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Lab Demos
4. Demo 4 - Nutanix Administration & Prism Walk Through
Yesterday we saw some of these sections, right? So today we will go through the network section, and I will also take you through the data protection section, and we will also go through some of the options here in the settings. We covered a few options yesterday, so we have some more below that I will cover today. Okay, so let us start with the network part. So if I go to the network, I can see here that there are some networks already created by other users where I can map multiple virtual machines to the network's VLANs, and I'm able to see those configurations here. So what I can do is go to my settings, and if I go down here, I have the network configuration option and the network switch. So if I go to the network switch here, I can see there are some networks on the switch that are already configured. Now I can add my own network configuration here, so I will click on that, and then I can give the switch management address.
So I will just keep one management address, let's say one. Then I can give the host IP address or the host name separated by comma if I have multiple hosts that I want to manage, so I can also have an IP for that, and then I can select whether I want to have an SNMP profile or not. So since we did not create any SNMP profiles earlier, that is possible from here. So I can go here and create an SNMP profile, and that profile I can use here as well. So if I click on network switch, I can give an IP address for my switch management, and I can give an IP address for the host that I will be using, and then I can select the SNMP version that I want to use. I can also give the name of the community name. So let's say I will give a mechanics test, I can give a username, and then I can save the network switch. Now that the network switch has been created and saved as a task, it is going to create the network switch.
Now if I come to my network configuration here, you will see that I have some virtual networks and some internal interfaces. So when I click on internal interfaces, I am able to see the backplane land where the interface uthzero is used, the hypervisor land, and the management land. So if I click on management land, I can see that these hosts and the CVMs are using this management land for management. So this ETH zero is bound for the management of the host and the CEO. So when I want to connect and manage, the IP address or data from the external network will go through this physical host, and if I look at the hypervisor land, I can see that it is using a physical interface called ETH One, where I can see the IP addresses and 5.2.
So, as I told you earlier, these two IP addresses, or this range of IP addresses, are used for the host, the hypervisor, and the CDM to communicate over a private network. And this private network is bound to a physical port. And then I have my backplane. The backplane now has only one interface, which is ETH Zero. I can configure my backlane according to the subnet IP, the net mask, and the VLANID, depending on my network infrastructure. So I can give these details based on what IP, what network name, and what villain ID I want to use, and I can verify and save them as well. So this will create my end backplane, and the virtual ID that I am going to use should be the same as on the physical switch as well. So enable VLAN ID on the physical switch as well, so that both the IDs can have communication established. Okay? Now, if I come back here, these are my internal interfaces.
And that means whenever I am deploying a VM, the VM will go to the outside network using this port only. Using this single port, ETH Zero, I can create virtual networks inside my open V switch. So now I have the option of creating a network and naming it. So I'll start with unmanaged, or L-2 network, which is my unmanaged network. And I can give an IP address or a VLAN ID, sorry, so I can give a VLANID depending on the number that is available. I'm just giving anything, and I will save that network.
So, as you can see in the virtual networks, I've created an L-2 network with the VLAN ID that I mentioned earlier. If I want to update, I can go and update the VLAN ID, and I can change the network as well. I can also change this network from an unmanaged L-2 network to an L-3 network as well. But let me show you how to create an L-3 network. So when I come back to my create network page here, I will give the L-3 network a name and give the VLAN ID three one two. And then what I have to do is, to make this network an L-3 network, I have to select this checkbox, enable IP Address Management, where I will be able to give my IP address, my gateway IP address. I can configure my domain settings for my DNS; I can have multiple domain searches; I can give a domain name; I can assign a TFTP bootserver name; and I can also create a pool.
So let us begin by assigning in the IPS range. So I will give it a ten at 00:24, and then I will give you a gateway for this only if it's one, and then I will give a DNS. So I can also give my DNS as one. I can abandon this domain search and enter my own domain name, say Learn.com. Then I can perform a TFTP. If I want to give you that, I can give you a boot file name if I'm planning to boot from the perk, and then finally, here I can create a pool. So when I click on this "create pool," I will get an option to enter the IP address range. So I'm going to use numbers from 10 to 20. Let's say, for example, that I want to give a range of ten IP addresses. So that whenever I deploy a VM and select the network card, when I map that network card to this L3 network, it will get an IP address assignment from this pool. So here is my pool available.
I also have the option of overriding the DNS server. If unspecified, the DNS server IP will be the highest unallocated address in the subnet. So I can also use that option as well. You can see that my L-3 network has been created now that I've saved it here. My L-3 network has been established. Now I will go back to my VM that we created yesterday, but it doesn't seem to be available. Okay, so anyway, I will create a new VM. So when I'm creating a new VM, I will give it a name. As a result, I'll call it "VM network." So I am planning to map this PM to my L-3 network. I can give the vCPU's number of cores and the memory as four. I can add a disc to the VM. So I will just randomly add a disk. Finally, I reach the network adopters, the Nicsection, where I will add a new.
Now, when I'm adding a new network card, I have the option of choosing my VLAN. So you can see my VLANs appear in three different networks. I will select the healthy network, and it says that there is already an address that is configured as 100 00:24. So even this will show me what type of address is configured. If I choose L 2, there is no address; there is none. If I select others, these are also different IPs. So when I am selecting the VLAN, I am also able to identify what the IP class is, and I can also use that. I can also provide an IP address in the network where IP management is not enabled. If the DHCP pool is not defined, I can give a static IP address. But since I already have a DSCP pool in my LC network, I will leave this blank and add the network. So you see here, I have added the network, and I also got my VLAN ID along with the VLAN name as well. Okay, then I can save my VM. So the VM operation create is still running. I can search for my VM underscore (LC).As you can see, I have three VMs highlighted in red.
And if I go to the IP address, I did not assign the IP address, right? If I go to the IP address, as you see here, it has given an IP address of 00:15, which is 13. I have given the range starting from 10 to 20, right? As a result, it has assigned the IP address 13 from the pool. Okay, so this is how you create the network configuration. You will also be able to see the number of different IPS that are available.
I can go and look at the groups, the host, and the VM types, so I can look at different things. So now, as you see here, my networks are showing up. My virtual networks are showing up, right? So I will just disable all these things. I don't want to see any other information. I want to see which VM is using my LC network. So when I click on this, it says there is one VM that is using this VLAN. So I can click on that, and it will show me the VM name as well. So I can save that VM. And I can see the details of my network here. So this is my one network NIC card.
And you can also see that it has generated a Mac address for that nick. It's linked that Nic to my virtual ID. Okay? I'll also be able to see information about that nick once it's live. Since it is not live yet, I am not able to see all these details. So once the VM is powered on and you start accessing the data, you will be able to get all these details. Okay? So this is how I will be able to see those VMs. And I will also be able to see the host on which this host VM is going to run.
So I can see multiple hosts, and I can also see once the VM is powered on. Okay, so let me power on this VM. and let's see. We don't have the ISO anyhow, but I will try to turn it on. And you can see here that you have the Management Guest tools, which you can activate by clicking this option. You will be able to mount it. You will be able to enable these features whether you want VSS or self-service restored. You can select these options and save them as well. Now let me go to the console. I can launch the console from here. So the console will not show me anything because there is no operating system as such. So this is what I have.
That is, no boot device was discovered. Please install an operating system. Okay, so if you want to mount your ISO, you can mount your ISO from any available image. So you can see which images are available, and you can mount them from here as well. Now, once the VM is on and I can see it is hosted on this host, AHV-2, and I can see the IP address of the host, I can see the IP address of the VM as well, right? Ten, zip, three. So, if I return to my network configuration and select, say, all hosts, I can see that this is the host that it has created.
So if I click on the host, you can see here the CVM, which is connected to bridge zero, and you can see that it's a bound where they have ten GB of ports. So these ten GB of ports are actually bound together as one port. That is the reason we are seeing ETH 0 and ETH 1. Right? So if I click on the port, I will be able to get the four details. I can see the packets receiving all these details. And this is my first VR bridge. This is bridge zero, which is VirVR zero, which is an internal bridge used by the TBM and the hypervisor to communicate. Okay, fine, so let us go to the next section, which is the settings section.
So far, we've covered upgrading software until now. So that you can connect The next option is to connect to a CTE cloud. So, if you want to connect to your Citrix cloud, enter the Citrix cloud's details here and you'll be able to connect to the Citrix cloud. You can register your prison center. So if you already have a prison center, you will see that it is already registered. So you will be able to access that. You can look at the pulse. Pulse is a Nutanix automated support system that provides diagnostic information to the Nutanix technical support team so that they can help you in a proactive manner. You can enable it or disable it. You can also include additional support information that you can send, and you can go to additional information and put your email address and all those things here as well. Okay, rack configuration. This will primarily show you the blocks as well as a diagram of the blocks and their configuration. So you can see whether you want the node block or the rack. To use this functionality, we need a license.
That is what mechanics advise. With Starter, I will not be able to look at the entire view as well, but I can look at the block view and see if I'm able to see Yes, I can see that there is one rack, which has one block and four nodes as well. So I can add and remove blocks; I can add a new rack. I can do all these configurations from here as well. If I don't want my new tank cluster to directly access the Internet or the support side, I can also setup a proxy, a HTTP proxy, and I can configure those proxy details here with the username. I can also enable the HTTP (or HTTPS) protocol. I can define the name server here, so whatever name servers that I have, I can add them here so that they can do a look up.I can go to the NTP servers and define my NTP servers for time synchronisation here.
Then in the security, I can also have a cluster lockdown, so I can do a cluster lockdown so that this will not allow the SSH password challenge, so that if you have a public SSH key, you can add a new public key, and that key can be used for connecting to the cluster. You can enable your disc encryption here, and you will be able to see the disc encryption feature. However, this requires our prolicense or ultimate license. You will be able to add a whitelist. So, if you're planning to migrate from your ESXi server or give your DSStorage container as an NSS data store to your ESXi server, you can add the whitelist entry here as well. You can also create an SSL certificate, so you'll be able to see the SSL certificate details. You want to replace it or update it? You can do that as well. From this site, in terms of users, you will be able to create users in Active Directory.
So I can have an active directory or an openLDAP configuration here, so if I have an active directory in my domain, I can give the name, the domain name, and the URL of the active directory, and then I can have a service account as well. So you will be able to get integrated with Active Directory, and you can also have different types of authentication.
Now, once you integrate it with Active Directory, if you plan not to use your local admin user, you can remove the local admin user and save the settings so that only the Active Directory user will be able to log in to the cluster. You can also have a client certificate, and I can also use a Rest API so that I can have a client chain certificate for my Rest API. I can create multiple users. So there is a default user here called Admin, who has all the rights for cluster, admin, and user, right? I can make a new user here if I want to. I can create a new user as "just one," give him a name, give him an email address, and I can assign a password for him.
I can also enable whether he will be a user administrator or a cluster administrator. If I make him a user admin, he will automatically get cluster admin rights as well, because a user admin can add multiple users and has more privileges than a cluster admin. So if I make him a cluster admin, he can manage the cluster, but he will not be able to add new users to the cluster. Okay, since it's a demo environment, fine, so that is how you can do that. You can also do the role mapping here. You can do role mapping from the directory as well. So if you have Active Directory and you have already defined roles there, you want the same permissions and roles to be assigned here. Then you can go and map the user role here. So you can map the local user to the Active Directory user as well. You can configure the alert email address in the section below.
So you can have an alert email configuration where you can create alerts based on individual alerts or a daily digest, or you can skip an empty alert. You can configure multiple options here. You can also configure rules depending on the severity level. So if you want to get only the alerts based on severity related to performance or capacity, you can select those parameters and create an alert as well. You can also configure a template.
So based on the template that you want to have for your subject, you can have a template so that standard templates can be used. You can consider your alert policies. So what types of alerts are available in Nutanix? There is a huge list of alert policies that are defined by Nutanix. But if you want to configure your own, you can also configure your own alert policies as well. You can take them, edit them, update them, and have them resolved automatically. You can mark them as critical or uncritical. So you can do all these changes here as well.
Okay? You can also configure an SMTP server. So if you have an SMTP server that you want to use for sending the email alerts, you can configure that here. Fine. This section pertains to your dissertation, which I will discuss on Monday. So I will leave this for now. You can change your language settings here. You will be able to change your user interface settings.
So if you don't want a particular interface, you can change it. You can go with the animated interface or you can remove the animated interface. You can have a user timeout session, or you can have a default admin timeout for non-admin users as well. So you can set these things for the user settings as well. You can also change the welcome banner. So if you don't want the prism, you can change the welcome banner.
You can write your code here, and you will be able to see the welcome banner there, and you'll be able to see the code here. You can preview it so you can see the welcome banner. And you will be able to save it so that whenever a user logs in, he will get this welcome banner as part of his state. Just to mention one small thing, VM has high availability. This is where you activate the Ha feature reservation feature. So this ensures that VMs can be migrated and restarted on another note in the event of a single-post failure. So, since this demo is configured on RF 2, we can only tolerate one node failure. So I can enable that feature here, and I can also look at my redundancy factor.
The current redundancy factor is two. So I can go ahead and make it three, depending on the nodes on the licences as well. So you see here, at least I need five nodes to use illness factor three. So this is one limitation, because in RF 3, it is storing three copies of data, right? So that is the reason why it needs at least two. so that you can configure N plus one, or you can configure N plus two as well. Fine. So, anything else you want me to say, or we'll be fine until we get here?
Also, let me take you to the user. I can change the password for the user from here. I can update the profile of the user, okay? I can get the PowerShell command list from here. I can download the NCL utility, and I can download Prism Central. I can also look at the Rest API Explorer to see what Rest APIs are available. So these Rest APIs are preconfigured and built by Nutanix. So I can look at the rest of the API. I can use them as well. I can see here that they have a Rest API for version two. So, if I select this version one, these are the ones for version two.
I have alerts, auto configuration, and a cloud cluster, as you can see. I have health checks. I also have snapshots. So even if I can perform snapshots from a Rest API client, I can have my virtual discs provisioned, I can provision VMs, and I can provision volume groups. So you see, the list of APIs is quite long in V two.And if I look at V 1, this is the one where you can see V 1. So this is how the V one is set up. The most recent version is V 3. As a result, I always recommend looking at the V3. Now we are able to see V-2 because of the operating system version that we are running here.
So you can do a lot of things. Almost all administration tasks can be automated using your Rest API Explorer. So, these are the facts about Nutanix. If you want to look at your details, what is the version you are running? It is five or ten, and it has a starter license. You can also see the NCC version is 3.7. So you can look at the Nutanix versions from here. And if you want to sign up, you can do that. The settings tab This is the same one for which we are already here already.So I can go to the settings from the gear icon, or I can commit to the settings from my dropdown menu as well. Okay.
5. Demo 5 - Esxi Hypervisor on Nutanix Cluster
In this demo, I will be taking you through ESXi, which is running version 6.5.0 on Nutanix. So, we've already reimaged the Aquaponics Hypervisor with ESXi Hypervisor, and I'm logging in to the cluster, and you can see the same interface I showed you. So I can manage my ESXi from here as well. So if I go to the VM, especially, I am looking at the VMs because the VMs are running on the ESP site, and as you can see here, nothing changes as if you are managing an Aquapolic Hypervisor. So you can use this Tsxi hypervisor to manage your cluster in the same way that you would as an Avhropoliti provider. So if you go to the VM here, you can see the VMs are there.
Also, I have the option of creating a VM so I can do the same thing. I can create the VM from here the same way I showed you in a Copropolitz hypervisor. I can provide the name, fill out the guestPM submission, provide the value, provide the vCPU number of ports, provide the memory, add a network card, and provide a disk. Here everything will be pretty much the same; there will be few changes. I mean, you will not even require the web client to manage the ESXi server or the V centre as well. I mean, you can do all these activities right here itself. You can go to the storage option and look at the storage. So storage is highlighted storage, where you can see your storage pool, container, and everything else. The same way, you can create your own containers, which are the data store. So here are a few things because the ESXhost will use it as an NFS store, right? So you can see here that it shows as an NFS data store.
So, if you see it, that one container will be called Nutse, and I will select my storage pool. Then I will have the maximum capacity here, and I can select which ESX I host. I'd like to mount their storage containers so that I can use them all, or I can mount them on any of the following: So when I click on the following one, I will get the IP addresses of my ESXi server that is running on the Nutanix cluster. So if I want to mount it to only one server, I can select that so that only that ESXi will have access to this container. I can go to the advanced topics, and I can look at my redundancy factor if I want to reserve any capacity. All of these settings are repeatable as CFC in the Acropolis Hyperbole. Then I can save my container, and it will get created and mounted as an NFS store on that PSXI port. As can be seen here.
I have the container here; I will search for it. So I have this container that I created, and I can also see where it is, what the capacity unit is, and whether the completion is enabled or not. I can see all these details; I can look at the storage container usage, the performance, and all these options. So, if I go back to the home or the hardware, let me go to the hardware section where I can see the four hosts running on one block as well as the total CPU and total memory that is available. And if I go to the diagram view, I will be able to see the details of all my ESXi. So, as you can see, the diagram view will give me the number of this as well as the specific node. So which is the node, and which car does this car assign to that node? So if I click on that node, I can see the CPU usage details of that particular node.
If I click on the disk, I will be able to see the disk, storage summary, disc performance, disc alert, and other information. I can also turn the LED on and off from here so we know which disc it is. So physically, when anybody is looking to replace a particular disk, and since you know that this disc has failed, you can actually turn on and turn off the LED from here as well. When you click on a specific disk, you will be able to get the serial number of the disc, the model number, what is the storage tier, how much capacity is available, how much is the logical capacity, and all the details. When I go to the table, I can see the host. So I can see that there are four hosts running ESX site servers, and if I go to the disc view, I can see the disk, the disc available in Sudan, and I can see what the capacity and disc IO, or IOPS, are.
So I can also drag and drop them as well, and I can use them to see the performance as well. I can go to the switch view to see the switches that are available on the ESX side. We will be talking about the switchopen vs. switch features later on. So this is where we will be able to see the hardware details, and I can also look at the help option. This is the same view I will get as we have seen in the Aeropolitan hypervisor that was on the overview on the diagram, right? No, you will not see it here; actually, you will see it on the physical box. For example, let's say disc number six is faulty, and I got an alert in my management that this disc is faulty, right? So, if I want to ask the data centre engineer, "Which disc should I replay?" For example, if he's on the phone and wants to know which disc to replace, he can say so. So I can select disc six and then click on turn on LED. So what will happen is that the LED will start blinking on the physical box. So the engineer on the phone will be able to identify that. Yes, I am able to see that slot Stick is blinking, and he can actually ask you to remove the disk. So I can perform the disc removal operation from here. And then he will be able to swap the disc for a new one. Yeah. Here, there is no option for blinking in the GUI.
But usually what we do is, depending on the disc alert or the email, we actually understand that this particular disc is not bad or that it is faulty, actually. As a result, if any item on the list is faulty, it will be highlighted in red. And there is an alert message. First and foremost, we must exercise caution. The second thing is that whatever disc is faulty will be red.
As a result, it will display me in red. So I need to select that disk. And then I need to choose the option of turning on or turning off the LED so that the engineer on the other side will be able to see. Usually, if I do a turn off, the LED on the enclosure will turn off, and he will understand that from here, I have turned off the LED and there will be no right access, or I am okay to remove and replace the disk. So, if you see here, if I click on the Remove Disk option, it is giving me this serial number, right? This is the serial number of my disk, which I can see on the left side of the disc details.
And once I select that disc and say it will remove the disk, then it will start removing the disc from there. So it will mark it as deleting the disk. Because this is a demo environment, of course. So it will not allow us to remove it, but it will still show as unmounted. So when I say remove this, once the job is successfully performed, I will get the unwanted status activity here. Okay. When we replace the empty one, it will also show us as mounted and that we have started the cat and service. And the curator will start rebuilding. I mean, it will not show the status of rebuilding because it will get added to the storage pool's capacity because you cannot rebuild anything because it has a replica.
Right. and it will start using the other available page. Okay. When I go to the data protection or analysis section in the same section, So if I go to the analysis part, I can see the analysis of all my cluster activity, and I can see the timeline, the events, and the alerts that are happening in my cluster, and I will be able to move my bound on that and understand how many alerts were there at that particular time and whether they were critical warnings or error messages. And I will be able to see different events. If I want to have a larger number of days, I can drag and drop this time frame, so I can actually drag and look at the larger number of days.
I can customise the range so I can say, "Show me only 3 hours, 6 hours, or one month." So I can keep looking at the alert depending on the range that I need to see. For example, if we performed an update or deployed some VMs and want to see if any alerts occurred within 6 hours or one day, I can set the range to one day and see the post cache, I ops, memory usage, and all of these features.
I will be able to see it here. I can also create a new chart according to my requirements if I want to monitor a specific entity, so I can create a new chart. And let's say we have multiple types of entities here, right? For example, if I have a post-disk and want to look at a container, I can select the entity as a container, provide an entity analysis chart, and then search for the entity because I may have multiple storage containers in my cluster. So in which storage container am I going to look? So let's say if I look at this test container, I can select that container, and I can also select the matrix that I want to see: the read bandwidth, the right bandwidth, the I/O latency, or the latency of the container.
Assume we have ensured performance and also examined the read latency of the containers so that people understand how the reads are occurring. You can also see it here. I got my new chart here. I can uncheck this chart and remove it from here so that I get my analysis container chart here and I can look at the information about that particular container. So if you see here, I have the one below, which is my SE analysis here, right? So I can see that chart, and then the above ones are defaults. And I have created my own chart here, so I will be able to see the chart information. If I want to export the chart details, I can also export them in CSV or JSM format, or I can link the chart as well.
So this is a link that I can share with my colleagues or team members so that they can view the chart and learn more about this analysis. So you can create your own charts based on entities, or you can create your charts based on the matrix admin. So in terms of the matrix, we will be able to see the different matrices that are available. So I can look at the percentage hit, I can look at the cash lookup, I can look at a lot of things here—disk, IO, GPU, hypervisor—to understand where the bottleneck is and what action is required.
Okay, then we have the setting option here, where I can go and look at the settings that I can do for my Nutanix cluster, which is running my ESXi host. So if I go to the settings, the first one is the cluster detail, where I can assign a cluster name, I can assign a virtual IP for the cluster, and I can also assign an IP address for my ICSSI data services as well. Nutanix provides a single target IP that can be used by multiple hosts to access the storage. We do not require multiple ice sheets.
Cassie IPS for Newton. So, even if I have a four- or ten-node cluster, I can assign a single icecase IC that can be used as an icecase target by external servers. I can configure my CVM in the settings. So if I go to the CBM here, you'll see I have the option of adding a V centre as well. So if I want to again add a V centre so that I can manage it from a V centre perspective, I can do that. I can look at my CVMs that are running on each node, I can look at their IP addresses that are configured, and I can look at the memory that is allocated to each node. If I want, I can increase the CBM memory. So one of the recommendations is that I should increase the CBM memory for all of them at one time. I mean, if you want to only increase one CBM at a time, that might not be a good idea because the DSF is using the CBM across the cluster. So I can quickly increase the CBM here, so I can select the 48 GB, and I can apply.
So it will start looking at the resources, and if you have additional memory available in the cluster, then it will allocate that additional memory in the cluster. Okay, I can convert the cluster, so if I want to convert the cluster from one scenario to another, I can expand the cluster as well. So I can collect the host and discover new cluster nodes.
So currently, it has run a discovery and says nodes have been discovered. Now, if I physically add external nodes to my cluster and install the Aquaculture operating system, and the CBM is ready for discovery, I can also manually discover by providing the CDM or host's IP address. So once I give the IP address of the host or the CDM, it will try to ping the IP address of the host, and it will try to add that as part of the cluster. If we go to the licencing option we can see here, it currently has a starter license. There is no licence for the file services, and there is no licence for the bucket where we can create the bucket for cloud storage as a kind of concept or object storage.
Nutanix supports object storage creation as well, so you can create that. Or if you want to have any add-on licenses, you can also look at the add-on licences that can be added if you want to update the licence from Starter. So you can go and update the licence here. If you click on the license, you will see what features are currently available currently.
So you can see all the features that are currently available. Starter does not include the redistributable. The initial coding for the ECX is also not available in the starter license. As can be seen, the false is available. Because False is a base feature, the RFpractice, only two are supported in the Starter license. That's why, when we are creating a storage container, we are able to see RF factor two. We are not getting the option of selecting RFfactor 3 or ETX, and you can also see the maximum node limit within the cluster is twelve. These are the features that are permitted by the starter license.
You can also connect to your portal directly if you have a licence from Nutanix, and if you are running a production environment, you can connect to the portal directly from here, and you can upgrade or purchase new licenses. The next option is the Lifecycle Management option, where you will be able to see the lifecycle management of your Nutanix cluster. So it will show us what the different options are that are available. So I can perform an inventory, I can go to advanced settings, I can look at the version of the LCM as well, and I will be able to get all these details from my lifecycle management option. The next feature is remote support. As we discussed yesterday, we can open a remote session for the Nutanix Technical Support Guide to actually connect to the Nutanix cluster, and they will be able to provide the support.
So I can enable it for some hours if I work and close it whenever needed, or I can disable it as well. So this is where we enable the remote assistance provided by the Nutanix technical support team. Let us look at the next session, which is the upgrade software session. In this session, you can see that I have multiple components.
The first component is AOS, which is my Aquapolis operating system, which also includes the CDM, so I can look at the current version, what it is running, and I can also look at the available upgrades. So this is the latest version that is running; hence, there are no available upgrades for my Australia. If I am running a file server, then it will detect what the currently different versions of Aquapolis are. File servers are available, and we can download them and install them as well. On the hypervisor side, you can see the hypervisor is 6.5, right?
But there are a few things that we need to make sure of before we upgrade the hypervisor so that I can actually see the mechanics because they cannot connect to the hypervisor directly. So if you have a binary that you want to upload, for example, a binary of ESXi 6/7, you can also choose and upload that binary from your network share, and you can upgrade the hypervisor as well.
The NCC Tool is the Nutanix cluster check tool, so currently it is running three six, but I can also see that there is a new version available, which I can download and upgrade as well. Then we have the foundation. The Foundation operating system is the foundation of the Aquaponics operating system. So I can see that currently it is running 4.2, and there is a new one available, which is 4.3.2, and I can also download that, and I can update with a one-click upgrade as well. So Nutanix gives us various options for the hypervisor LVT tool and the Aqua polish. Accordingly, we can update and keep our eternity cluster up to date. So any.
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