number sequence so that the system can automatically populate the vendor account number. Okay, so let me delete this new vendor creation. I will close this form and let us go to the organisation administration module, where you will see the number sequences. So remember that number sequences are a shared form, and I create a new number sequence here. So when I create a new number sequence, I just give it a number sequence code. So this sequence code can be anything. So it doesn't really matter here; when I say "vendor sequence," that's just a name that I'm giving. And the scope is crucial in this case. Based on the scope that you select, the number sequence will be available for selection in the parameters form. I'll go into more detail about that later. So you choose this company for the time being.
Okay? So typically, when you choose this scope as "company," whenever you are creating a number sequence that is intended for a company-specific form, you're going to choose the scope as "company." For example, we always talk about vendors, right? I go to the accounts table and vendors, and this vendors form is not a shared form, meaning that the data in this form is company-specific. So I am seeing the vendors that are related to only us and the company. And the new number sequence that I am creating, I want that number sequence to be available for vendor accounts, right? As this is a company-specific form, you must select the company as the scope. So apart from company, if you choose something else, you will not really be able to associate this new number sequence with it.
Okay, so define the scope as "company" and for which company you would want this. So you want this for the US MF company, right? I saved it. And now, in the segments section, you will define what the format of your number sequence should be. So, for example, when I create a new vendor, what should this vendor account number look like? Okay, so typically the company identifier So in many implementations, I have seen that people may not need this company identifier if you are implementing for a single legal entity. So what I mean is, for example, if the client that you're implementing has different legal entities across multiple geographical locations, So, that means you will be creating multiple legal entities for them. So only in that case may your clients prefer to have the number sequence formatted with the company ID here; otherwise, you can remove this. This is something you can confirm with your clients during the requirement gathering process. So during the requirement gathering, you will check with them to see what their preferred numbering sequence is.
Right? So in this example, I don't want the company identifier, okay? And I want my vendor sequence to show something like "V" and "Dyfan," the alphanumeric number. So when you say "constant," this is when the keyboard is going to be constant. Whenever somebody creates a new vendor, this is going to be a constant. And for the alpha-numeric, you have the length as nine characters here, right? So these nine characters—these nine alphanumeric characters—will be replaced with the number. Okay? So let's scroll it down. You see here, the smallest number is going to be one, and the largest number is based on the length of your alphanumeric characters. You're going to set up the largest number here, so automatically the system will populate that for you. So you do not need to worry about it for now, okay? I will talk about these parameters in the next video. Alright, so for now, you've created a new number sequence. Save this and close this. Okay, so we created a new number sequence, but how does the system know that this is the number sequence that it has to use whenever we create a new vendor, right? So that is where I will have to introduce you to the parameters when you go to the accounts payable. In addition, each module's parameters will be listed in the setup section.
So this parameters form will have important settings that are required for the implementation. Okay? At the end of the course, you will learn about a lot of parameters, but for the time being, let's not talk too much about the different parameters that are available, but I would like to highlight that based on the value that you select for different parameters here, your system functionality will be ameters here, So scroll it down, and when it comes to the number sequences, now under each parameter form, you will see a number sequences tab. Okay? So the system will have the default references here, where you are seeing the vendor account as one of the references, okay? This means that the finance and operations ERP system is already configured in such a way that vendor accounts can have a number sequence. So you might want to make that a manual sequence, or you might want to make it an automated sequence.
Okay? So currently, I want an automated number for my vendor accounts, right? So the newly created number sequence code is what I'm going to use here. So we created the digitsequence code vend sequence, right? So this is how I am telling the system that this number sequence code is to be used for vendor accounts. All right, I saved this record, and now I am trying to create a new vendor account. So let me close this. Go to all vendors, then create a new vendor account. You see, just before you are able to enter a value into this vendor account field, But now you see that the system is automatically populating a vendor account account fie So that is how you can create a new number sequence and associate the new sequence with your vendor accounts.
All right, so the pattern is going to be the same. The configuration and creation of the number sequence and association will remain consistent across documents. For example, if I want a new number sequence to be created for the customer records where I go to Accounts Receivable and I have these customers, I open up these customers, and I will see the list of customers available in the US MF company. So, because I never opened the customer form before, it takes a little longer the first time. So these are my customer accounts. If I create a new customer, I can see that the customer account is again allowed to be entered manually by the end user. Okay? But if I want this to be automatically generated, then what I will have to do is go to this Accounts Receivable module, and as I was mentioning, under setup I will have these Accounts Receivable parameters, then go down to these number sequences, and you see here you have one for a customer account. So currently there is a number sequence codeset, but that is set to be manual. And that is the reason the system is allowing end users to manually create a number sequence.
So if I want the customer account number to be automatically generated, then I will have to create a new number sequence or make some changes to this existing number sequence code. Currently, in the demo data, it is configured to manually set the customer account number. Okay, so let's take a look at this one so that we understand why it's allowing us to manually set a customer account number there. Okay, so if I want to go to this particular number sequence code, as you are aware of, I will do a right click and click on view details, and you see here that the scope is the same company and it is set for a US MF company. And you see here that it has a format something like this. So it doesn't have any keywords like "cast" or something like that directly.
We have an alpha-numeric segment, and you also see this referenced here. You're going to look at the number sequence, and then you'll know that this number sequence is used by Accounts Receivable customer accounts. Okay? and this is the important parameter. As a result, because this is set to manual, the system currently allows the end user to enter the customer account number manually. Okay? If I want this to be automatically generated, that is when I will switch off this manual. If anyone now goes to Accounts Receivable and Customers and creates a new customer, you'll notice that the system is automatically populating the customer account number, okay? So this is how you use the number sequences to automatically pop up the numbers for different records. All right, that's all for this video, and thank you very much for watching.
2. Number sequences continued
Welcome back, everyone. This is a continuation of the previous video, where we talked about the number sequences. Right. In this video, you will understand the different settings available in Number Sequences. Then we will take a look at how you generate the number sequences for the newly created legal entity. Then I will take you through some of the tips and tricks for resolving the numbersequence-related issues that you may encounter when you are working on real projects. Let us go back to the application now.
So I am back in the USMS company, and this is the number of sequences that we created in the previous video, right? I am going back to the scope parameters. Let us talk about the scope parameters. So I explained when you should choose the scope as a company and when you should choose the scope to be shared. Right? So sometimes it might get a little difficult for you to understand which scope you would want to choose. Let me show you a simple technique for figuring out the correct scope for your number sequence. Alright? So I will go to the organization's administration. Under Number Sequences, you have this segment configuration. If you open this, you will have different areas, under which you will have different references. For example, if I look at this account receivable, I have all these references here.
Okay? For example, I want to create an identifier sequence for the customer account, right? Then I go to this Accounts Receivable area because I know that customer is part of Accounts Receivable. Then I click on this customer account, and you see these segments here. So when you see the segments showing as "company," that means the number sequence that you create for this particular reference will have to use the scope as "company." Okay? And in a certain number of sequences, you will not see any segment here, which actually means that the scope should be shared. Okay, let me just take you to another one here. Under the purchase module, I have a purchase requisition. Okay? So a purchase requisition is a shaded form, and there is a reason you see no segment here. That means that if you're making a new number sequence for purchase acquisition, you'll have to make the scope shared. Okay? So let's take a quick look at it. So I am taking you to the procurement and sourcing area. So I go to the purchase requisitions. So this is not much in the finance area. Purchase requisitions are basically internal requests. If anyone in the organisation needs to request anything be purchased, they will create a purchase requisition. Okay? And this is actually a shade of gray. And as you see here, this is a purchase requisition number.
So you have a number here, right? So this particular number is a shade. So the number sequence for this purchase requisition should have the scope set to "shared." All right, so that is about the segment configuration. Let us go back to the number sequences once again. So I open up the Number Sequences form, and the one that we created is the when sequence, right? I open up this number sequence that we created and scroll it down. Let us take a look at these references. So we have attached this particular number sequence to the Accounts table. When an account reference, parameters number sequence, correct? Let us go to that place. I go to the accounts payable parameters.
So I went to this number sequence, and I attached this particular number sequence code to my vendor account reference, right? So this is one way of attaching your number sequence to a reference. So the other way is—let me just quickly show it here. I edit the number sequence and scroll it down.
So let me just remove it, so that way it is easier for you to understand. I say yes, I go back to this one, and let me just refresh the screen. So, basically, the number sequence reference is gone in this form as well. Okay? So you can either go to the parameters and then look for your reference and attach it, or you can go to the references in the same form that you created the number sequence and select Accounts Payable in the area. Ignore that error. This must be something related to my build issue. Let me do one thing. Let me attach this to my customer's account. So I go to the Accounts Receivable area and choose the customer account. Okay? So now this same number sequence is associated with my customer's account, right? So I did not go to the parameters form and associate this. But still, if I go to my Accounts Receivable area and then look at my number sequences, this form is already open before I made the changes in the other tab. So let me refresh this so that my change can be reflected here. You see what I mean? So I told the system that this is a new number sequence that it should be using for the customer account, okay? So that is how you can attach the newly created number sequence to your required reference. Alright? Now let us look at these parameters here. So you see this in use here.
Basically, you will not be able to edit this parameter. It tells you that this number sequence code is already in use because it is attached to a reference, right? So that is the reason it tells you that it is already in use. Okay? And sometimes you might want to stop the number sequence because you don't want people to create any more vendor tickets. For example, you may not want to allow users to create purchase orders in the system because there is a problem within the organization, and we want to temporarily prevent people from creating number sequences, or you may want to permanently prevent this number sequence from being used in any other places. In such cases, you can simply say stop, and anyone attempting to recreate this one will encounter the problem. Okay? So let me do one thing. I will set this back to my vendor account because that is the example that we have been following, right? So I set it back, like, over here, and refreshed the screen. You see, currently the same number sequence is being used for both customers and vendors, okay? But we do not want this anymore, right?
So let's just turn this off, right? So this is done now. So now we say that this number sequence must be stopped. So let's just save this. I go to Accounts Payable and all vendors, right? So, if I try to create a new vendor right now, you'll see that this specific number sequence is on hold, okay? So that is how the system will stop you from using that number sequence anymore. All right, let me just take this off. And what about this manual? So this is something that we have already seen in the previous video, right? If this number sequence is set to manual, the system will allow you to manually enter the vendor account number when you create a new vendor account. Okay? And the most important is the one that is continuous. So what will happen with the continuous sequence? So to be able to explain, let me take you back to the vendor's creation. And now that we've removed the stopped flag from the number sequence, right, let's go to the vendor and see if the system will allow me to do that. So you can see here that the system is already allowing me to create this vendor account, right? because the stopped flag is unselected now. Okay? And currently, as you can see here, the continuous flag is set to no, but still, obviously, I'm getting a continuous number, right? That's what it looks like.
But here is the difference: For example, the purchasing agent or someone from the accounts payable team may have initiated this vendor creation, and they may not have enough information and want to delete this particular vendor right away because they do not know which group this vendor needs to be associated with, and they will need to contact their manager for that information. So the user chose to delete the vendor creation process, and for example, the next day he comes in and tries to create a new vendor. You see here that earlier the vendor account number was two, and now it is already showing that as three, right? But honestly speaking, the number two is never used in the system. So sometimes these missing numbers will sort of raise some questions like where these numbers have gone, or else there will be some statutory requirements where the numbers should be continuous. Okay? In such cases, you're going to set this flag to continuous. Then what happens is that when somebody initiates the record creation and then deletes it for some reason, the generated number will be stored within the system.
So when the next user comes in, the same user comes in later, and they create the vendor record or any record, then the previous number will still be used. Okay, let's take a look at it. How does that work? I'm going to delete this one. And so I see this ceasing to be continuous. Save this, and you'll see this one. The system warns me that the change in number sequence may cause inconsistency because some numbers are already missing, correct? And now we are trying to set it to continuous. So it just tells me that everything is fine, and we can close this. So do not worry about this one. So, when you look at this, you realise you can't edit a record in number sequence form. So the record shown has been updated by another user. So sometimes what happens is that you are in this particular form, and let us assume that someone else opened the same form and made some changes before you. So that means the data that you are looking at in this particular form and for this particular record is not really current, right? So you are seeing some different data from the latest data. In such a case, the system gives you the message that you're not seeing the latest data. Okay? So you'll need to press F5 to change the controls.
So that is something that you can do. Otherwise, since it is a browser, you can just refresh it. Let's search for that again. So you might wonder, "Who changed something on this form and why are we getting that error?" So in this case, what happened is that the system changed the data in this particular form. So basically, what the system does is that every time a new vendor is created, the system automatically updates the next number that should be picked up. Okay? As a result, the previous number was three, and the system now says the next number is four. Okay? So that is the reason I got that message. Now let me go to these vendors and let us create this vendor account. As you can see, I got number four and deleted it. Fine, let me create this again. So I have number five, which is fine, and number six. which means there is some problem because, technically, it should have taken the number. Oh yeah, you remember we got that message, right? And the system did not save the setup that we did, and that is the reason it was giving us an error because we were changing the configuration on some old records. So I changed it to continuous this time. So my setting is saved now. And let us go to the vendors now to see how this continues to affect the vendor creation process. Let me go make a new vendor and see what happens. So you see this number seven, right? And obviously, you cannot edit this vendor account number. Fine. So delete this and try to create it again.
As you can see, System is still using the number seven. So even in a case where multiple users across the company start the vendor creation process, and for some reason they all delete the vendor that is being created, the system can store those numbers that are generated, and then the system can basically reuse those numbers, basically. So there is a reason the "continuous" is important when you want to have "continuous numbers for your records. Okay, so let me just delete this one here and let us go to the number sequences. And how is the system remembering this number seven? So, as I previously stated, if multiple users try that and then delete the vendor that is being created, all of those numbers will be kept in this status list. Okay? If you go to that status list, once the number is generated and it's been deleted by the user, that number will be stored here. So the system keeps track of who created it, what time this number has been generated, and all that. Okay? As a result, the continuous will be beneficial. And you do have a couple of settings here. So far in my experience, I have never used it, and I don't think you will be in a situation to use it. But just for the sake of understanding, when you set this to be like "allow user changes to a higher number," So then what happens is that when somebody creates a vendor and the system populates a number, for example, they're going to get the number seven.
Okay? So when they get the number seven, they will be able to change the number to a higher number. Okay? because this is set. So let's just go there. And sometimes what happens is that when you make changes in one tab while you have another open, your changes might not take effect. That is why I will recommend it, and you will probably want to close and reopen the forms at least during your learning. Okay, so I'm trying to create a new vendor, and you see here, so a couple of minutes ago I was showing this explicitly, right? Earlier, you weren't able to edit the vendor account number, right? Because System generated it and you were unable to edit it, correct? But now that we've changed our settings, where do we allow user changes? Where can users change it to a higher number? This is our setup for this reason. If you go to this vendor and the system generates annumber but still allows me to change it, I can put it at a higher number but not at a lower number. Okay? For example, I change it to something like six, and you see, okay, firstly, it's giving me an error about the group, so I save it. It is telling me that the number sequence does not allow a change to a lower number.
However, I can change this to, let's say, ten. So this is acceptable. It is asking for my name. All right. So that is how you can use this setting that is available here. Alright. Now, as I mentioned, the next number will be automatically updated by the system based on the last number generated. Okay? So you have your smallest, largest, and the next three numbers. And this one is an automatic cleanup. Okay, it has some beautiful description here. I recommend you just go through this for a better understanding. But let me also explain this. What does it do? So, we now set the number sequence parameters to be continuous, right? which means we do not want any numbers to get lost. However, there are times when the system crashes or there are power outages. So in such cases, a system will not be able to store the number that is generated. The user starts record creation. Okay? So, in such cases, we still need no numbers to be missing from our vendors due to statutory or business requirements, right? Otherwise, and for any records for which we have configured continuous number sequencing So in such cases, this automatic cleanup will be really helpful. Okay? So what you do here is enable this cleanup and then set up an interval. So what this actually means is that I'm telling the system to retrieve the numbers that are missing.
For example, because of the power failure, the number seven is not stored in the status list. Then still, the system can get into the database and see, like, which is that missing number. For example, the number six is generated, and then it jumps to the number nine or number ten. Okay? As a result, those missing numbers will be available for the system to retrieve and keep in the status list. So whenever the user creates, the system can automatically populate that missing number there. So, that concludes this cleanup. And for performance reasons, sometimes you can use this preallocation if it is not a continuous number. So in this case, since we set this flight to continuous, I'll not be able to activate this one. But what is this one? The pre-allocation? Let me just quickly take you to the journal names. There are many places within the system where you might need a number. I'm sorry, I meant to go to the journals, not the journal names. Let me go to the general journals. Okay, so, as I was mentioning, there are many places where you might need a number for system purposes. Take, for example, vendors, customers, purchase orders, and sales orders. So at these places, you need a unique number for business purposes. But there are certain places where you will need a number only for system purposes. One of those examples is this one journal batch number. So technically, in your business, you do not make use of this journal batch number, but each journal that you create needs a unique number to be maintained, right?
So, like this, there are many places where you might just have a number for system purposes, right? In such cases, what you can do is tell the system to pre-allocate some numbers. So you set this pre-allocation to S, and then you enter some numbers as 10. Then what actually happens is that whenever somebody creates a new number system, instead of generating one single number, it generates ten numbers because we have this quantity of numbers, right? So we're going to set it to ten. So it will generate ten numbers, and it just keeps those in memory. So otherwise, if you do not set it up, then what happens is that every time that you create a record, it calls the system-related classes and then creates and generates a new number every time. So for that reason this option is given, but it is not really popular or is not really used by many implementations, okay? If at all we want to use this, probably wait until it is really taking time for you—that system generating a new number is taking time—before activating it. Otherwise, I don't think you have to use this.
Okay? So that's about it. And one last thing with which we can close this lecture is generating the new number sequences. So before I do that, I would like to take you to the SG PC Company, our new legal entity. And if you go to Accounts Payable, for example, and go to the parameters and number sequences, you see that all my number sequences are empty here because this is a newly created legal entity, right? So we are implementing SGPC for our practise purposes. And it will take a significant amount of effort for you to generate all of these number sequence codes. And not only here; even in your implementation, it's going to be a very tedious process for you to create the number sequences for everything. But at the same time, that is mandatory for the system. You will have to have them. However, as I was mentioning, there are a lot of places where businesses really do not have a number sequence requirement. So they might need a number for purchase artists, but they don't care what number you're giving for your journal batch numbers, right?
But when it comes to vendors, they can tell you that my vendor sequence should be something like Vendor One and my customer sequence should be something like this; they start with 1001 or something like that, but they cannot have a requirement for everything that system needs. Okay? For example, with this closing voucher, they don't really have any specifications. So like that, for at least 80% of the number sequences, the customer or client doesn't really care what number is coming up there. Okay? So for this reason, what we normally do in the implementation is gather the requirements of which number sequences are required for the business. Like when you're doing the requirement gathering discussions, we talk to them like, "What is the number sequence that you need for the vendor and customer?" Like that, based on the business processes, we gather the number sequence formats, but for the rest of them, what we do is automatically generate a number sequence. So let us do this here. I go to the number sequences, and I use this generate option. So what this will do is generate the number sequences for all the references. Then on top of it, whichever ones you want in a specific format, you go ahead and override that particular number sequence reference. Okay? So this is what it tells you.
So to start with, you see accounts payable and vendor accounts. So it is popping up with a particular number sequence code, and what is the smallest number and what is the largest number? And do you have this for all of your references? Okay? If I want to include the company identifier, I can leave it as is; otherwise, I can remove the scope from the format. So when I just say this, this SG PC will go off from here. So if I want to do it for multiple ones, I can select all of them or some of them and then say "remove scope from format." Okay, so I don't want to make any changes, so let me go ahead and finish it. So this will technically take some time. So that is done. Let us now go to Accounts Payable and the parameters and number sequences you see here. So the system populated the number sequence codes automatically. Okay? So, as I was mentioning, if you have a specific format requirement for a vendor account, then, yeah, go to this number sequence code. You don't even need to change your number sequence code; just go ahead and change your format. All right? So instead of SGPC, I need this to be V and the hyphen, and I don't want this company identifier, alright? So this is how you can generate the number sequences. Alright, thank you so much for watching.
Financial Dimensions and Account structures
1. Financial Dimensions
Hello everyone. In this video, you will learn about financial dimensions. I will take you through the new financial dimension creation, and you will learn about how you use the financial dimensions when you're creating the transactions. Then I will introduce you to custom dimensions and entity-backed dimensions. Alright, what are these financial dimensions? Financial dimensions give meaningful information about the posted transactions. They will allow organisations to obtain necessary financial reports and gain insights from data. All right, let me take you back to the application to better explain what these financial dimensions are and how they are used. I'm taking you back to the general journals. So we used general journals to create transactions in our previous lectures. Let me create a new journal and enter the journal name here. Then go to the lines. So every time that I was creating a transaction, I was taking an account, and when I clicked this lookup, I was selecting some random values in these business units, departments, and other fields, right?
And I've always said that you'd learn about them later, and now is the time to do so. When you enter this travel expense, I'd like you to include more information about it, such as which department paid for it. So that's where I'm going to put these human resources. Okay, so these are the only financial dimensions. I'm selecting human resources as my department here, right? So likewise, currently in the USMF data, I have these four financial dimensions. Okay, so that is how financial dimensions will help you give more details about your transactions. Alright, so let me go to the office account here. Even when I come here and I select the petty cash account, by default, the department that I selected in the account will be coming up here, right? So in this case, this is what we n this casSo throughout the application, wherever you select a main account where you have your account type as ledger and you select a ledger account or main account, then you will see the financial dimensions next to those accounts.
So that is where you can enter the financial dimensions and post the transaction. Okay, so now we know how to enter the financial dimensions, right? So let us go back to the presentation, and we will discuss a few more things about the financial dimensions. Let me just quickly explain to you the structure of an organisation structure.An organisation is usually divided into smaller groups with specific tasks and roles. So usually, many organisations have business units, departments, and cost centres as part of their structure. And those are actually some of the common dimensions. That's where even we saw the same business unit, department, and cost centre as our financial dimensions in the Contoso demo data for the USMF company. However, based on the customer reporting requirement, different financial dimensions need to be configured. Okay, so common financial dimensions include business unit, department, cost center, vendor, group, and even customer group, item group, and bank group. Right? So, like this, based on the reporting requirement, the client might need different financial dimensions, and that is why these financial dimensions can be created based on the business requirement.
So we have that business unit, department, and others in the context demo data. If the client needs something else, you will be able to configure it for your customer or client. Let us understand the importance of having financial dimensions in the system. So, if you look at this entry, this is typically an entry that we create without the dimensions where we say the travel expense account is to be debited $1,000 and the pay cash account is to be credited $1,000. So in this case, we are not getting meaningful information about which department this transaction is for, right? However, if you look at these transactions here that have the dimensions, when I'm entering a transaction, I select the travel expense account and the HR department, and another entry where the account is travel expense and the department is marketing, right? So like this, businesses can get more details about the transactions that are being entered by business users. When users enter this data, business decision-makers or financial controllers get some insights from this transactional data. Let me take my notebook to explain how this is helpful. if we do not have the financial dimensions When we want to see the travel expenses of the company for the period 2020, we will just know that the travel expenses are like $10,000, right?
Or else, let's take it at $50,000. However, as the company's business head or financial controller, we want to know which departments incur these travel expenses. Because I want to control these expenses in the future, We want to control these expenses so that we don't go overboard with them, right? So what if we get some insights like travel expenses by the HR department are 20,000 or maybe 10,000, travel expenses by the marketing department are 20,000, and finance is another 20,000, right? So this way we're going to get some meaningful insights from the transactional data, right? So this is not just for expenses. It could be even better for your revenues. I want to look at the revenues by customer group. The revenue that is generated by domestic customers is something like $1 million, and the revenue that is generated by foreign customers is $20,000, right? So like this, we can use financial dimensions to get those meaningful insights from the transactional data. Now, let me take you back to the application so that we can look at how we pull those reports that will give us those meaningful insights from our data. We created this journal where we selected the HR department, and we have a debit of $3,000, right?
So I'm going ahead and posting this particular transaction. This transaction has been posted. All right, now let me just open up a new tab, and this time I would like to take you to the trial balance. So this is the first time that you are looking at the trial balance from the Finance and Operations application. I will go to the general ledger and under inquiries and reports, and I will look at this trial balance. So I'm looking for my trial balance for the year 2020, right? So I have 2020 as the from date and this as the two-date. Okay? So, firstly, I want to set this financial dimension as the main account. So what is this financial dimension set? You're going to learn about that in just a few minutes. Let me just calculate the balances here. So this will show me my balances for all my accounts. So, for the year 2020, we only have these two accounts involved because we have been using demo data and posting transactions for only these two accounts. Okay? So, if you look at this one, it tells me that the current year's travel expenses are $4,000 at the moment. But this is not giving me any information, like which department incurred it, right?
So that's where the financial dimension set here comes in handy. So I'll be able to instruct the system to retrieve the trial balance for Main Account plus Department. And then I say, "Calculate balances." So my trial balance is summarised by main account and department. So like that, you can also set your financial dimension to be "main account plus business unit plus department," right? So if you look at this one here, we have the travel expense, and currently all the travel expense transactions that we posted in the system have been assigned to Human Resources, which is the reason that you are seeing this here. The entire $4,000 is spent by Human Resources, right? So let's do one quick thing. Now, I will close this voucher and then create it, or else probably take another one that is already available here and go ahead and create this transaction. So, instead of Human Resources, let me simply click this lookup and it will take me to another department. Okay, I'm going to put a debit of $5,000. I will select it even here.
Okay, let me go ahead and post this one. So this journal is posted, and I will try to recalculate this trial balance. Yeah, you see here, my travel expenses are being summarised by department. Because we selected the financial dimension set as Main Account plus Department, even these financial dimension sets can be created by us. We will learn about that later. So this is how I can see the information, right? So if I don't want to see the transactional data by department and I want that to be summarised by the main account, I can choose this to be the main account here and say calculate balances. So I'm going to see the summarised view of these travel expenses, right? So that way, financial dimensions are really useful to get a summarised view by department, business unit, or whichever dimension you have for your implementation. All right, now I will take you through the financial dimension creation process now.As I previously stated, you can determine which financial dimensions are necessary for your business.
So to be able to create the financial dimensions, you will go to the general ledger module and dimension financial dimensions. You will see all the dimensions that are already available in the Countesso data. Please note that this is a shared form, meaning that no matter which company you are creating the financial dimension for, that financial dimension can be seen by all the companies. Okay? So I will create a new financial dimension. So when I am creating the financial dimension, I will have an option here. Use values from when you click this one; I can say that this is a custom dimension, or else I can pick one of these entity values here. So this is what I was talking about: the custom dimension versus the entity-backed r else I can piSo, for example, you know the process of how you create the vendor, right? So if I want vendors to be my financial dimensions, what I can tell the system is that I want vendors to be my financial dimensions. So the dimension name is Vendor because there may already be one financial dimension with the name Vendor available. So that's the reason I'm just saying "vendor new," so I should not have the hyphens there. So updates to a dimension will not take effect until dimension activation is run. So the new dimension will not be available until you activate the dimension. So that is just an informational thing; just close it.
Okay, so we told the system that this is a new dimension that we want to use, and the values for this particular dimension should be coming from my vendors table, right? As a result, if you go to these dimension values, you will see all of the vendors available across all of the companies. Okay? So entity-based dimensions are also known as entity-backed dimensions. And if you want to create a new dimension, the custom dimension, you can choose to make this a custom dimension. And probably I want to create a new dimension called "Department for Singapore." Okay, so we created the Contoso Singapore legal entity, right? So assuming that this is a fresh implementation and we have no departments, I'm creating a new financial dimension called Department, but I'm just using the keyword SG here so we can easily identify that this is something that we created. Okay? And when I say this is a custom dimension, and when I click these dimension values, I see nothing d SG here So here's where I tell you that when you have a large set of dimensional values, it's usually a good idea to use the dimension value with a number.
So I can say finance department, I can say HR, and then sales and marketing, right? So this is how you create the financial dimension, and this is also how you create the financial dimension values. Okay, now let me close this. And, as I previously stated, the dimensions table is a shared table for a reason, even if you go to any company like Hello. So even if I go to SGPC and look at my dimensions, because we created our financial dimensions from US MF, I'm going to SGPC and general ledger financial dimensions. So you're going to see, "I want to search for department SG," right? So that's the reason I'm saying "Star SG," because that gives me all the records that end with SG, right? So I have Department SG, right? So this is done, and you might get a question here. We have many dimensions here, so you have many dimensions here, right? Like agreement, bank account, business unit, and campaign customer, there are a lot more dimensions.
But if you go to your journal, you'll see vouchers. So what are the different dimensions that you are seeing in the USMF company? Let me just focus here. Let me create a new journal to make it easier, right? So, if I take this into consideration, 6015 double zero, what are the dimensions that you're seeing here? You're seeing only business units and departments, right? But why is this the case? So we have many dimensions here, right? Okay, let's park that question; I'm sorry. So you're seeing business unit, department, cost, center, and item group; you're seeing only four dimensions here, and if you look at the opposite account here and select this account, you're seeing only business unit and department. But why not even those four dimensions that you're seeing here for this account? Again, when you're looking at this account, why not even consider the other dimensions that you have here? Right? So park that question aside now. And that is our discussion topic in our next lecture, where we talk about account structures. Alright, thank you so much for watching.
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