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All PMI PgMP certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the PgMP Program Management Professional practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!

The Program Stakeholder Engagement Domain

1. Program Stakeholder Engagement Introduction

section covers the program. Stakeholder engagement domain Stakeholders are the different groups of people interested in the program's execution. Their group may be internal to the organization or external. The influence of the stakeholder may have a positive or negative impact on the outcome of the program. The programme manager shouldn't leave this influence without control, but he should identify the stakeholders, manage their expectations, maximize the positive impact, and minimize or eliminate the negative impact. This section covers the following topics: the programme stakeholder engagement domain elements, the measure artefacts of the programmer stakeholder engagement domain, the measure activities of the programme stakeholder engagement domain, and in the last topic, we will highlight the interaction between the programme stakeholder engagement domain and the programme lifecycle management domain.

2. Program Stakeholder Engagement Elements

This chart declares the elements of the programme stakeholder engagement domain, which are the programme stakeholder identification, the stakeholder engagement planning, and the stakeholder engagement. These elements are called activities in the Standard for Program Management. Third edition guide from VMI Starting with the first element, the program's stakeholder identification is mainly to identify the stakeholders engaged in the programme and record them in the stakeholder register. Then the stakeholder engagement planning is mainly to sketch how all programme stakeholders will be engaged during the program's lifecycle. And the last element is stakeholder engagement, which is a continuous effort during the programme lifecycle to get stakeholder commitments, get their feedback, maximise their positive attitude, and minimise their negative attitude.

Stakeholders may be internal or external. Internal stakeholders include the programme sponsor, programme manager, program team, steering committee, contracting office, and government team if the programme or its components have vendors involved with business departments like operations, sales, and others, depends on theprogram's scope.For instance, the information technology department or HR department may need to make changes if new recruitment is required or performance evaluation is different. Other concerned departments from the organisation depend on the program's scope. External stakeholders include customers, vendors, recruitment agents, standard authorities based on the program, industry, the environment, activists, who depend, of course, on the programme scope, and maybe the public, which again depends on the programme scope.

3. Program Stakeholder Engagement - Major Artifacts

The major artefacts of the program Stakeholder engagements are noted in this chart and grouped for each element of the domain. Let us review each one of these artifacts, starting with the Stakeholder Register. The identified stakeholders are recorded in a register that contains enough information about each one of them. This information is collected through different analysis sessions and interviews and from the recorded histories of similar programs. The Stakeholder Map is a visual representation of the best way to deal with the stakeholders based on their power and interests. The stakeholder engagement plan forms a way of ensuring stakeholder engagement during the programme lifecycle phases. Many aspects should be considered for each stakeholder during the creation of this plan.

These aspects include stakeholder expectations from the program, his attitude, his influence, the positive or negative influence the programme outcomes have had on him, his relationship with the programme manager and sponsor, and the culture around him. Remember that the term "stakeholder management" was used in the Standards for Program Management, Second Edition, and now it is replaced by "stakeholder engagement" in the Third Edition, which is more accurate as some of the stakeholders are more senior than the programme manager, like organisation executives. So stakeholder engagement or stakeholder relations and management are more accurate terms than stakeholder management. Please remember that the programme manager can engage the stakeholders, assure their contribution to the program, and even escalate when they are not engaged enough, as were their roles and responsibilities.

Latest review the contents of the stakeholder register The Stakeholder Register contains the name, contact information, and role relationship to the programme of each stakeholder, as well as the stakeholder's ability to influence the programme outcome and degree of support for the programme at the required status reporting level. Remember that the Stakeholder Register may contain politically and legally sensitive information, and that the programme manager may impose access and review restrictions. When you detect a conflict or different views between two stakeholders on a particular subject, try first to resolve it. Be biassed toward what is right, and if you don't succeed, get support from the sponsor or the steering committee as a decision request with options and recommendations and do not raise the subject as a conflict. Now, let us review this chart of the stakeholders' map. Here we can see that the X axis represents stakeholder interest and the Y axis represents stakeholder power. Each axis starts at zero and then goes to one hundred.

So we have four squares, and each square has the best way to deal with the stakeholder based on his interest and power. Therefore, you should monitor the stakeholder with minimum effort, low interest, and low power. You should continue to inform stakeholders with high interest but low power. You should keep the stakeholder satisfied with low interest and high power. In addition, you should closely manage the relationship with a stakeholder with significant interest and power. This map is usually for large programs. Remember that if the stakeholder's power or interest changes, the desired support will change accordingly. The last artefact reviewed is the Stakeholder Engagement Plan, which outlines how all programme stakeholders will be engaged during the program's lifecycle. The stakeholder engagement plan includes organisational culture and change acceptance attitudes about the programme and its sponsors programme pencil delivery degree of support or opposition to the programme benefits ability to influence the program's outcome .

4. Program Stakeholder Engagement - Major Activities

With respect to the elements of the program. Stakeholder, engagement. The activities to be executed in each element are shown in this chart. Please keep in mind that the colour coding assists you in understanding the activities for each component of the programme stakeholder engagement. Let us review these activities in more detail. In the Program Stakeholder Identification element, we identify programme stakeholders who are interested in the program, both internally and externally. Create a stakeholder register and fill it out as thoroughly as possible for each entry.

Develop the stakeholder map. Then in the stakeholder engagement planning element, we have stakeholder analysis and engagement plan development. And finally, in the stakeholder engagement element, we have to ensure all stakeholders are adequately and appropriately engaged, utilise strong communications, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills, provide stakeholders with appropriate information, and ensure all communications to and from the stakeholders are adequately logged. Review the stakeholder metrics regularly to identify potential risks caused by a lack of participation from the stakeholders. Accept and log stakeholder issues and concerns and manage them to closure.

5. Program Stakeholder Engagement – Highlights

The programme stakeholder engagement domain is executed during the programme lifecycle domain. Mapping the elements from the first domain to the phases of the second domain will help to understand when the program's stakeholder engagement activities are executed and the artefacts are created during the program's lifecycle. This diagram investigates the relationship between the programme lifecycle and stakeholder engagement. You can notice the following: The identification of programme stakeholders began and ended with the programme definition phase. The stakeholder engagement planning started in the programme definition phase and ended in the programme benefit delivery phase. The stakeholder engagement started in the programme benefits delivery phase and continued until the end of the program. That is to say, the programme closure phase.

PMI PgMP practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE Files format by real users. Study and Pass PgMP Program Management Professional certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are to help students.

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Jan 19, 2025
Pm bok fifth edition .
& Exam Questions to study pls.
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