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The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified Certification Exam Dumps

All The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified certification exam dumps, study guide, training courses are prepared by industry experts. The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified certification practice test questions and answers, exam dumps, study guide and training courses help candidates to study and pass hassle-free!

Preliminary Phase In Detail: Step by Step

4. Preliminary Phase, Step 4

Alright, so step four of the preliminary phase is to identify and establish architecture principles. Now you'll find architecture principles and other principles mentioned from phases A, B, and Evacuate all through the definition phases. We are always referring to the principles. You're assessing them; they need to add more. But principles, as you know, are things that don't often change, right? You've decided, maybe through some thoughtful consideration, that things work best when you're using a consistent underlying operating system. When you have that heterogeneous environment and you've got five different versions of Windows, three different Macintoshes, and some Linux boxes, that's when trouble happens when you say that you have a uniform host operating system in all your server environments as being one of your rules; that could very well be a principle. And TOGAF has a chapter. Chapter 23 of the TOGAF Spectalks talks about principles in more detail. As a result, they're crucial. Again, they don't change very often.

They laid the foundation for your governance process. So when your governance team is assessing these requests, when you're coming through and businesses and architects are saying, "No, we want to upgrade to the latest version of X," But it also requires us to change the operating system to this other version that we don't run anywhere else. Yet this allows your architecture governance board to say no to things because you have a principle that doesn't change. You live by it, and it serves you well. Obviously, it can change if you grow to realise that it's not working for you. However, having the rules and a team that follows the rules makes things much easier and less chaotic. So that's the principle of architecture principles. The fourth preliminary and phase We only have a couple more to go. Step five is coming up in the next video. Thanks.

5. Preliminary Phase, Step 5

Alright, we are going through the steps of the preliminary phase in more detail. We're onto step five now. This is the stage at which TOGAF and other frameworks are customized. Now TOGAF is actually designed to be modified depending on the needs of your enterprise. If you go through the Toga specification, which has, like I said, 600 plus pages, there's a lot in there. This is one of the reasons studying for this exam is so difficult. But in the real world, when you're going in and taking this framework and trying to implement it in your enterprise, you should be able to modify it. There are a few things that should be modifiable. One is the terminology.

So if you already have some existing terms, let's say you were following another architecture method before and you need to say, "You know what, we don't really call this the enterprise matrix diagram" or whatever. We call it something else. Yeah, go ahead and call it that. And you can modify TOGAF, take the framework documents, modify them, and store them as your tailored TOAF in your architecture repository. And as you're going through all your phases, from A to E, And the TOGAF framework is one of those inputs in every phase, so essentially, your tailored TOGAF uses the proper terms for those things that your company uses. Okay? The second thing, of course, is processes.

So you've got, for example, the adm process within TOGAF, and you may have project management processes or project lifecycles or some sort of operations process or procurement. There are lots of other frameworks and processes that you may already support. And so you're going to say, "Well, you know what? Our project management process requires us to have a meeting that involves all stakeholders as early as phase E, and we don't wait until phase G to start involving some of these people." And so yeah, you add that to your TOGAF; it becomes a step. The meeting that is the kickoff meeting and happens because of this other framework happens during phase E. And that's your own version of TOGAF, and there's nothing wrong with that. Okay? And finally, there's all the content, the definitions, the documents, and the templates, and the organisations have organised the architecture content framework.

So again, if you've got some existing templates that have been working for you and you can just sort of tweak those templates, okay, add the fields as necessary to those templates instead of switching over to brand new templates that no one in your company has seen before, hey, you can definitely do that. So TOGAF definitely encourages you to make changes to it as necessary. Again, your company may be big or small, right? Maybe it's too much for you. Maybe your architectural maturity is not at that level. And perhaps you only have a couple of different architects, or perhaps you only have one architect. And so you need to cut back on things, and all that is open. So step five is Taylor, and total step six is the last step. In the next video, we'll cover that and wrap up the preliminary phase. Thanks.

6. Preliminary Phase, Step 6

Alright, we are into the last step—step six—of the preliminary phase of the AD. And step six says to implement architecture tools. Okay? So depending on the scale, size, and maturity of your organization, you're going to have different needs for different tools, okay? Smaller companies tend to be able to operate within their offices and store things on a network share. And, you know, if you have a limited number of people with limited access to things, you can work with those more open tools. When you get into larger organisations with more complicated things and more people who want to be able to view things in progress, etc., etc. Writes and versioning will be required, as will more complex tools. There are tools out there.

So you're going to basically have to do a process of searching around, finding tools, comparing them, and maybe getting them to submit a proposal to you. Come in, get a demo, etc. Your tools could be simple and shared on Point or another wiki. You can have a wiki and things like that. Or again, you can have really sophisticated, expensive, specialised tools designed specifically for TOGAF and enterprise architecture. And so that's definitely something that's open to you. So yeah, it could be a whole week or two or three of going out and researching these things. The app doesn't really recommend specific tools. If you go into the spec, there is a section on tools, but the spectrum is very short, and it doesn't get into any great detail about why you choose this tool or not. It really is up to you. All right, so those were the six steps of the preliminary phase.

Hopefully, you found that helpful. Hopefully you understand now that this is just a set-up. You're defining where you want to be, what your target maturity is, what your scope is, and what gaps exist; getting those governance structures in place; setting yourself up with software; and setting yourself up with the right people in the right roles. And then we get into Phase A, which is really the part where a lot of the work is done with a high-level vision. But that is coming up next. We'll talk about the phase eight steps, and we'll really get into the meat of Tog, so stay tuned for that.

Phase A In Detail: Step by Step

1. Phase A, Architecture Vision, Step 1 (Updated)

Hi there. Okay, in this lesson we're going to talk about Phase A, which is the architectural vision. We're going to go into detail about each of the vision steps. On screen is a reminder of the architectural vision. You can see here that it is the second phase of the adm and the first phase of the adm cycle, which is the cycles from A to H that repeat themselves. The purpose of the architecture vision really is to develop the high-level vision to be delivered, and we'll get into detail on how to do that. So step one of the vision phase is to establish the architecture project within TOGAF during the vision phase. We're going to treat this project just like we would treat any other project. It's going to have timelines, budgets, and steps for the project manager steps. You've got all the hallmarks of a project.

And if you use a project management framework, such as Scrum or Agile, you will continue to use it for this project. So this is a project. You're going to want to ensure that it is planned and managed using those acceptable practices, and also make sure that the project has recognition within the enterprise and has an endorsement from the right stakeholders. When there's a list of projects on the whiteboard, you want your project to be on that list as well. Okay? When you go through status meetings and everyone goes around the table and talks about their projects, this is a project that deserves that recognition. We must ensure that, across the enterprise, if you know that this will have an impact on the IT group, the sales group, and the customer service group, these people are treated the same as any other business customers who will be affected by your projects. So that's step one. established architecture project. In the next video, we'll talk about step two. So come back for that.

2. Phase A, Architecture Vision, Step 2 (Updated)

Okay, so step two of the architecture vision phase is to identify stakeholders, their concerns, and the business requirements. So really, this is the requirements-gathering phase of the project. You're going to interview people; you're talking to a lot of people. You must have prior experience as a business analyst. The person in charge of this must go out and gather information in order to determine the nature of the problems. This is where you use the business scenario process within TOGAF to go off and dig deeper into problems. So we're identifying stakeholders.

The first part of that, of course, is to identify them using the stakeholder management technique. and we talked about this elsewhere in the course. The stakeholder management technique is documented within the TOGA specification, and it talks about how you list them out in a matrix. You list their level, their concerns, whether they're high-profile but low-importance or low-profile but high-profile. You sort of map them out, figure out who needs to be communicated with on a regular basis, who just needs to be sent an email, and who's concerns can be documented but don't necessarily need to be resolved because they're less important. And finally, knowledge of this drives which architectures and viewpoints need to be developed.

And we have a lesson on viewpoints as well. But to remind you, there are views and viewpoints, which are basically different ways of looking at your architecture. So the IT department and the IT team are going to need to look at it through one lens. The sales function has a completely different point of view. You know, the executive team has a different point of view, and the finance team, which only cares about profits and losses and the money being spent, has a different view.

And you're not going to go to the finance department and tell them how easily servers can be brought online under the new architecture. Meanwhile, you're not going to go to the IT team and say that you expected to be able to hold the budget for IT expenses over the next five years, etc. Whatever. People are going to have different viewpoints that need to be expressed, and the information presented to them needs to be specific to their view. Anyway, that is step two of the vision phase. See you in the following lesson.

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Dec 21, 2024
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Macsen Smith
United States
Dec 07, 2024
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