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AZ-900 Exam - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

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Microsoft Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, Microsoft Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals Certification Exam Dumps

All Microsoft Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are prepared by industry experts. Microsoft Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals certification practice test questions and answers, exam dumps, study guide and training courses help candidates to study and pass hassle-free!

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2. Azure Subscriptions and Management Groups

Alright, so we've talked about the regions. The regions are the physical geographical locations to which you can deploy resources, such as servers. And within the regions, sometimes you have the option to deploy to individual availability zones. This diagram briefly shows the concept pretty clearly, where you have, for example, the Canada East region, and inside that region, you have three availability zones.

And if you choose to, you can pick the individual availability zones within the region to deploy your resources to. Now they're called availability zones primarily because, when you use them, you're actually increasing the availability of your application and your solution. This is due to the fact that each availability zone is physically separated from the others, with its own power, heating and cooling, and network. And so if there's a power outage or some other breakdown, it's likely to affect one availability zone but not the other two. So if you think about the bad things that can happen to a network, now we're drilling down to the individual building level.

Typically, Availability Zones are buildings on the same property, perhaps, but physically separated and running on their own individual power, internet, and cooling systems. So if you deploy your application to Availability Zone One and Availability Zone Two, even if they're in the same region, then you're increasing the likelihood of your application staying up.

If only one of those availability zones has an issue, if you don't choose to go the availability zone route, then Microsoft makes the determination for you, and it may not work in your favour in terms of deploying it into different physical locations. We're going to tie all of this together in a video. After all of this, I'll show you the actual Azure Portal, and we'll start to create resources using these concepts. The third concept here is the concept of a resource group. Now, a resource group is basically like a folder structure or an organisational structure for resources.

Here's a diagram. At the bottom, we have individual resources. What we're talking about are virtual machines, storage accounts, databases, and other resources that you can create in an Azure account. Like I said, there are over 1000 resources that Azure has available. You put those into resource groups, which are again logical groupings of related things. This could be by project, or it could be by individual people that work on that project. Are you going to, as a company, come up with logical ways to break up your resources and organise them the same way that you organise the files on your computer into folders? We even have, above Resource Groups, the concept of subscriptions, which we'll talk about right now.

And above that, you can organise your subscriptions into management groups. It is important for the exam that you understand the logical groupings of subscriptions into groups, resource groups into subscriptions, and resources into resource groups. So I mentioned subscriptions. Now there's a very subtle difference between an account and a subscription. In addition, we'll talk about the tenant in a moment. But a subscription is basically what they're calling a billing unit. So when you sign up for Azure, you have to give them your credit card information or some other way for them to charge you. and that creates a subscription. And that's the credit card to which your bills are sent.

All of the resources that are created under that subscription get charged to that credit card. You can create multiple subscriptions. So let's say you're in a situation where one customer gives you their credit card and another customer gives you their credit card, and you want to manage the resources for both. Well, that could be done with two subscriptions.

And that way, it's 100% clear which bill goes to which person. So the billing level is subscription. And as an account owner and a user, you can have access to more than one subscription. You can be the owner and global administrator for one subscription, and you can only be a contributor or a user for another subscription. So you have the ability to have different levels of access to different subscriptions. So in your mind, you've got to keep the user ID and password that you used to log into Azure separate from the subscription, which is how resources get built.

When you create a resource, such as a virtual machine or a storage account, you have to specify which subscription gets charged. So every single resource in Azure must be associated with a subscription. And like I said, it is common, if you will, to use multiple subscriptions to make sure that you're dealing with things separately. And even if you're going to reuse the same credit card, then you can still organise things into subscriptions. Now, Azure does give you many tools, including resource groups, security, and permissions that allow you to organise all your resources into a single subscription.

But I understand, and I'm sure Azure does, that you may want to completely firewall it off, ensuring that one account and one bill never interact with each other. And creating subscriptions for each account is one way to do that. You can see here that there are three subscriptions in this diagram.

One is for human resources, one is for finance, and one is for marketing. And so, even within the same company, they're owning their own subscription. In that way, it gets billed to their billing code, etc. So you have your own financial way of managing resources. You can separate them this way. And as mentioned at the top, you have an account that could be a user, and they have access to all three subscriptions. And they may even be the global administrator for all three subscriptions. The next concept we briefly touched on is the concept of managing your subscriptions into management groups.

And management groups can even be nested. So you don't even have that single top level. You could have management groups that contain other management groups. And so here's a fictional and maybe a little excessive diagram, but you've got the Contoso, which is Microsoft's fake company, at the top, and then the marketing. And each team has its own group.

Marketing only needs one subscription, so they have their subscription under that. But the It team needs multiple subscriptions and multiple groups. And you do this so that you can set policies. You can say, "Well, this is the rule across all our subscriptions." But the second rule only applies to these subscriptions. And this third rule only applies to this one subscription. So you can do a basic governance model on top of your subscriptions by grouping them together and then applying the rule at that group level instead of having to go into each individual subscription and reapply the rule. So what if the infrastructure team wants to create a third subscription? By doing it this way, you're basically forcing the management and governance policies to apply to any new subscriptions that they want to create under the It Team management group.

3. Azure Resources and Resource Manager

Now we're going to move on to one of the more complicated topics to explain what's called the Azure Resource Manager Model. Now, this is how Azure deals with resources behind the scenes. If you are interacting with Azure, there are many different ways to interact with Azure, including the Azure Portal, which we'll see in a second. You can do some types of command-line commands that will affect resources. You can use Visual Studio.

There are REST API commands. There are three or four different ways that you can interact with Azure, and they're all under the hood. It's all handled the same way. And that's called the Azure Resource Manager model. So we see that at the top of this diagram. Again, it's a complicated diagram. You can interact with Azure in three ways, plus others. That all goes through the Azure. Resource Manager API The API can handle, of course, all of your resources in Azure, but there are hybrid situations where it can actually work in your own environment as well. And so we haven't talked about Azure service fabrics or any of these edge computing technologies or other things that happen within your own environment. So, if you've configured it, your Azure commands can actually reach into your environment. So the APIs control all of the resources inside and outside of Azure.

And then the resources themselves are the databases, the virtual machines, the app services, the tables, and things like that. So everything you do with Azure happens through this Resource Manager interface. Now, I keep using the term "resources." Resources probably should have been defined at the very beginning. But when I'm talking about resources, I'm talking about an instance of some Azure service. So when you're talking about a virtual machine resource, that is a VM that you can control, log into, and install whatever software you want. It is, quote unquote, yours. So it's your instance of the Azure service. Any of those, from computing to machine learning, storage, chatbots, and Active Directory instances, are resources that you control within Azure. And those go into resource groups, which are controlled by the Azure Resource Manager Model API.

4. Azure Labs and Hands-On Practice Options

So in this video, we're going to get our first glimpse into Microsoft Azure. This is an actual live Azure environment. Now, normally in other courses like AZ 104 and AZ 303, I would say, "Follow along. Go get your Azure account." And as I create a resource, you should create a resource too.

But AZ 900 is a bit of an interesting exam in that it is about the foundation and fundamental understanding of the topics. And getting into Azure will actually force you to understand these concepts. Because you'll do it, it will work or it won't work, but there's a lot less emphasis on the actual practical knowledge of how to create a virtual machine, for instance, than in the other tests. Nonetheless, if you do want to get yourself an Azure account, it's not required. You can simply watch these videos.

But you can get an account if you want. The URL is Azure. Microsoft.com free? If you've never had an account before, you can sign up for a free trial of Azure. Now there is limitations, of course. You do get 30 days and a $200 credit to play with Azure. So you can create virtual machines, storage accounts, play with the databases, etc. For 30 days, you can spend up to $200 without it costing you anything. You do get, then, after that twelve months, some services that are always free, and then there are just services that don't even have a charge associated with them. Scrolling down, we can see that the twelve months include one Linux VM, albeit a very small one, and one Windows VM, also albeit a very small one.

So you get two virtual machines a month for twelve months for free, including some storage, blob storage, and disc storage. For the VMs, you get a small 250-gigabyte database for free for twelve months. Cosmos DB. We'll talk about these products in this course, including, of course, some bandwidth and even some AI transactions. And there's more. So again, you don't have to; you can if you want to. Azure Microsoft.com free. Another option. Sometimes, if you don't want to sign up for an account or you're not eligible for a free account, maybe your work has one.

But if you're not eligible for any of that, sometimes there are these Microsoft learning modules that have free access to Azure. If you go into this, this is the AZ-900 landing page. Again, if you search for that and scroll all the way down, you'll see that there is this learning path and there are these 12345, or six fundamental modules, if you will. Now, the problem with that is that I wasn't able to find where the free access to Azure is. So I went into the learning path here, and it's going to talk about this. What is cloud computing? What is azure? If you really want to follow up on this course, I would probably recommend reading through this. You're watching videos; this is all text-based, basically. So if you don't mind reading, you can do that. Probably a short little 15-second video, whatever.

So this is a pretty good resource, and I do recommend it. Sometimes they'll let you get into Azure for free inside these modules, but for AZ 900 I wasn't able to find one, so that's probably of limited use, but some of the non-fundamental ones would have that. Finally. I should mention that I do sell AZ 900 Labs. If that's something you're interested in, go to cloudskills.com and check it out. Now, again, it's optional; it's not free, but if you do want to get into Azure and have a set of instructions to work beside it and start playing around inside of it, that's an option for you as well. But in this video, I'm going to basically reinforce the concepts that we've seen in the last few videos in terms of subscriptions, resource groups, regions, availability zones, and things like that. Let's get started with that.

5. DEMO: Introduction to the Azure Portal

So this is the Azure Portal. As I said in the last video, you don't have to follow along, but you're certainly free to if you wish. We're going to start by talking about the concept of a subscription. Again, so we can actually see what subscriptions I have access to The golden key in the left menu indicates this.

We can also go to the services and look for the subscription. Now, I should point out that my screen here is sort of a custom view. To me, yours is going to look differently. You may not have this fly-out menu here on the left, but if I go under settings, I can see that I have a choice between this, what they call a hamburger menu, and the docked view, and I prefer the docked view.

I can also choose whether I get a dashboard view or a home view. I can choose my colors, my contrast, if you like it dark or you like it light, et cetera. So you get a lot of settings here, including your language and region. So we're going to start by looking for subscriptions. I can see the golden key here. I can actually see it here on the screen as well. But I'm going to go under "all services," and I'm going to start to type SUV. And as soon as I start typing, subscriptions come to the top.

Because of this favourite star here, it's on the left menu. I've got that set. So I'm going to click on subscriptions, and I'm going to minimise the menu so we can see. Now, right now, it's showing only one of two subscriptions. And I have a filter on so that I don't choose the wrong subscription. But if I uncheck that, I can see that I actually have two subscriptions. This is now pay as you go. So this is actual money that is being charged against me, against my credit card.

If you have a free account, if you took that route, you'll see it saying "free account" over here. If you're an enterprise and your company has an account or you're using a service provider, you'll see different values. So I can see that I have two subscriptions. If I go into it, I can see some of the details, like what my billing period is and what my role is. I'm an account administrator. I can look at the last set of bills. I can begin to decipher what's being charged, such as the fact that the majority of my bill is for the storage account. I also have a security module running against one of my databases that's charging me as well. And again, it's not required for this exam that I know the details.

But this is where you start to dig around if you think you are being charged and you want to figure it out. We can see various graphs. It actually does a projection into the future. I'm very close to the end of my period here, so the projection is only a day or two out. But we can see that my costs have sort of been in a straight line because I haven't really been using it, and this is what it's costing me per month. So, that's the fundamentals of a subscription. Now, we mentioned that subscriptions can be part of management groups. So if we go into "all services" again and instead of typing "subscriptions," we start typing "management," we can see management groups as one of the items we can go into there.

Now, for some subscriptions, you may not have a management group by default. So a management group is an optional concept. In a previous course, I created a management group and put one of these subscriptions into it, so that management group has no other management groups nested inside of it. Okay, I can delete that group, et cetera. So right now I do have a management group, and it's empty. Now, I mentioned that you can use this group to set policies that are forced on all of the other management groups and other subscriptions that are beneath it. So the purpose of a management group is for you to effectively set company-wide policies or department-wide policies on subscriptions so that people don't go and create security situations, et cetera. All right, so we've got subscriptions and management groups.

Now let's talk about resource groups. Go back to my home here, and we're going to create a resource group, remember, and there's the icon there too. Remember, we said that a resource group is a folder-type structure. So I'm going to search for a resource group in the marketplace. This is the green plus sign, and I can see that Microsoft has a resource group. I can click "create." Now, here's our first introduction to creating a resource in Azure. Okay? It's one of the simplest ones, so it's probably a good one to have as an introduction. We can see that there are three questions that we need to answer on this basics tab. The first question is which subscription we want this to be part of.

Remember, you, as a user, can be a member of multiple subscriptions. I don't think there's the concept of having no subscription for a particular—wait a second—I should go back on that. As you can see, I removed that. So it is possible for you to not have any subscription, and I'll show you that in a second. But generally, in order to do anything within Azure, you have to have a subscription, whether it's a free one or a paid you go. So make sure when you're creating resources that it's running against the correct subscription. You do have to give almost every resource a name. So this is a name that you can give it. You can call it whatever you like. There will be naming standards, so if I call it one, see, even a green checkmark, even a number appears to be acceptable, but I couldn't put a space in it.

So resource groups can only allow alphanumeric characters, underscores, hyphens, and parenthesis but cannot enter a period, right. So I can underscore my recommendation to you: this group should be named something that makes sense in the context. So if you're going to put all of the resources for your company's public website in this group, then you should call it the company website or call it your domain name or something that, when you look at it, you kind of already know. Don't give it a random alphanumeric name, and don't give it a billing code ID that no one knows. Call it whatever you want, but make sure it makes sense. The last thing you're going to be asked here is the region. So, remember how I said there are more than 60 Azure regions? Microsoft makes a recommended list of the primary regions. So these are the ones that have the most resources. Maybe you can look at some regions as being the main regions, and some regions as being there but not really recommended. So east US East US.

There are two in the central south and three in the central west of the United States. A couple of Asian ones and three European ones So those are the main points. And then there are other regions that are still available but are not considered main regions. So if I look at this, there are probably three dozen, maybe around 30 regions, to choose from, not 60. So I'll leave this in the East US region. Now there is a tagging metaphor. We're not going to talk about that right now, but I could put some custom data in here that will be retained with the resource. The last screen is almost always "Review and Create." So you can see what you've chosen and click the "Create" button. And now it will go and create the resource group.

It did it instantly, and now I have a resource group. Now I don't have any resources in that group. So remember, on the diagram, we're talking about the lowest level of management, which is the resource group, and then the resources inside of it. In this video, We're not going to create resources inside our group. We're going to do that at the end of the next section, when we're talking about the different resources. But we've seen that you have subscription management groups and resource groups. And I'll also reserve the Availability and Mobility Zone conversation for the end of the next section as well.

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