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HRCI PHR Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, HRCI PHR Certification Exam Dumps

All HRCI PHR certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are prepared by industry experts. HRCI PHR certification practice test questions and answers, exam dumps, study guide and training courses help candidates to study and pass hassle-free!

Human Resources Core Knowledge - Functions and Activities

14. Tools and techniques to support HR activities (4)

Risk is the chance that a positive or negative event will occur and affect organisational objectives. The management of risk, therefore, involves identifying, assessing, and controlling any potential risk that an organisation faces. Risks are present in every aspect and function of the company, including employee-related risk, technology risk, relationship risk, and regulatory and external risk. Organizational growth almost always involves uncertainties, obstacles, and opportunity costs. Risk management is an organisation-wide concern and needs to be treated as an integral part of strategic planning. HR has long been involved in risk management, most notably regarding people risks, including employee and employment policies, healthcare management, and unemployment insurance. As organisations become more strategically aligned, HR is expanding its role in more areas. For example, HR professionals might be responsible for staffing safety and other key functions in a small to medium-sized organization. Larger companies, however, may use a risk manager to manage the risks outlined above and use HR to focus only on risk management in conjunction with the risk manager.

15. Tools and techniques to support HR activities – Review

Tools and techniques to support HR activity Review Now that you have completed the topic, try answering a review question. A number of different technologies are used to help support HR activities. Technology plays a key role in helping to both streamline and improve the effectiveness of HR processes and activities. Match each technology with an example of its use. Some technologies will match more than one example. Some examples will not have a match.

Here we have the options of business integration, discovery, social networking, and sustainability. And here we have the target of merging customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning systems. converting and housing all records electronically. sharing information and ideas on a personal and professional level. Providing customers with immediate information reducing the need for travel by using teleconferencing and/or a total reward system to attract high-level candidates.

Here is the answer. Merging customer relationship management systems with enterprise resource planning systems is an example of business integration, which is the practise of organisations unifying technology systems to incorporate all business processes and functions. A human resource information system is software that can integrate data from different areas, such as payroll, hours worked, and benefits, into one database. Converting, migrating, and housing records is an example of eDiscovery, which is the electronic preservation of records. Discovery storage is important in the event that litigation is launched or becomes impossible.

Sharing information and ideas on both a personal and professional level is a social networking trend that has facilitated collaboration between workers using advanced versions of various types of social media. Social networking is a trend that has changed the way businesses interact with their customers, enabling those customers to receive answers to their questions almost immediately. Reducing the need for travel by using teleconferencing is an example of a sustainability initiative that is driven mainly by increased energy costs. Sustainability initiatives include transferring money electronically and using it occurred to. Other examples include using online education in place of travel and selecting partners based on their carbon reduction goals. Using a total reward system that is attractive to high-level candidates is a good way for companies to get the right employees to help achieve their business goals, but this is not an example of how companies use technology to help support HR activities. Thank you.

16. Project Management Concepts and Applications (1)

Project Management Concepts and Applications If the project is not supported by senior management, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to implement. In topic four, "Project Management Concepts and Applications," the focus will be on the basics of the project management process. A project is often a temporary undertaking carried out to create a product, service, or business process for added value or beneficial change. A project always has a start and end date, creates something unique, and is characterised by progressive accomplishments. Project management is the discipline of organising and managing resources so the project is completed within the defined scope, quality, time, and cost constraints. HR professionals need to understand how to manage a variety of projects effectively. For example, new regulations are introduced that will require an audit and changes to all current job descriptions. This would be considered a project. That project management process is to qualify issues, gain support, create a plan, implement the plan, oversee, control, and adjust the plan, and assess results.

17. Project Management Concepts and Applications (2)

The first step, clarifying issues and gaining support, is characterised by identifying the problem or initiative that needs to be addressed and gaining support from senior management. If the project is not supported by senior management, as we said, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to implement. The project planning phase is used to select a project manager and team members as required. Project managers are in charge of the entire project as well as other leaders. For example, mid-level managers manage daily team activities. A project manager now has three primary roles and responsibilities. First, the interpersonal role The project manager is a leader and a conduit for others on the team. The key priorities include effective team building and fostering an effective working atmosphere. Next are the informational roles. The project manager is the focal point for gathering and communicating information, and he or she assists team members in communicating effectively and efficiently to the rest of the organization. And finally, the decisional role The project manager allocates resources, deals with issues, and helps motivate and encourage progress on the project.

18. Project Management Concepts and Applications (3)

During the implementation phase, the project activities outlined in the project plan continue to move forward. This stage involves the most effort, both in terms of actual work and the resources required. The project manager's activities will typically expand at this stage to include motivating team members and removing barriers to the team's progress. Project managers also carry out assessments at key phases throughout the process in order to help eliminate any surprises, allow for adjustments on the fly, and make it simpler to develop an effective gauge that can be used to measure the project's success once it is completed.

As the implementation process wraps up, the project managers need to monitor the work quality, its progress, and the use of resources needed to complete the project. In large projects, assessments are also carried out at various stages. Project managers must be aware of all risks and barriers that could stall the project's progress and take decisive action to mitigate those risks. Once the project ends, the project manager needs to evaluate the outcomes.

Projects typically end with some sort of event, like the launch of a new system or service. Project completion should be documented in a report detailing the project's achievements and gaps, observations for future projects, and any next steps that may still be required. Assessment includes measuring the project's results against the stated objectives and how the project was carried out and managed. Financing meetings are often used to help analyse the process and learn from any mistakes and successes along the way.

PHR certification practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE files format by real users. Study and pass HRCI PHR certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are the best available resource to help students pass at the first attempt.


Comments * The most recent comment are at the top

Mar 15, 2025
The PHR certification is not permanent and expires in 3 years if one does not earn sixty recertification credits.
United States
Mar 08, 2025
In order to prepare for the PHR exam, you can take up PHR certification classes where the entire PHR prep course is taught in a systemized way.
Feb 20, 2025
The test mainly comprises of multiple-choice questions. In such a kind of exam, accuracy and speed is the key to success. You can get these PHR certificates online.
Feb 06, 2025
PHR principles and PHR exam contents can be understood with the help of various tools available at the HRCI website. There are many PHR practice tests available and one should sit for them to get habituated to take a Computer-Based Test (CBT).
United States
Jan 25, 2025
One can go through the HRCI website for a PHR exam preparation. The site has multiple resources to get prepared for the PHR test.
Olivia Noah
Jan 14, 2025
It only applies to the HR department, not the entire company. The PHR certification exam can be taken by an HR professional who has minimum one year’s working experience in the respective field and a Master’s degree, or 4 years of working experience and a High School diploma.
Emma Liam
Jan 02, 2025
I had earned the PHR certification and it is very helpful for Human Resources Management. I would suggest a professional-level HR to opt for this HRCI credential.

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