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PMI PMI-SP Practice Test Questions, PMI PMI-SP Exam dumps

All PMI PMI-SP certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are Prepared by industry experts. PrepAway's ETE files povide the PMI-SP PMI Scheduling Professional Practice Test practice test questions and answers & exam dumps, study guide and training courses help you study and pass hassle-free!

The PMI Scheduling Professional exam is used to certify the candidates’ expertise in project and time management and caters to those who want to have extensive experience in project scheduling. As a rule, a PMI-SP holder has advanced scheduling skills, being able to keep a project on track by using a top scheduling strategy. Also, this professional is responsible for planning and developing tools, as well as ensuring the best communication within the team and between all the parts involved in a project, to make sure the project deadline is met.

Who Can Take PMI-SP Exam?

This exam is aimed towards specialists with some experience in the development and management of project schedules and who want to have an official certification for their skills. To be able to apply for the official exam you need to have a secondary degree, 40 months of project scheduling experience, and 40 hours of project scheduling education. You are also eligible for this test if you have a four-year education with 28-month experience in scheduling projects and 30 hours of related training. It’s to be mentioned that in both cases all the experience in project scheduling must be acquired during the last 5 years prior to your application to the PMI-SP exam.

PMI-SP Overview

So, if you comply with the aforementioned criteria, you are free to enroll in the PMI-SP validation. As for its details, the exam fee is $520 for members of PMI and those who are non-members of this organization will have to pay $670 for the official exam. Overall, this exam consists of 170 multiple-choice tasks, which must be completed within 3.5 hours. The test can only be taken in English and is computer-based. Out of the total number of questions, 20 are pretest tasks which don't count in your score but are used to validate exam items. Eligible candidates submit an online application which contains their personal information, experience, and education in scheduling. Successful applicants receive a payment request and after they pay the exam fee, they can schedule their official test.

Topics Assessed by PMI-SP

The PMI-SP test questions are developed by independent global groups of professional project schedulers and are divided into five domains, each one with a specific percentage of questions, as follows:

  • Strategy scheduling – 14%;
  • Planning and developing schedules – 31%;
  • Monitoring & controlling various schedules – 35%;
  • How to close schedules – 6%;
  • Managing communication with stakeholders – 14%.

As for the results, the report for a computer-based test is given on the same day. The passing score for all PMI exams is established after a psychometric analysis conducted by multiple project professionals and for each question you answer correctly, you receive one point.

Study Guides to Prepare for Your PMI-SP

Commonly, there are many books to help you prepare for your PMI-SP exam. Thus, you can try out the following guides found on Amazon:

  • Project Planning and Scheduling by Gregory T. Haugan

    This book is a valuable resource for PMI-SP candidates as it covers both basic and advanced scheduling techniques in a step-by-step approach that helps managers at all levels understand the concepts tested by the final exam. What’s more, it also contains error & time-saving checklists to help you consolidate your preparation. So, if you’re interested, you can acquire this book in Kindle or paperback formats starting with the price of $5.98.

  • Project Scheduling and Cost Control by James Taylor

    Candidates who need to review basic concepts of scheduling will drastically need this manual. It presents scheduling in an easy-to-understand way, being great for beginners who aspire to take the PMI-SP exam later in life. Also, it is great for reviewing the basics of project completion, project costs, and project planning for other PMI tests. You can get this handbook in Kindle format for almost $36.

  • Practice Standard for Scheduling by PMI

    Published by PMI, this book comprises the latest concepts, practices, and tools in project scheduling. Currently, in the 3rd edition, it presents the definition of schedule models, key terms of scheduling, a compelling description of this domain, and guidance on the best practices for effective schedule management. It’s available as paperback and Kindle versions for $42.79 and $40.65, respectively.

  • PMI Scheduling Professional Certification by J. Jonathan

    This guide is one of the praised resources for preparing for the PMI-SP test, as it includes 300+ questions and answers, as well as diagrams which will help the candidates understand the main concepts of scheduling. Because the author himself also took such an exam, the book is structured in a similar way to the actual validation.

Official Courses for PMI-SP Prep

In order to fulfill your project scheduling education requirements for taking the official exam, you can enroll in one of the online courses offered by PMI, depending on your location. Another option is to train with authorized partners of PMI like:

  • Firebrand PMI Scheduling Professional

    It is a 3-day course which allows you to learn valuable practices in the area of scheduling. The course is structured into multiple modules and is aimed towards specialists with advanced knowledge in project management who want to take the PMI-SP test. Particularly, here, you’ll get equipped with such notions as scheduling overview, risk management, the assurance of quality, and the development process of scheduling.

  • Project Management Academy

    This company also offers an authorized online course for the PMI-SP. The course offers a fast-paced training of eight hours, which prepares you to take the test by teaching detailed concepts in all the project scheduling domains. This training is structured into a video-on-demand realistic 170-question exam that simulates the official PMI evaluation.


The PMI-SP is a powerful certification for project managers who need to certify their scheduling skills. In a fast-paced business world, where time is essential and deadlines are critical, expertise in project scheduling can make the difference between a successful and a failed project. This niche certification is a guarantee for employers that its holder has the skills and experience needed to take the organization's projects in the right direction.

PMI PMI-SP practice test questions and answers, training course, study guide are uploaded in ETE Files format by real users. Study and Pass PMI-SP PMI Scheduling Professional Practice Test certification exam dumps & practice test questions and answers are to help students.

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The materials provided for the PMI-SP were comprehensive and very well-structured. The practice tests were particularly useful in building my confidence and understanding the exam format. After using these materials, I felt well-prepared and was able to solve all the questions on the final test with ease. Passing the certification exam was a huge relief! I feel much more competent in my role. Thank you!

The certification prep was excellent. The content was up-to-date and aligned perfectly with the exam requirements. I appreciated the clear explanations and real-world examples that made complex topics easier to grasp. I passed PMI-SP successfully. It was a game-changer for my career in IT!