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All HRCI PHR certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the PHR Professional in Human Resources practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!

Human Resources Core Knowledge - Functions and Activities

9. Analysis, Financial Management, and Vendor Management (3)

Knowledge management involves managing the transfer of information about products, services, processes, and practices. Transferring that knowledge to an outsourced project team can be problematic because of logistics. The next area of concern in an outsourced project involves managing people. One of the biggest issues with managing people involves dealing with conflict. All teams will experience conflict at one time or another, and outsourced teams are no different.

To quickly resolve conflicts, you need to have a proactive approach ready to cope with any typical areas of conflict, which usually include expectations and quality issues. Conflict can also stem from personality clashes. Your goal should be to establish what is right instead of who is right. Again, another implication of managing people is that you will have to offer regular feedback and support vendors, just like employees need to receive feedback both positive and negative to find out how well they are performing in relation to their goals. An additional area of concern in an outsourced project involves managing communication. The field of project development can be complex and unclear.

Communication can be difficult enough when employees are in-house, but when projects involve vendors and employees from different organisations or even a different country, communication issues are almost certain to emerge. To anticipate these issues, begin by asking a few simple questions. Are there any preconceived ideas or stereotypes that may cause problems with communication? What techniques can be used to help make communication between the teams more effective?

And what training programmes can you implement that will enhance both technical and communication skills? Another area of concern in many outsourced projects involves managing the relationship between the client company, the vendor, and the employees assigned to the project. One of the main difficulties involves issues of trust and control. You can keep control of a project while maintaining a positive relationship with a supplier in several ways. For instance, balanced and respectful interaction training and employee development, service level agreements, and involving both parties in developing plans These are all helpful ideas.

10. Analysis, Financial Management, and Vendor Management – Review

Okay, review time again. Let's try some questions. HR professionals should understand important qualitative and quantitative methods for programme analysis, interpretation, and decision-making purposes. Match the analysis methods to the activities involved. Some methods are used more than once. Nodal activities have a match. Here we have the options of cost-benefit analysis, return on investment, breakeven analysis, and financial statement analysis. And here you have the target. comparing gains to expenses, estimating the monetary value of customer satisfaction, dividing the net profit by total investments, costs, and expenditures, and multiplying the result by 100.

Dividing the total cost by the total savings and multiplying by the number of time increments comparing annual gross profits for a specific period of time and determining the industry average wage range. and this is the answer for you to compare. Performing a cost-benefit analysis involves adding both and then determining which side outweighs the other. However, sometimes not all factors are immediately apparent. Some of the reasons to use a cost-benefit analysis are to assess whether costs are manageable, determine whether the project really exists, and prioritise projects appropriately. ROI analysis involves estimating the monetary value of qualitative costs and benefits, such as staff morale, customer satisfaction, or reputation for quality products or ethical actions. Their companies may not be able to measure qualitative variables precisely.

They can firmly base their estimates on industry-accepted indices, rules of thumb, historical data, or benchmark data. Conducting an AOI analysis entails calculating the total investment of all costs and expenses associated with implementing the alternative. To calculate the ROI, you divide the net return by the total investment, then multiply your result by 100. The net return is the profit you make over and above the cost of implementing the alternative. A breakeven analysis is an approach used to figure out the point in time when the total revenue linked to a programme is the same as the program's total cost. This is the breakeven point. In order to calculate the breakeven point, you need to divide the total cost by the total savings and then multiply that by time increments, for instance, years and months. Financial statements are an important area that AGR professionals should be familiar with. This involves examining certain statements, such as annual gross profits, comparing the data over time, and predicting trends.

Although it is important for organisations to analyse market data in terms of industry salaries, this is not a financial analysis used for programme or project decisionmaking. A cost-benefit analysis might help a company decide whether an initiative is worthwhile. Sequence the steps performed in a cost-benefit analysis. Here you have the options to identify the project benefits, express the project benefits, identify the project cost factors, estimate the project cost factors, calculate the net project gain or loss, and/or decide on the project's viability, and this is the answer. The first step in a cost-benefit analysis is to identify project benefits. When identifying project benefits, you look for the positive factors or those that made the project potentially worthwhile. Expressing project benefits is the second step in a cost-benefit analysis. It involves translating the benefit into dollar amounts, timing, and duration.

The third step in a cost-benefit analysis is to identify the project cost factors by carefully considering all obvious and hidden factors that add to the price tag of the project. Estimating project cost factors is the first step in a cost-benefit analysis. It involves translating costs into total dollar amounts and expenditure periods. You need to decide how to measure all costs, even those that may occur late in project implementation or those that are difficult to capture. The fifth step in a cost-benefit analysis is to calculate the net project gain or loss. This involves subtracting all costs from all financial benefits and determining whether the project will gain or lose more money than it will spend. The final step in a cost-benefit analysis is to decide whether the project is viable. This can be done at the beginning of the project to determine whether it should be implemented at all, or at the end of the project.

Putting financial statements together provides a complete and accurate picture of an organization's financial health. Match the types of financial statements with their purposes. One type will suit more than one purpose. Here are the options: income statement, cash flow statement, balance sheet, and targets, which show how much profit or loss an organisation has made during a specific time period. shows cash incoming into an organisation over a specific time period. shows cash leaving an organisation over a specific time period or shows the financial position of an organisation at a specific point in time, and this is the answer for you to compare. The income statement shows how much profit or loss an organisation has made during a specified time period. The net income value from the income statement is added into the calculation of retained earnings on the balance sheet and is also calculated into operating activities as the first entry on the cash flow statement.

The cash flow statement shows cash coming into the organisation over the same time period as cash leaving the organization. The net cash at the end of the period in the cash flow statement is carried over to the current asset section of the balance sheet as the cash asset. The cash flow statement shows cash leaving and coming into the organisation over the same time period. The net cash at the end of the period in the cash flow statement is carried over to the current asset section of the balance sheet as the cash asset.

A balance sheet shows the financial position of the organisation at a specific point in time, balancing all the assets it owns with all the liabilities for which it is obligated. The net income from the income statement is incorporated into retained earnings under equity, and the net cash from the cash flow statement is added under assets. There are key areas that need to be focused on in order to successfully manage vendors. Projectivity is an example of management in the four key areas. Here are the options. transferring technical information about company systems and tools, offering regular feedback and support on goal performance, and providing training programmes. to enhance communication skills managing relationships between employees and vendors by requiring all employees dealing with vendors to complete a personality test, and this is the answer for you to compare. Option One:

This option is correct for a project; the term "knowledge" refers to technical knowledge about systems and technologies and business knowledge about processes, business functions, and the industry. Knowledge management involves transferring information to vendors about products, processes, and practises in your organization. Option two. This option is correct. A crucial area in vendor management involves managing people. Vendors need to receive both negative and positive feedback to find out how well they are performing in relation to their goals. Managing people also involves dealing with conflict. You need to have proactive approaches ready to cope with typical areas of conflict, such as expectations and quality issues. Option Three: This option is correct to manage communication in an outsourced project.

You can begin by identifying and dispelling stereotypes to reach a deeper, closer cultural understanding, consider what forms of information and communication technologies are compatible with the vendor, and determine what training programmes can be implemented that will enhance both technical and communication skills. Option Four: This option is correct.

In project outsourcing, managing relationships can be challenging in project outsourcing. One of the main difficulties involves issues of trust and control. You can keep control of a project while maintaining a positive relationship with the vendor by ensuring balanced and respectful interaction, training, personal development, and contracts outlining service level agreements. Option 5 is incorrect. Requesting or requiring new hires to complete a personality assessment might be an effective way to assess an individual's communication, problem-solving, and stress management skills, but this is not a key area in managing vendor relationships.

11. Tools and techniques to support HR activities (1)

Tools and Techniques to Support HR Activities The main challenge for management in any important change is dealing with the uncertainty that is inevitably costly. In Topic Three: Techniques to Support HR Activities, you will be introduced to technologies used to support HR activities, techniques for forecasting and planning HR activities, and risk management practices. A number of different technologies are used to help support HR activities. Technology plays a key role in helping to streamline and improve the effectiveness of HR processes and activities.

Business integration is the practise of organisations moving toward unified technology systems that incorporate all business processes and functions, for example, customer relationship management, or CRM. These systems can be merged with enterprise resource planning, or ERP, systems. It is also essential that policies are implemented for the conversion, migration, and housing of records. Preservation of electronic files, emails, and other electronic documents is vital in the event of litigation, and even when litigation is a remote possibility, the preservation and retrieval of electronic data is referred to as "ediscovery." Social networking is a trend that has enabled users to share information and ideas on both a personal and professional level. This trend has changed the way businesses interact with customers, enabling those customers to receive answers to their questions almost immediately.

, for example, has facilitated collaboration and sharing of information between employee groups, customers, and others outside the company. The IT industry has the power to advance a variety of sustainability initiatives, including ways to reduce the company's carbon footprint, establishing green supply chains to eliminate the need to produce paper invoices using documents, reducing the need for travel through teleconferencing and online education, and selecting partners based on their carbon reduction goals. The other benefit of these initiatives is the potential for companies to save substantial amounts of money.

12. Tools and techniques to support HR activities (2)

A human resource information system, or HRIS, is a software programme that can integrate data from different areas into one database. HR information systems generally merge basic human activities and processes with information technology in four key areas. First, a payload module can automate the payment process by gathering data on employee attendance, calculating deductions and taxes, and generating checks and employee tax reports. Next, a time and labour management module gathers and evaluates employee time and work information. Third, a benefit administration module permits HR to administer and track employee participation in benefit programmes ranging from insurance and pension plans to profit-sharing or stock option plans.

And finally, an HR management module, which covers all other aspects, An HR information system holds personal and demographic data as well as information about recruitment, training, skills management, and compensation planning records. An HR information system is also a tool for effective decision-making. Reporting capabilities are a major source of value when making strategic decisions about everything from turnover trends and staffing needs to succession planning. Organizational change is the process of transformation that occurs when adapting to something new. This could be due to a change in strategy, management goals, or objectives, which could come about as a result of mergers, acquisitions, or general restructuring. We discussed this before, do you remember? During this process of transformation, management must address several challenges by adopting best-practise standards. Although there are a number of potential causes of organisational change, there is one constant.

It has an impact on employees. The main challenge for management is any inefficiency. Any important change involves dealing with the uncertainty that it inevitably causes. It can affect employees psychologically, emotionally, and physically. Many employees function within a comfort zone, and they often put up barriers to protect their zones. Change can threaten that comfort zone, and I want to remind you that it can challenge a person's values and core beliefs, causing stress. Not knowing what's coming down the line may create confusion, anxiety, and uncertainty. These settings often lead to change resistance because employees often personalise the need for change, and all they hear is that they are not valued. The resulting employees withdraw, become sceptical and distrustful, and go into survival mode. A negative response to change is almost always the result of leadership's failure to communicate.

13. Tools and techniques to support HR activities (3)

Organizational change management involves the application of knowledge and resources through three principle activities. You've heard this before, and I tend to repeat it because I want you to learn it better and better define and implement new values and behaviours that support the change. build consensus around the change that benefits everyone involved, and plan, test, and implement every aspect of the change.

Furthermore, there are a few guiding principles for change management that address the people issues that frequently cause uncertainty and resistance to change. A formal plan should be developed early, set in place, and adjusted as necessary. This will help to maintain morale and increase the likelihood of success. Involve every level of the organisation in the transformation, from its design to its implementation. Identify leaders at every level and make them responsible for the implementation, because doing so ensures the change flows through the organisation at every level.

Create Ownership To avoid the feeling of passive acceptance of the change, there needs to be a sense of ownership among a sufficient number of individuals who are prepared to take responsibility for implementing the change wherever they have influence or control. Communicate the message. Don't assume everyone understands the issues or the reasons for the change. Communication should be regular, timely, inspirational, done through several different channels, and account for the culture to help identify potential difficulties and conflicts before the image is formed and also measure the readiness for change. Any time you make a change, you must consider and be consistent with the core values, beliefs, and behaviours of the organization.

HRCI PHR practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE Files format by real users. Study and Pass PHR Professional in Human Resources certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are to help students.

Exam Comments * The most recent comment are on top

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Jan 17, 2025
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Jan 08, 2025
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