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300-435: Automating Cisco Enterprise Solutions (ENAUTO) Certification Video Training Course

The complete solution to prepare for for your exam with 300-435: Automating Cisco Enterprise Solutions (ENAUTO) certification video training course. The 300-435: Automating Cisco Enterprise Solutions (ENAUTO) certification video training course contains a complete set of videos that will provide you with thorough knowledge to understand the key concepts. Top notch prep including Cisco ENAUTO 300-435 exam dumps, study guide & practice test questions and answers.

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64 Lectures
08:28:00 Hours

300-435: Automating Cisco Enterprise Solutions (ENAUTO) Certification Video Training Course Exam Curriculum


Network Programmability Foundation

16 Lectures
Time 01:40:00

Automate APIs & Protocols

10 Lectures
Time 01:12:00

Network Device Programmability

26 Lectures
Time 03:47:00

5.0 SD-WAN

12 Lectures
Time 01:49:00

Network Programmability Foundation

  • 4:00
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Automate APIs & Protocols

  • 1:00
  • 11:00
  • 6:00
  • 12:00
  • 9:00
  • 5:00
  • 6:00
  • 3:00
  • 12:00
  • 7:00

Network Device Programmability

  • 1:00
  • 3:00
  • 10:00
  • 18:00
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5.0 SD-WAN

  • 2:00
  • 10:00
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  • 13:00
  • 8:00
  • 6:00
  • 5:00
  • 5:00
  • 11:00
  • 17:00
  • 14:00
  • 14:00

About 300-435: Automating Cisco Enterprise Solutions (ENAUTO) Certification Video Training Course

300-435: Automating Cisco Enterprise Solutions (ENAUTO) certification video training course by prepaway along with practice test questions and answers, study guide and exam dumps provides the ultimate training package to help you pass.

Network Device Programmability

8. 34 Do the SSH via Netmiko

Let us build our SSH configuration with the help of net Miko, and let me go and log in here to the switch first. So now that we have the switch, let me go and switch numbers one and two. So what will happen is that first of all, we should login to the switch via SSH because if we do not log in, then obviously we can't send the script when we are talking about logging into the switch via SSH. So in that case, we need to go and do SSH-related configuration. So, first and foremost, it should go to line with you four, and we know that we have the loginlocal here, and your SSH should be there. But anyways, we are giving all, which means we are covering SSH telenet, which means all types of remote login. So that's the first step, and then we should go and define the domain name, say the IP domain name, for example, Cisco.com for the time being. And we should create the crypto key.

So cryptokey generates RSA modulus 100:24 because in the case of SSH, this crypto key that we are generating, this public key, should be authenticated or accepted from where we are going to do the SSH. Okay, so we've provided the IP domain name as well as the cryptographic key. Now, if I go here and do the same thing in the meantime, let me go and create the SSH template. So when we are doing SSH, you should have an IP domain name. For example, here I'm taking Cisco.com and then cryptokeygenerating RSA, and here you can see I can even copy this command and paste it here. And then we should have a line-VTY configuration that is already there. So here you can see the line for VT configuration, and then you should have a username configured as well.

So let's see when it comes back; they're copying and pasting. Now that we have all of these configurations, I want to try to determine whether or not this device is reachable from the automation tool. And we know the IP is, so let's go to automation in general; let me copy as well. Let's go here and try to SSH. We know your username is Cisco. This is the password; we are accepting the key, and the password is Cisco; now you can see we are in the switch. Okay, same thing; I will go and enable. I think we only need these two lines because the rest of the configuration is in switch number 2. So I'll go here to switch number two, and we can go to the comp key, generate that key, and then I'll come back here and do the SSH two, three, set this key, and the Cisco, and we're inside switch number two.

So the first thing that is done is that our SSH is enabled on these two switches. The next thing that we have to do is go and create the script. So for that, let's take help from the online document that we have. And again, you can see that before even creating the script, we should have Net Miko installed in our system, in our automation tool. So let's do that. I can do it after I receive the installation. This is up to date. Once you start with "update since," okay, it's updating. And then we'll do the install for Python 3. Anyway, we are using Python 3. Give this some time; it will update. And then I'll go and do the install for Python 3. And then finally, we'll go and do the install for Migo. So, first and foremost, we enabled SSH on the switch.

We have verified that yes, we are able to log into the switch from the automation tool. Then in the automation tool, we have done the updates, and then we are installing the net Miko. Because the next thing that we have to do is create the configuration, obviously. So let's go to the place where we have the configuration. So here you can see that this is the configuration that we can take help from, and we should edit it as well. So let's try to edit this template. Let me open one more file here.

So we have this plank file. What we want to do is use this. So we have Let Me Co Import and then the dictionary. Inside that, you can see that. Let me clean up this stuff. So we have the device type, then we have the host, the username, and the password. Now, inside this host, what I will do is use the IP. So in our case, we have the iPad address, and we should use this properly. All right. So here you can see that we have the device type, and then we have the IP. So I can go here, and instead of host, I can give the IP because we are going to SSH with respect to the IP address.

The IP address is 192. One, six, eight. Let me type here. One, two, two. This is the IP of the switch. Then the username and password say Francisco. What we can do now is store these usernames and passwords in the protected, encrypted file. And then we can call it at this moment because we are building this script. So we can go like this. All right. So let me go: import, connection, handle, and then we have the dictionary like this. Then let's go back and build more. So these are the first and second steps we should take. Then we have the Internet connection. We are going to make the connection, and then we are calling the Cisco; that's the dictionary.

So we'll go to the editor, and the next line should be this: Now we are connecting the device. Once we've established a connection to the device, we can net connect to and net connect fine from there. But, once connected, we want to run one of the commands to verify. So for example, show the IP interface briefly, and then we want to do the print as well. So we can go here and put this line, and then we want to print what was below that output. So we have the output here; the output is what comes through the IP interface. The output is then printed. Now this programme should run, and it should give the result. So, first and foremost, we'll go run this program. We'll go to our automation tool and type SSH firstPY; the method is obviously let me paste it here. So you can see that Cisco is calling this dictionary by its name.

Then we have showIP interface briefings like that. So let's save this and run Python three, and then SSH/PY line nine has a problem connecting to the internet. Okay? It should not be a problem here unless we make a mistake. So let's see. Let's check the script one more time. And here I can see that if you go up, okay, because we are closing the dictionary here, and if we go here, we should not use this particular comma that we have here, all right? So we have the device type, the IP address, the username, and the password, and what we're doing, which is using Net Connect, should be correct as well. So we have this network connection, and then we are doing the print. All right? So let's do it one more time, let me save this, let us print the output, and let's do it.

All right, it seems it is working, and let's wait for the output. And now you can see that our SSH programme is successful, how we have built it, and what corrections we have made. Although I put one extra comma there, so let's go back to the script, it should not raise any concern. So let's go back here and put one extra comma here, and then we can go and run this programme one more time just for our verification purpose. It is working. Execution is happening. And if I can go ahead and do "show users," if I can do "show" or "debugSSH," we don't have any option related to debugging SSH. So here you can see that there's no problem with that comment, but I should not give this space, and then it is running properly. So let's stop here, and in this section you can add more configuration items.

9. 35 Add more Commands via Netmiko

Now we have built our first SSH lab with the help of Netmico. Let's go and add more commands to that. So here we have the program, and we are going to add some more commands here; up to this point, it's okay; let's add a few more lines. So I want to add one loop back and provide an IP address. What we can do We can go now because our session is there. So we can navigate to configuration and execute commands. Once we are here, we can actually go and create. We can put the command, say, "enter face loop," say, for example, one. And then we can go and give the IP address, say, IP address ten one.And then again, we can go and keep the subnetmask. Okay? So, basically, we're going to the interface, looking backward, and assigning one IP address.

Now, with this particular config command, we should store any output, and that output is under "net connect send this config set" and then "config command," and then obviously we want to print it. We can go here and then print the output, all right? So you can see that we are adding that conflict the command that we are doing in the Cisco router's interface, then the IP address, and finally the output. So here we are storing the output with the help of OFNET Connect, and then we are printing the output. Next, we can go ahead and create a few more VLANs. For that, we already have the logic.

So, for N, or maybe you can give something like this for VLAN in the range say 40 to 50, because we haven't created a VLAN range from 40 to 50, or we can give a comma and say 40 to 50, and then we'll go define this VLAN. So what we want to do here is print from 40 to 50, and then we can go and give the string. Now again, the same thing we are going to do here is run config commands, and that's how this configuration looks like. So for that, we have the VLAN. We know that VLAN is followed by a space in the string beginning with 40, and this N should be replaced with VLAN, correct? You should not use N because this is the VLAN we want to create it. We'll go and refer to this particular place, okay, and then we can continue this. So we have the VLAN VLAN number, and then we can go and give the name, for example, "name my VLAN," and then we should go and give the number in terms of the VLAN.

So this is the programme that we have done with that, and then we should store the output and print the output, so for that we can use output equal to net connect and then do the same thing. Send configuration set. And then we have the configuration commands. That's it. Finally, we can go and do the print output. All right. So you can see here that we have a basic lab where we want to do the connection. We want to check the share and output. Then we want to create one of the loop back. And then we can go. And you can see it here because I haven't closed this yet. And then we have the spaces. As a result, it will encounter the space-related error. So we should run this programme like this. And you can see that the editor is clearly helping us. And that's why you have the lines here. Okay? So since we are done with the program, let's copy this. Let's execute this copy. First of all, I'll go here and start this. Go back to the automation engine. And this time I want to use nano. Say, for example, SSS 2 PY. We'll go input this here, and we'll verify as well. So we have the connection handler. Okay, the labels are correct.

We may have given some space in some places, but that's fine. We'll come back, and if any mistakes are there, we'll go and improve them. Okay? So, for example, here are the comments we are giving. Say print, and inside print, create the VLAN from 40 to 50, another output. So let's save this first, and then let's run this Python 3 and then SSH 2 PY. All right, so the programme is executing. Let's see if we have any syntax errors or something. And we don't have much. Now you can see that the loop back has been created. And here we have some issues related to print that are not defined. So you can see that 80% of the programme is successful. The first portion was correct. The second portion was also correct. When we define the print and why we know this thing, it throws an error. So let me quickly show you this:

That is the printer statement we have written. Here it is throwing an error because we should use the printer statement here. And here you have what happened—I haven't used the small keyword. So that's the reason it was throwing an error. But anyway, it's okay. Let's quickly save this and run it one more time. Let's see. So now you can see that we are adding some more lines, but still we're not using a loop. And some more conditions are inside this that we should use. So you can see that the will and 40, 41, 42 loop is working properly. Let's see if when it's terminated, we don't have an error that's going slowly. No problem. We can wait for the next 30 seconds. As you can see, this is now 47. And now we are in 48, 49, and the last one done. So our script is successful.

10. 36 SSH to Multiple Devices

Let us learn how we can SSH to multiple switches and run the command. So for that, what we can do is that we've already been running a script; let's reuse that. That's the power of scripting as well, that we can go and reuse the code as well. So what I will do here is suggest that we go here, and then we'll improve this particular script.

I'll go and add, for example, switch one, and likewise, I'll go and add one more switch's information here. Assume you switch to machine number two, whose IP address is dot three. So now I have to switch to the inventory or the dictionary. Likewise, we can go and add the list of N devices. In our example, we have two, but we are not restricted to only two only. Now these two devices should be coming, unless, for example, all switches lets me go and use this, say all switches, and then let me list out these switches.

So we have to switch; let me decrease the font size as well. So what we want to do is put switches one and two here in the store so I can put a comma in between them. Now that we have the configuration here, you can see that all switches, switch one and switch two, should be switched to number two. Then we can proceed to inspect the situation. So what condition do we have for the login because we have multiple devices now? So we should go and set the loop condition. For example, I don't want these commands at this point in time. So we'll go ahead and give the loop conditions, for example, for devices or maybe switches.

So I'll go, and you tell me what we want to do for switches in all switches, which is the net connect. So I should go and use the netconnect for the connection handle, and I should use Astigestic and then the switches. Okay. So now we have the programme format—we have the dictionary that we are storing here inside all switches, and then we have all switches that we are referring to with the switches for the connection. Now what we can do is verify that this VLAN condition is correct; this is already a valid programme we have. So now we want to create a VLAN from 90 to 80 to 90 with all these switches, and I can go and give 80 to 90 here; the rest, all the conditions are okay.

So we don't have any problems. Now we can save this. Before saving this, let's confirm that the correction of these spellings is okay. So this is the script and what it will do. First of all, it will write the VLAN, or it will create the VLAN 80 to 92, switch number one, and then it will go and create switch number two. So let's copy this configuration, this script, and then we'll go to the automation engine; it should be ready to go. We can go here, and then I'll come out. So I can come out of here. And then this time I will say "nano multipleswitch by," so I can go ahead and put that script. We can now check as well.

So these conditions are okay; this is okay; this is all okay. And then we have four. Then all network switches were connected. Now that the four loops are here, they should also come below the net. And then we have the printer statement. Let's take a look at this, and everything should be fine. So let's quickly save this and run it. Python three multiple SSH all switches is tossing four switches. So we'll go check that out. Where is that issue? Why are all of the switches malfunctioning here? Because when we have the four conditions, we should end this condition with this. And let's try to run one more time. Now we have an issue here in the section on VLAN.

So we can go through it one by one and improve it with no problem. So, now that we've printed the configuration, let's look at the problem. We have this VLAN from 80 to 90 and then a string VLAN. Let's look at what went wrong when we created a VLAN. Okay, so we'll go and see here what the issue is. We have this place; we have problems. As a result, VLAN 80 to 90 And then we have this VLAN that is showing a problem. All right. So, finally, watch this program. I have corrected the indentation. So, if you go ahead and check this, you'll discover that the programme is fine.

The indentations are now in the proper place, and everything else remains the same. So let's go back and run this program. Let's see. So now, this programme should log into switch number one first, configure it, and then go to switch number two and configure it. So that means that now we are giving the switches the option to the switches.That many switches means that the programme will log in to N switches one by one. In this case, we have only two and then create the VLAN. For example, 80 to 90 So you can see that the switch is visible in one of the switches up to VLAN 89. It's created. Now it should go to another switch, and then it should create the VLAN. Now we can see switch number two. And likewise, after that, the programme will be terminated. All right, so let's just stop here.

11. 37 Run Bulk Commands via SSH

Do we have any indentation errors? invalid syntax, so it's unable to call the switches. And because all switches are correct and then switches are here, you can see that I should add a colon here, so let's go back and fix that. So I'll go here, and you should go to all switches and the F. So I should go and here as well, where I have the F, and then to the switches where I have the FOR statement. So we should proceed with the colon. Let's save it and then run it. So now we are running the program, and you can see that it is quickly going and doing the configuration.

You can see I can go here and there, and you can see that configuration is happening in the switch. I can go and check through SSH, and then we can go and check Show Run right away. We are getting many errors as well. But you can see the script is working fine. And in the short output here, you can see the configurations in the bulk file; you can see what is going on in the switch; you can see the VLAN; and everything is working perfectly. So now what we can do is go and check the show interface description. As you can see, this configuration is taking place. I'll go to switch number two and verify that it also displays SSH, and then we can check this.

So there appears to be an issue, and there's a chance that when you run this program, you'll discover that the buffer issue is due to a combination of factors in this demo setup; you should have very good RAM and CPU where you're simulating this program. If not, then it can throw an error. But anyway, the programmer is correct; it is running and doing its work. All right, so here is what we can do. Let's double-check that. Do we have SSH configured or not? So, if I SSH with this device, to this device, and we know the IP is 1223 because we've already tested that SSH works here from the tool, So it is working okay. Sometimes you'll run into memory and buffering issues because, behind the scenes, you need a good CPU, RAM, and core to add more devices to the topology and run complex code. and I'll use it as well.

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