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Microsoft Microsoft 365 Certified: Messaging Administrator Associate Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, Microsoft Microsoft 365 Certified: Messaging Administrator Associate Certification Exam Dumps

All Microsoft Microsoft 365 Certified: Messaging Administrator Associate certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are prepared by industry experts. Microsoft Microsoft 365 Certified: Messaging Administrator Associate certification practice test questions and answers, exam dumps, study guide and training courses help candidates to study and pass hassle-free!

Managing Mobile Devices

Configuring Mobile Device Mailbox Policies

Alright. And I'm going to now go here to the mobile object over on the left. I'm going to click mobile. We have a default policy here, but we're going to click to create a new mobile device mailbox policy. So we're going to click the little plus sign here. It's going to pop a little box up on the screen. OK? And I'm going to zoom in on that for you. All right. We can give this policy a name. We can decide what we want this policy to be called. Essentially, if we wanted, we could assign this policy based on departments or some kind of role somebody plays. I'm just going to call this—we'll say Sales Mobile Control. All right? We could make this the default if we wanted. That means your users and everyone else will be subject to this policy by default. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to assign this to my sales people.

I could say that I allow mobile devices that don't fully support these policies. So if somebody is using maybe an older device that doesn't support mobile device policies, then it would allow them to go ahead and check their email. Of course, that is a security risk to do that. Right, let's look down here. And here is our actual policy. So we're going to require a password. And essentially, if you are using a device, a mobile device like a smartphone or a tablet, or anything like that, and you're trying to get into a laptop, whatever it is, through an active sync-based connection, or whatever it may be, it's going to require that that device have a password on it. Okay, I'm not going to allow simple passwords. I'm going to require an alphanumeric password. As you can see, a character set is defined as lower- and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols when passwords are required. To include characters from three of these sets, select three. So basically, you're saying you must have three of those things. I'm going to say that you must have three of those four options.

Okay. If I wanted, I could require encryption on the device and ensure it has encryption. I can set the minimum password length and number of signing failures before it's going to try to wipe your device. That's a little bit harsh, but yeah, you could have it wiped. You don't want to implement that feature, of course, unless it is on a device that is tied to your organisation and that you own. You could require sign-in after the device has been inactive for a certain amount of time. You can enforce a password lifetime that makes it so they have to change their password. And you can also make it so it will remember a certain number of passwords. Essentially, to recycle. They can't just keep reusing the same passwords over and over again.

So I'm just going to save that, okay? Save that little policy. And I've now officially created myself a sales mobile control mobile device mailbox policy. Let me show you now how we can do this using the Exchange Management Shell. We're going to open up the Exchange Management Shell here, all right? And with the Exchange Management Shell, I'm going to run a little command here that's going to allow me to create one of these policies. We're basically doing the same thing, except we're going to do it through the Exchange Management shelf. So it's a new mobile device mailbox policy. Alright? Dash name. I'm going to give it a name. This one can be called marketing. All right? We'll say mobile control. All right. And then the password must be enabled, and we'll say "true" to that. Following that, an alphanumeric password is required. True. So you'll have an alpha-numeric password—letters, numbers, all that. And then we'll enable password recovery enabled. Set that to true. Okay?

We'll use the fewest complex characters possible for a password. We're going to make them have a set of three, just like we did with the graphics. And then we're going to say that it's by default. I do not want this to be the default. So I'm going to say false. And then I'm going to say that the password history is going to be set to ten. Okay? So let's go ahead and hit Enter and see if that works. It looks like it was able to create this policy for me. Let's jump back into the Exchange Admin Center and see if it's been created there. We'll just refresh the screen here, and as you can see, we do have the Marketing Mobile Control policy. Okay, so now what we're going to do is go over to our recipients here, click Recipients, and we'll pick a user like Adam West. I'm just going to click edit on Adam West. Right-click the little edit icon. Okay.

There's a little pop-up box here, and we're going to go over to the features area, which is what's going to allow us to set this. Okay? So this is the mailbox feature, and if you scroll down a little bit, you'll see it says Mobile Devices. I don't want to disable active sync. though I could if I wanted to. I could even disable the OWA. That's the outlook on the Web.

I'm going to click "view details" right here, though. All right. Notice that the mobile device mailbox policy is set to default. I'm going to click Browse, and we're going to set this to Marketing. Okay? So then we'll click okay; we've now set up marketing mobile control. We're going to click Save, and we've officially set this for this user. Keep in mind that you can set this in bulk if you need to as well. And with a bunch of users, you could use PowerShell to automate thousands of users. If you want to assign it to thousands of users all at once, you have a good bit of control over all that. users, you So that is how you can very easily set your mobile device policies and assign them to your users.

2. Managing Mobile Device Access

We're going to go to mobile, and you'll see mobile device access. Okay? So the first thing you'll notice when you look at this is that it has some messages for us. It says "exchange," "active," and "sync." Access settings. It says "Allow synchronisation with mobile devices that aren't managed by rules or personal exemptions." So this is turned on right now. I'm allowing devices to synchronize.

If they are not assigned a mobile device policy or something like a mobile mailbox policy, then this is the default for them. They're not going to be managed. They're going to be allowed to do active sync. They're not being managed at the moment. The other thing is that it says you haven't selected an administrator to receive quarantine email messages. Okay, we'll talk about quarantine in just a second, but I haven't assigned an admin to do that. And then no custom text is added to messages sent to users by Exchange activity. So currently, for anybody who ties into Active, I'm not sending them any kind of custom message letting them know anything at the moment.

Okay, so what I can do is come over here to the right side and I can click Edit, all right? And I can change the settings. So right now it says, "When a mobile device that isn't managed by a rule or personal exemption connects to Exchange, what do you want Exchange to do?" Do you want to allow them, which is what we've got right now, or do you want to just completely block them, which means nobody gets in at that point if they don't have a policy associated with them? Or do we want to quarantine them? Which is going to let me decide who's going to get in, and which is going to be what I go with? Quarantining will result in the device attempting to connect. Your administrator is going to get a message letting them know that somebody is trying to get in. They're quarantined. And then I get to manually approve this person.

So to do that, I need to assign an administrator for that. I'm going to click this little plus symbol. Here is the plus sign, and then I'm going to select the administrator to be the person who does that. Of course, you could assign other people if you wanted to. Right? So I'm going to click okay. And then down here, you're going to have a custom message. I'm just going to put your device into the process of being moderated. You may or may not get approved.

Thank you for your patience. OK, you can put anything you want there. Obviously, I'm going to go ahead and hit Save, all right? And we've now officially set that up. So devices that try to get in may or may not get in. They'll have to be checked by an administrator, and then they'll be quarantined until we officially let them out. That means they can't really get their email until we go through and manually approve it. Okay, so the next thing we've got here is the device access rules down here, towards the bottom. I'm going to click the little plus sign there, okay, and it says you can create a rule for a device family or for a specific model. To select a specific model, select the device family first. So if I click Browse, okay, I have two options: all families.

And then you have this thing called a Device Pro, which gets into Health Pros, which I'm not getting into right now, but I don't really have a bunch of device families. So it's kind of sad. You go in there, and there are no models or anything. You've got just these two options here. All families are in the Es Family Pro, but that's not really letting us select a model. Now, through PowerShell, you can actually add different model numbers for different devices. So I can use Exchange Management Shell to specify particular device types and model numbers. And if I do that, then they'll show up on this list. Okay, let me show you a little bit of that here. We're going to do this with an Android device, okay? So I'm going to go into the Exchange management shell.

So all I've got to do from here is load it up. So here it is. And I'm going to run the following command: new active access rule. Okay, so I just tapped over there, and we'll say, "Characteristically, this is going to be Device OS," okay? And remember, you can always look up the knowledge base articles on how to use these commands. So the characteristic of this device operating system is going to be the characteristic I'm looking for. And it's going to do an audit against the device's operating system. I'm going to say dashes in the query string. And then we're going to do 3.0.0. Okay? And that's going to be the operating-system version we're looking for. Okay? Oh, I'm sorry. I must also include the name Android.

It'll be identified by Android and then that version. So Android 30, and then I'll do access level, and then I'll say block. Okay, so I'm now setting that up so that it's going to block that Android 30. You could quarantine, allow, or do whatever you want. I'm going to do a block, though. So we're going to hit Enter and see if that goes through successfully. And it looks like it did go through successfully. So now we'll minimise this, come back over here to our Exchange Admin Center, and we're going to refresh and take a look to see if it's there and we have it. Hopefully, that gives you guys a good look now at dealing with mobile device access and how we can configure device access rules. And of course there's more PowerShell stuff there. You can look up and figure out how to use the different types of devices, whether it be an iPhone, an iPad, an Android, or maybe even a Microsoft Surface tablet. You can look up the identifiers for all that, and you can configure what the device access rule is going to be for those devices as well.

3. Mobile Device Access with Exchange Online

Okay, I want to look now at how we can manage mobile device access using Exchange Online. So we're starting with admin dot Microsoft.com, also known as portal dot Microsoft.com. This is the Microsoft 365 portal. We're going to click on the show all ellipsis, and we're going to click Exchange, and that's going to bring us into Exchange Online, which is going to be the Exchange Admin Center.

Okay? So just like what we got on premise, we're going to click on the mobile option here and do the same kind of thing. We can go right over here to Mobile Device Mailbox Policies, click the plus sign, and assign the same options that we saw earlier. So I could name it, I could create a policy, and I was going to call it Test. I can set what I want that to be (required), set that to include character sets, and we'll click Save. All right? From there, we can jump over to our recipients, all right, our mailbox recipients, and we can assign that policy to our mailbox recipients if we want. Okay? We'll go over here to this guy, Alex Rogers. We're going to click on him, and we'll take a look at the mailbox features here. Scroll down to mobile devices, view details, and we can click Browse so we can assign the policy that we just created, as you can see. Alright, so it all works exactly the same way.

Now, in terms of dealing with device access rules and all that, we'll return to mobile, mobile device access. the same thing, I can click Edit, all right? We can choose to do the quarantine thing plus sign, and we can add our administrator if we want. Okay, I'm going to add the administrator. I'm also going to add myself to that, all right? Add our custom message if we want. Save it, all right? And then we have our device access rules here. Click "plus" on that. Same thing. Browse family. And just like we saw on Exchange Management Shell, we could actually connect to Exchange Online using PowerShell, and we could add different device types. Overall, hopefully you can see that it will function in the same manner as Exchange on premise.

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